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747 lines (689 loc) · 22.5 KB
  • 背调

  1. 跟领导关系是否融洽

  2. 工作中有没有负面情绪

  3. 与团队关系怎么样

  4. 业务技能 (中上等 )

  5. 抗压能力

  6. 是否能按时完成工作任务

  • 文件中有40亿个QQ号码,设计算法对QQ号码去重,相同的QQ号码仅保留一个,内存限制1G

  1. hash map 自然去重,内存限制无法满足 (not ok)
  2. 排序 [解为多个文件然后用 合并排序或者桶排序],排序后可以方便的去重。(not ok)
  3. bitmap QQ号码为非负正整数且有最大值(类似桶排序),处理好后可直接作 去重 。
  4. 如果QQ号码均不相同 则可以作 top-K 排序使用。
  5. 可以借鉴MapReduce思想
  • 在2.5亿个整数中找出不重复的整数,注,内存不足以容纳这2.5亿个整数

  1. 采用2-Bitmap(每个数分配2bit,00表示不存在,01表示出现一次,10表示多次,11无意义)进行,共需内存$2^{32}\times2=1G$内存,还可以接受。然后扫描这2.5亿个整数,查看Bitmap中相对应位,如果是00变01,01变10,10保持不变。所描完事后,查看bitmap,把对应位是01的整数输出即可。
  2. 进行划分小文件的方法。然后在小文件中找出不重复的整数,并排序。然后再进行归并,注意去除重复的元素.
  • 负数 --》取模 取余 的区别

  1. 取模 商趋向于 负无穷
  2. 取余 商趋向于 正无穷
  • 计算递归算法时间复杂度的方法,是找到递归深度,然后乘以每次递归中迭代的次数

  • 无序数组中找到第$Kth$大(小)的值

  1. 排序后找到$Kth$值 Time: $O(Nlog_2N)$
  2. 遍历数据同时放入小顶堆 Time:$O(Nlog_2K)$
  3. [快速选择] 类似 [快速排序] 能以最快$O(2N-1)$,[最差$O(N^2)$有序数组]速度找打$Kth$值 (e.g. 215)
  • ###分布式服务器中较为准确的时间点
  • 死锁及检测死锁

  1. 在MySQL中,当两个或两个以上的事务相互持有或者请求锁,并形成一个循环的依赖关系,就会产生死锁
  2. 两个或两个以上任务同时拥有并请求彼此的资源,请求时形成一个循环依赖关系,会产生死锁
  1. MySQL 的死锁检测算法是深度优先搜索等待关系图,如果在搜索过程中发现了环,就说明发生了死锁. 为了避免死锁检测开销过大,如果搜索深度超过了 200(LOCK_MAX_DEPTH_IN_DEADLOCK_CHECK)也同样认为发生了死锁。[e.g. here]
  2. InnoDB 使用 MVCC 来解决事务的并发控制,而其中 Undo Log 是 MVCC 的重要组成部分
  1. 如何预防死锁
  1. 加锁顺序化。固定各个表的加锁顺序。
  2. 遇到可能的死锁不等待直接回滚事务。
  3. 事务开始前获取所有锁,或者等待执行。

回溯 Back Track

  1. 在选项集合中遍历选项
  2. 做出选择
  3. 递归操作
  4. 撤销选择
  5. 回溯算法就是多叉树的遍历问题,关键是在前序遍历后序遍历的位置做⼀些操作。某种程度上说,动态规划暴⼒求解阶段就是回溯算法。只是有的问题具有重叠⼦问题性质,可以⽤dp table或者备忘录优化,将递归树⼤幅剪枝,这就变成了动态规划。
  • array nums of distinct integers, return all the possible permutations.46 Time$O(NN!)$ Space$O(NN!)$
vector<vector<int>> permute(vector<int>& num) {
    vector<vector<int>> res;
    vector<int> out, visited(num.size(), 0);
    backtrack(num, 0, visited, out, res);
    return res;

void backtrack(vector<int>& num, int level, vector<int>& visited, vector<int>& out, vector<vector<int>>& res) {

    //level is recored current number of visited
    if (level == num.size()) {

    for (int i = 0; i < num.size(); ++i) {
        if (visited[i] == 1) //position of num array

        visited[i] = 1;
        out.push_back(num[i]); //make a choice

        backtrack(num, level + 1, visited, out, res);

        out.pop_back(); //cancel the choice
        visited[i] = 0;
    }//end for
  • array nums that might contain duplicates integers, return all the possible permutations.47 Time$O(NN!)$ Space$O(NN!)$
vector<vector<int>> permuteUnique(vector<int>& nums) {
      vector<vector<int>> res;
      vector<bool> visited(nums.size(),false);
      vector<int> out;
      return res;

  void bt(vector<int>& nums, vector<vector<int>>& res, vector<int>& out, vector<bool>& visi, size_t leve)
      if(leve == nums.size())

      for(size_t i=0; i<nums.size(); i++)
          if(visi[i]) continue;
          //The relative position of the same elements in the arrangement remain unchanged
          if(i>0 && nums[i]==nums[i-1] && visi[i-1] == false) continue;

          visi[i] = true;
          visi[i] = false;

