The Clojure main library includes a test framework written by Stuart Sierra and the test framework is under the clojure.test
(ns seven-days-of-clojure.tests
(:use clojure.test))
Let's look at some examples.
(ns seven-days-of-clojure.tests
(:use clojure.test))
(is (= 5 (+ 2 2)))
;; FAIL in () (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
;; expected: (= 5 (+ 2 2))
;; actual: (not (= 5 4))
;; false
(is (= 7 (+ 3 4)))
;; true
takes an optional second argument, a string describing the assertion.
(is (= false (> 49 7)) "False arithmetic test.")
;; FAIL in () (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
;; False arithmetic test.
;; expected: (= false (> 49 7))
;; actual: (not (= false true))
;; false
In addition, you can document groups of assertions with the
(testing "Arithmetic"
(testing "with positive integers"
(is (= 4 (+ 2 2)))
(is (= 7 (+ 3 4))))
(testing "with negative integers"
(is (= -4 (+ -2 -2)))
(is (= -1 (+ 3 -4)))))
;; true
To set tests apart from the rest of your code, even in a different namespace, use the deftest
(deftest is-one-less-than-two
(is (= 1 1)))
(deftest is-42-equals-42
(is (= 42 42)))
(deftest is-number-different-from-string
(is (= (not (= "13" 18)))))
Note the namespace below with its functions.
(ns seven-days-of-clojure.some-functions)
;; number
(defn one
;; floating-point
(defn floating-point
;; String
(defn language
(str "Clojure"))
;; boolean
(defn is-bool
;; map
(defn author
{:id "id-01"
:name "author"
:email "[email protected]"})
;; keyword
(defn paradigm
Test by importing into a specific test namespace.
(ns seven-days-of-clojure.tests
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[seven-days-of-clojure.some-functions :refer :all]))
(deftest one-test
(testing "Should return 1."
(is (= 1 (seven-days-of-clojure.some-functions/one)))))
(deftest floating-point-test
(testing "Should return 7.7."
(is (= 7.7 (seven-days-of-clojure.some-functions/floating-point)))))
(deftest language-test
(testing "Should return Clojure."
(is (= "Clojure" (seven-days-of-clojure.some-functions/language)))))
(deftest is-bool-test
(testing "Should return true."
(is (= true (seven-days-of-clojure.some-functions/is-bool)))))
(deftest author-test
(testing "Shoud return an author {:id, :name, :email}."
(is (= {:id "id-01"
:name "author"
:email "[email protected]"} (seven-days-of-clojure.some-functions/author)))))
(deftest paradigm-test
(testing "Should return :fp."
(is (= :fp (seven-days-of-clojure.some-functions/paradigm)))))
Run the tests with the run-tests
function followed by their namespaces.
(run-tests 'seven-days-of-clojure.tests)
;; Testing seven-days-of-clojure.tests
;; Ran 9 tests containing 9 assertions.
;; 0 failures, 0 errors.
;; {:test 9, :pass 9, :fail 0, :error 0, :type :summary}
- Create a test that checks if an argument is greater than
. - Create a test that tests if the return of a function is a string with the value
"I love learn Clojure"
. - Create a namespace with many different functions and test them all by importing into a specific namespace for testing.
- Build your imagination
This project is licensed under the MIT License.