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Using Logistic Regression For Prediction

This specific folder contains 2 examples of using logistic regression for prediction . But understand that by just giving a different inputTrainingSet1.txt or inputTrainingSet2.txt file you can easily use logistic regression to predict something you want!

How to use this code:

1. install Octave or Matlab
  1. fork this repo and clone it locally!

  2. navigate into the folder with the above files

  3. type runExample in Octave or Matlab command line to see an example of how logistic regression is used to predict with a linear decision boundary.

  4. type runRegularizedExample in Octave or Matlab command line to see an example of how regularized logistic regression is used to predict with a circular decision boundary.

Logistic Regression Review

Logistic Regression is a popular algorithm used for Classifiction Problems
  • Binary Classification = output y is a discrete value of 0 (negative class) or 1 (positive class)

    • 0 <= Logistic Regression output(h_theta(x)) <= 1

    • h_theta(x) = g(theta^T * x) where g(z) = 1/(1 + e^(-z)) also known as the sigmoid function

    • Hypothesis Representation = h_theta(x) = 1/(1 + e^(-theta^T * x))

      • h_theta(x) = estimated probability that y = 1 on input x
      • h_theta(x) = P(y = 1 | x; theta)
      • P(y = 1 | x; theta) + P(y = 0 | x; theta) = 1
    • Decision Boundary = line that separtes where y = 1 and where y = 0 (in a graph of the data)

    • How to find Cost Function?

      • training set = {(x^(1), y^(1)), (x^(2), y^(2)), ... , (x^(m), y^(m))} of m training examples
      • x = [x_0; x_1; ... ; x_n] where x_0 = 1
      • h_theta(x) = 1/(1 + e^(-theta^T * x))
      • How to choose parameters theta???
    • Logistic regression cost function:

      • J(theta) = (1/m) Sum from i = 1 to m of costFunction(h_theta(x^(i)), y^(i))
      • costFunction(h_theta(x), y)) = { -log(h_theta(x)) if y = 1; -log(1 - h_theta(x)) if y = 0
      • Note: y always = 0 or 1
      • This means that costFunction(h_theta(x), y)) can be rewritten into:
        • costFunction(h_theta(x), y)) = -y * log(h_theta(x)) - (1 - y) * log(1 - h_theta(x))
      • J(theta) = (-1/m) Sum from i = 1 to m of [y^(i) * log(h_theta(x^(i))) + (1 - y^(i)) * log(1 - h_theta(x^(i)))]
        • this specific cost function is derived from statistics using the principle of maximum likelyness estimation
      • NOW we want to find when J(theta) is smallest. This will give us the parameters for theta we NEED!
        • we are going to minimize/find when J(theta) is smallest using gradient descent for one step as:
          • theta_j = theta_j - alpha * partialDerivativeOfJ(theta)WithRespectToThetaJ
          • After calculating the partial derivative you get: theta_j = theta_j - alpha * Sum from i = 1 to m of [[h_theta(x^(i)) - y^(i)] * x_j^(i)]
          • This above equation is NOT the same equation used in linear regression. What is changed is that h_theta(x) = 1/(1 + e^(-theta^T * x)) in logistic regression AND NOT h_theta(x) = theta^T * x as in linear regression.
    • So now we can implement code that can:

      • step 1) compute J(theta)
      • step 2) compute partialDerivativeOfJ(theta)WithRespectToThetaJ (for j = 0, 1, 2, ..., n)
      • step 3) then we can plug the result of step 2 into our gradient descent algorithm for logistic regression, conjugate gradient, BFGS, or L-BGFS
      • NOTE: the methods conjugate gradient, BFGS, and L-BGFS require no need to manually pick alpha and are often faster then gradient descent. However they are significantly more complex and require weeks to truly understand.
    • Example code session:

      • First navigate into this folder locally with the Octave/Matlab command line tool. Then type:
        octave-3.2.4.eve:21> PS1('>> ')
        >> options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', '100');
        >> initialTheta = zeros(2, 1)
        initialTheta = 
        >> [optTheta, functionVal, exitFlag] = fminunc(@costFunctionExample, initialTheta, options)
        optTheta = 
        functionVal = 1.57777e-030
        exitFlag = 1
    • Overview of generic costFunction implemented in Octave/Matlab:

      function [jValue, gradient] = costFunction(theta)
        jVal = [code to compute J(theta)];
        gradient(1) = [code to compute partialDerivativeOfJ(theta)WithRespectToTheta0]
        gradient(2) = [code to compute partialDerivativeOfJ(theta)WithRespectToTheta1]
        // ...
        gradient(n + 1) = [code to compute partialDerivativeOfJ(theta)WithRespectToThetaN]
  • Multi-class Classification = output y can take on multiple values

    • One-vs-all (one-vs-rest) = train a logistic regressioin classifier (h_theta(x))^(i) for each class i to predict the probability that y = i. On a new input x, to make a prediction, pick the class i that maximizes (h^(i)_theta(x))
      • (h^(i))_theta(x) = P(y = i | x; theta) where i = 1, 2, 3, ...
  • Problem of overfitting for logistic & linear regression has high varience

    • overfitting = if there are too many features, the learned hypothesis may fit the training set very well, but fail to generalize to new examples due to the hypothesis curves that are generated
    • Solving overfitting:
        1. reduce the # of features to only the important ones 2) model selection algorithm
        1. Regularization = keep all the features but reduce magnitude/values of parameters theta_j
        • have small values for parameters theta_0, theta_1, ... theta_n
        • this creates a "simpler" hypothesis and thus is less prone to overfitting
        • we shrink all theta parameters by adding an extra regularization term lambda * Sum of i = 1 to n of (theta_j)^2
        • this gives us the new cost function J(theta) = (1/2m) Sum from i = 1 to m of [h_theta(x^(i)), y^(i)]^2 + lambda * Sum of i = 1 to n of (theta_j)^2
        • lambda needs to be just right. If lambda is too large the cost function will be underfitted with a horizontal line, otherwise if lambda is too small the cost function will be overfitted.
        1. works well when there are a lot of features, each which contributes a little bit to predicting output y