  • integers n and k, return all possible combinations of k numbers out of the range [1,n].77
vector<vector<int>> combine(int n, int k) {
       vector<vector<int>> res;
       vector<int> out;
       backtrack(res,out,1,n,k);//start from 1, [1,....,n]
       return res;

   //Have n select options(n width of decision tree), 
   //k heigh of decision tree
   void backtrack(vector<vector<int>>&res ,vector<int>&out,int start, int n,int k)
       if(static_cast<int>(out.size()) == k)//bottom of decision tree
           return ;

       for(int i=start; i<=n; i++)
           out.push_back(i);//make a choice
   }//end backtrack;
  • array of distinct integers candidates and a integer target, return a list of all unique combinations of candidates where the chosen numbers sum to target. The same number may be chosen from candidates an unlimited number of times.39
vector<vector<int>> combinationSum(vector<int>& candidates, int target) {
     vector<vector<int>> res;
     vector<int> out;
     return res;

 void bt(vector<int>& candidates, vector<vector<int>>& res, vector<int>& out, int target, int sum, int st)
     if(sum == target)
     //Missing this condition will result in Time Limited Exceeded
     if(sum > target)

     for(int i=st; i<candidates.size(); i++)
         sum += candidates[i];
         //The same number may be chosen from candidates an unlimited number of times.
         bt(candidates,res,out,target,sum,/*i+1*/ i); //Caution Here.
         sum -= candidates[i];
  • array of duplicated integers candidates and a integer target, return a list of all unique combinations of candidates where the chosen numbers sum to target. Each number in candidates may only be used once in the combination.40
vector<vector<int>> combinationSum2(vector<int>& candidates, int target) {
     vector<vector<int>> res;
     vector<int> out;
     std::sort(candidates.begin(),candidates.end()); //Sort this array
     return res;

 void bt(vector<int>& candidates, vector<vector<int>>& res, vector<int>& out, int target, int sum, std::size_t start)
     if(sum == target)
         return ;

     //Missing this condition will result in Time Limit Exceeded
     if(sum > target)
         return ;

     for(std::size_t i=start; i<candidates.size(); i++)
         //Remove duplicate elements
         if(i>start && candidates[i] == candidates[i-1]) 

         sum += candidates[i];
         sum -= candidates[i];

  • array nums of distinct elements, return all possible subsets (the power set).78 Time $O(N2^N)$ Space$O(N2^N)$
vector<vector<int>> subsets(vector<int>& nums) {
     if(nums.size() <= 0) 
         return vector<vector<int>>();
     vector<vector<int>> res;
     vector<int> out;
     return res;
 } //end subsets
 void bt(vector<int>& nums,vector<vector<int>>& res,vector<int>& out,int start)
     //this maybe a NULL set
     res.push_back(out); //start from empty subset
     for(int i=start; i<nums.size(); i++)
  • array nums that may contain duplicates, return all possible subsets (the power set).90
vector<vector<int>> subsetsWithDup(vector<int>& nums)
        std::vector<vector<int>> res;
        std::vector<int> out;

        std::sort(nums.begin(),nums.end());//sort array

        return res;

    void bt(vector<int>& nums, vector<vector<int>>& res, vector<int>& out, size_t  start)
        res.push_back(out);//start from empty subset

        for(size_t i=start; i<nums.size(); i++)
            //Preorder Position
            if(i>start && nums[i]==nums[i-1])  continue;


            //Postorder Position
            //while (i+1 < nums.size() && nums[i] == nums[i+1]) i++;

  • N-Queens.51
/* check is Queen valid at board[row][col]*/
    bool isValid(vector<string>& board, int row, int col) {
        int n = board.size();
        // check is same column
        /* no need to check row, because a row default is empty '.' */
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (board[i][col] == 'Q')
                return false;

        // check upper right area
        for (int i = row - 1, j = col + 1; 
                i >= 0 && j < n; i--, j++) {
            if (board[i][j] == 'Q')
                return false;

