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Playpen and examples for concourse CI resources.


  • concourse installation
  • team set up in concourse and target set up using fly.

Git Example: trigger a "changelog" update based off of git commits

git_pipeline_ex.yml is a "toy" changelog builder that triggers off of repo commits. A changelog entry is added to a different repo than the one being monitored. In this example, commits to master on this repo are added to this readme. One could imagine aggregating multiple repo's commits into a single repo's changelog.

The example illustrates a few concourse/git concepts

  • using pipeline assets from a git repo
  • a pipeline trigger off of repo commits (ci-assets - this repo in this example)
  • splitting scripts from tasks
  • linking output of one task to input of another
  • parameterizing pipleine variables
  • pushing commits to a different repo

Assets used

The basic pipeline flow

  • ci-assets repo commit triggers last-commit
  • last-commit pulls and formats the latest commit as output
  • update-readme takes the output of last-commit and makes a update in ci-changelog
  • pipeline does a put on the ci-changelog repo resource

Running it

  • update credentials_ex.yml appropriately
  • fly -t <your target> set-pipeline -p git -c ci/git_pipeline_ex.yml -l ci/credentials_ex.yml
  • unpause pipeline (UI or via fly)
  • commit to master of ci-assets, and you should see a build kick off that culminates in a entry in ci-changelog

To consider

  • this is just pattern code, not production ready
  • relatively tight coupling between pipeline/tasks/scripts (e.g. file names, etc): needs better parameterization
  • even though credentials are externalized, anyone with concourse pipeline access will see them. Consider using an external store, e.g. vault