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Summerset is a distributed, replicated, protocol-generic key-value store supporting a wide range of state machine replication (SMR) protocols for research purposes. More protocols are actively being added.

List of currently implemented protocols...
Name Description
RepNothing Simplest protocol w/o any replication
SimplePush Pushing to peers w/o consistency guarantees
ChainRep Bare implementation of Chain Replication (paper)
MultiPaxos Classic MultiPaxos protocol (paper)
RSPaxos MultiPaxos w/ Reed-Solomon erasure code sharding (paper)
Raft Raft with explicit log and strong leadership (paper)
CRaft Raft w/ erasure code sharding and fallback support (paper)

Formal TLA+ specification of some protocols are provided in tla+/.

Why is Summerset different from other codebases...
  • Async Rust: Summerset is written in Rust and demonstrates canonical usage of async programming structures backed by the tokio framework;
  • Event-based: Summerset adopts a channel-oriented, event-based system architecture; each replication protocol is basically just a set of event handlers plus a tokio::select! loop;
  • Modularized: Common components of a distributed KV store, e.g. network transport and durable logger, are cleanly separated from each other and connected through channels.
  • Protocol-generic: With the above two points combined, Summerset is able to support a set of different replication protocols in one codebase, with common functionalities abstracted out.

These design choices make protocol implementation in Summerset straight-forward and understandable, without any sacrifice on performance. Comments / issues / PRs are always welcome!


Install the Rust toolchain if haven't. For *nix:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Build everything in debug or release (-r) mode:

cargo build [-r] --workspace [--features ...]

Run all unit tests:

cargo test --workspace

Generate & open documentation for the core library in browser:

cargo doc --open


Launch a Cluster

First, launch the cluster manager oracle (which only serves setup & testing purposes and does not participate in any of the protocol logic):

cargo run [-r] -p summerset_manager -- -h

Then, launch server replica executables:

cargo run [-r] -p summerset_server -- -h

The default logging level is set as >= info. To display debugging or even tracing logs, set the RUST_LOG environment variable to debug or trace, e.g.:

RUST_LOG=debug cargo run ...

Run Client Endpoints

To run a client endpoint executable:

cargo run [-r] -p summerset_client -- -h

Currently supported client utility modes include: repl for an interactive CLI, bench for performance benchmarking, and tester for correctness testing.

Helper Scripts

Some helper scripts for running Summerset processes are available. First, install dependencies:

pip3 install toml

You can find the scripts for running Summerset locally in scripts/:

python3 scripts/ -h
python3 scripts/ -h

And for running on a set of distributed machines (requiring correctly filled scripts/remote_hosts.toml file):

python3 scripts/ -h
python3 scripts/ -h


  • async event-loop foundation
  • implementation of Chain Replication
    • failure detection & recovery
    • TLA+ spec
  • implementation of MultiPaxos
    • TLA+ spec
  • implementation of RS-Paxos
  • implementation of Raft
    • TLA+ spec
  • implementation of CRaft
    • TLA+ spec
  • long-term planned improvements
    • use a sophisticated storage backend
    • efficient state-transfer snapshotting
    • more robust TCP msg infrastructure
    • membership discovery & view change
    • multi-versioning & stale reads
    • partitioned groups service structure
  • client-side utilities
    • interactive REPL
    • benchmarking client
    • unit tester
    • linearizability fuzzer
  • better README & documentation

Lore: Summerset Isles is the name of an elvish archipelagic province in the Elder Scrolls series.