        // check upper left area
        for (int i = row - 1, j = col - 1;
                i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j--) {
            if (board[i][j] == 'Q')
                return false;
        return true;
    }//end isValid

vector<vector<string>> solveNQueens(int n) {
        vector<vector<string>> res;
            initialize board. '.' means empty, 'Q' means a Queen
            board contain n rows and n columns
            one row default is all empty '.'
        vector<string> board(n,string(n,'.'));
        return res;

    void backtrack(vector<string>& board,int row,vector<vector<string>>& res)
        if(row == board.size())
            return ;

        size_t numofCells1row = board[row].size();
        for(size_t i=0;i<numofCells1row;i++)

            //make chance
            board[row].at(i) = 'Q';
            //enter next row
            //cancel the chance
            board[row].at(i) = '.';
    }//end backtrack

动态规划 Dynamic Programming

  • 动态规划比较适合求解最优问题,最大值最小值等问题。我们把问题分解为多个阶段,每个阶段对应一个决策。我们记录每一个阶段可达的状态集合(去掉重复的),然后通过当前阶段的状态集合,来推导下一个阶段的状态集合,动态地往前推进。


  • 普通二分查找
  • 查第一个二分查找
  • 查最后一个二分查找
  • search normal

int Binary_normal(int*num,int tar,int lef ,int rig) {
while(lef <= rig) { int mid = lef + (rig-lef)/2;//prevent overflow if(num[mid] > tar) rig = mid - 1; else if(num[mid] < tar) lef = mid + 1; else return mid; } return -1; }

  • search first
int Binary_first(int*num,int tar,int lef ,int rig)
 while(lef <= rig)
     int mid = lef + (rig-lef)/2;
     if(num[mid] > tar)
         rig = mid - 1;
     else if(num[mid] < tar)
         lef = mid + 1;
         //get the first when find equal elements
         if(mid==lef || num[mid-1]!=tar) return mid;
         rig = mid -1;
 return -1;

  • search last
int Binary_last(int*num,int tar,int lef ,int rig)
 while(lef <= rig)
     int mid = lef + (rig-lef)/2;
     if(num[mid] > tar)
         rig = mid - 1;
     else if(num[mid] < tar)
         lef = mid + 1;
         //get last when find equal elements
         if(mid==rig || num[mid+1]!=tar) return mid;
         lef = mid +1;
 return -1;

Binary Tree二叉树

  • Unique BST.Integer N, return the number of unique BST's which has exactly n nodes of unique values from 1 to N.96
int numTrees(int n) {
        vector<vector<int>> // value from 1 to n ,so we need n+1 vector size
            dp(n+1,vector<int>(n+1,0));//dynamic programming去重备忘录

        //it is arranged in order from 1 to n, which ensure a BST can be constructed
        return nums(1,n,dp);
int nums(int lft, int rgt,vector<vector<int>>& dp)
    if(lft > rgt) return 1;//1 for multiply

    if(dp[lft][rgt] != 0) return dp[lft][rgt];

    int res=0;
    for(int i=lft; i<=rgt; i++)
        //i as root for this psuedo-subtree
        int left = nums(lft,i-1,dp);
        int right = nums(i+1,rgt,dp);
        res += left * right;      //calculate them separately and add them
    dp[lft][rgt] = res; //like post traversal tree
    return res;
  • Unique BST II.Integer N, return all unique BST's, which has exactly n nodes of unique values from 1 to N. 95
vector<TreeNode*> generateTrees(int n) {
       return build(1,n);

vector<TreeNode*> build(int lft, int rgt)
    if(lft>rgt) return {NULL};//for NULL node

    vector<TreeNode*> res;

    for(int i=lft; i<=rgt; i++)
        vector<TreeNode*> left  = build(lft,i-1);
        vector<TreeNode*> right = build(i+1,rgt);

        for(auto l:left)
            for(auto r:right)
                TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(i);//i as root node of subtree
                root->left = l;
                root->right = r;
    return move(res);//like post order traversal
  • Maximum Binary Tree.Integer array nums with no duplicates. Return the maximum binary tree built from nums .654
TreeNode* constructMaximumBinaryTree(vector<int>& nums) {
        TreeNode * root = helper(nums,0,static_cast<int>(nums.size())-1);
        return root;

    TreeNode* helper(vector<int>& nums,int lft,int rgt)
        if(lft > rgt) return NULL;
        int maxv=nums[lft], idx=lft;
        for (int i=lft; i<=rgt; i++) //find maximum value from lft to rgt
            if(nums[i] > maxv)
                maxv = nums[i];
                idx = i;

