- Prefer top and left margins, b/c Adam says so ->
- consider using pug mixins instead of pug partials, or perhaps both
- Consider adding a
npm run build
command to preprocess the markdown files, instead of processing them on every request, kinda like how a static site generator would do - Markdown support...
- JSDoc support...
- Tailwind support...
- might be worth considering UnoCSS
- Error handling...
- See the
function insrc/utils.js
which is the start of a solution for async error handling. - The boilerplate from express-generator (with pug) has some error handling included, so look there for inspiration.
- See the
- Testing...
- E2E testing should be first priority. Probably want to use Cypress, but there might be something more lightweight.
- Unit testing should be second priority. See if we can avoid Jest and use something more lightweight.
- Config management and separation of concerns...
- See how express-generator does it in the
- See how express-generator does it in the
- Dev server and hot reloading
- So far, the assumption is that frontend interactivity will be handled by HTMX (and possilby _hyperscript) and therefore no JS will be written. However, if this changes, we may need a separate JSConfig file for the frontend. Scripts might get added to the public folder, e.g.
. Regardless, we still want to completely avoid frontend build steps or bundling. - So far, the assumption is that all CSS will be written using Tailwind. However, we will likely need the ability for custom CSS. Should be straightforward though. e.g.
. - Tailwind is awesome, but it's kinda heavy since we're loading it from a CDN and we're not allowing ourselves to use the Tailwind CLI to purge unused styles because that would introduce a build step. Maybe, just maybe, consider using missing.css which is a classless CSS framework from the creators of htmx.
- We're currently using Pug as the view engine. However, it would be pretty slick to use JSX as the view engine instead, because...
- JSX is familiar, easy, and powerful
- Since we're writing HTML inside of JS, and not the other way around, we can add type safety to the view layer
- Popular Posts
- Newsletter
- About Page
- Contact
- Dark Mode Toggle
- Optional: Projects (These could probably just go on the About Page tbh. Probably wouldn’t need a Projects page unless I really had a bunch of projects and it warranted a dedicated page.)
- Keep it simple. Probably don’t need to duplicate the stuff in the header.
- Inspirational quote
- Newsletter CTA
Note: paginated true means ?page=2
- Right Now:
- about blurb
- recent articles
- link to "all posts" page
- In the future:
- popular articles
- projects
- Paginated: false
- URL:
All Posts
- Right Now:
- a list of all the posts
- ...sorted by publish date
- Paginated: true
- URL:
Popular Posts
We'll just utilize the tag system and the "popular" tag to create the Popular Posts page
Blog Post Page
- Right Now:
- Frontmatter
- Publish date
- Title
- don't derive the URL from the title, as it could change in the future
- should the publish date be part of the URL?
- Tags
- Cover Photo
- Summary
- Body content
- Written in markdown
- Styled nicely
- Supports headers and images and all the other standard markdown stuff
- Next / Previous links
- Frontmatter
- In the future:
- syntax highlighting for code snippets
- comments section
- Only on desktop view...
- Autolinked headers (subheaders not allowed)
- ToC if there are more than 5 headers
- popular articles
- recent articles
- projects
- Paginated: false
- URL:
About Page
- Right Now:
- A more detailed version of the blurb on the homepage
- Photo
- Social links
- Etc.
- Paginated: false
- URL:
- Right now:
- Describe what the newsletter is about
- Provide a list of all old newsletters (if they aren’t just repackaged blog posts)
- Newsletter CTA
- Paginated: false
- URL:
- Right now:
- Contact form
- Paginated: false
- URL:
Tags Page
- Right now:
- An alphabetical list of all the tags in use on the blog
- Each tag has a number for how many times it has been used
- Paginated: false
- URL:
Individual Tag Page
- Right now:
- The name of the tag
- A list of all of the posts using that tag
- Paginated: false
- URL:
Other Misc Pages
- feed.xml
- sitemap.xml
- 404
- robots
And, I could also add some fun stuff like below. It wouldn't have to be part of the main navigation, but it could be a fun easter egg. Even though it's mainly a blog, I could still have some fun with it. It's my website, after all.
- Save nice styling for last. Focus on functionality first.
- Dev server and live reloading
- Static homepage - 5 hrs
- Static post page - 5 hrs
- Markdown engine - 5 hrs
- Make it work (including pagination and next/prev links) - 2 hrs
- Popular posts (static, then make it work) - 2 hrs
- Newsletter (static, then make it work)
- Contact (static, then make it work)
- About
- Tags (static, then make it work)
- 404
- Analytics, Visitor count
- SEO, Sitemap, Robots.txt, Favicons
- Dark mode
- Comments (static, then make it work)