        TreeNode * root = new TreeNode(maxv);
        root->left = helper(nums,lft,idx-1);
        root->right = helper(nums,idx+1,rgt);

        return root;
  • Determine a binary tree is a valid binary search tree (BST).98

    	Subtree with node root as its root.
    	min--> Subtree of node root's minimum value node
    	max--> Subtree of node root's maximum value node
    bool preorder_traver(struct TreeNode* root,struct TreeNode* min,struct TreeNode* max)
        if(root==NULL) return true;
        if(min && root->val <= min->val) return false;
        if(max && root->val >= max->val) return false;
    		root as Left(root->left) subtree's maximum value node
    		root as Right(root->right) subtree's minimum value node
        return preorder_traver(root->left,min,root) && 
    bool isValidBST(struct TreeNode* root){
        return preorder_traver(root,NULL,NULL);
  • Given a binary tree root, return the maximum sum of all keys of any sub-tree which is also a Binary Search Tree (BST).1373
#define maxl(a,b)\
({ __typeof__ (a) a_ = (a);\
    __typeof__ (b) b_ = (b);\
    a_ > b_ ? a_ : b_;})

struct context
    bool isBST;
    int min; //minimum node of this tree(means this tree's minimum node)
    int max; //maximum node of this tree(means this tree's maximum node)
    int sum; //this tree's(if is a BST) sum of nodes

struct context dfs(struct TreeNode* root,int *maxsum)
    ////make sure a leaf is BST
    //this is a NULL pseudo-node,make sure its parent node(a leaf node) process condition
    // --> root->val > left.max && root->val < right.min
    if(root == NULL)
        struct context temp = {true,40001,-40001,0};
        return temp;

    struct context left = dfs(root->left,maxsum);
    struct context right = dfs(root->right,maxsum);

    if(left.isBST==false || right.isBST==false ||
        root->val <= left.max || root->val >= right.min)
        /*root->val > left.max and root->val < right.min is BST*/
        struct context temp = {false,0,0,0};
        return temp;

    struct context temp;
    temp.isBST = true;
    temp.min = (root->left ? left.min : root->val);   //if has left subtree, set left subtre's min as total tree's minimum val
    temp.max = (root->right ? right.max : root->val); //if has right subtree, set right subtree's max as total tree's maximum val
    temp.sum = root->val + left.sum + right.sum;
    *maxsum = maxl(*maxsum,temp.sum);

    return temp;
int maxSumBST(struct TreeNode* root){
    // Must initial a values or will get a wrong value
    // Example 3,All values are negatives. Return an empty BST.
    int maxSUm = 0;
    return maxSUm;


  • Quick Sorts
//algorithm will cost 2 powers of N, when vector is increase or decrease
template <typename T>
void quick_sort1(T *a, int lft, int rgt)
	if (lft >= rgt) return ;//caution this condition very import

	int i=lft ,j=rgt+1, pivot=a[lft];
		while(a[++i] < pivot) //skip the firt i(lft), because pivot is a[lft]
			if(i >= rgt)
		while (a[--j] > pivot)
			if(i <= lft)
		if(i < j)
	}//end while
	//swap pivot
	quicks_swap(a+j,a+lft);// Use j to swap pivot

	quick_sort1(a, lft, j-1);
	quick_sort1(a, j+1, rgt);

//algorithm will cost 2 powers of N, when vector is increase or decrease
template <typename T>
void quick_sort2(T *a, int lft, int rgt)
	if (lft >= rgt) return ; //caution this condition very import

	int i=lft-1 ,j=rgt, pivot=a[rgt];
		while(a[++i] < pivot)
			if(i >= rgt)
		while (a[--j] > pivot) //skip the last j(rgt), because j is pivot
			if(i <= lft)
		if(i < j)
	}//end while
	//swap pivot
	quicks_swap(a+i,a+rgt); //Use i to swap pivot

	quick_sort2(a, lft, i-1);
	quick_sort2(a, i+1, rgt);
  • Merge Sort
template<class Iter>
void mergeSort(Iter bgin, Iter end) //exclude iterator end. [bgin, end)
        if( end - bgin <= 1 ) return ;
        Iter mid = bgin + (end-bgin)/2;
        mergeSort(bgin,mid); //[bgin,mid)
        mergeSort(mid,end);  //[mid,end)
    /*Merges two consecutive sorted ranges: [first,middle) and [middle,last)
      putting the result into the combined sorted range [first,last).*/


Leetcode Block


  • 138 Copy List with Random Pointer. 1、原链表节点追加新节点。--》 新节点random为原节点random的下一节点。 2、使用map存储 原节点为key ,新节点为value。

  • 86 Partition List 1、按照x值将原链表分为两个子链表。--》将两个子链表合并为最终结果链表

  • 148 Sort List


binary tree

cyclic sort

  • problems for 41,268,442,448,645

  • 41 First Missing Positive

    1、整数数组$nums$中将 元素下标$i$ 与 值$nums[i]$ 建立索引关系。($nums[i]-1 == i$ )


    3、否则 则将当前下标$i$处元素 与 下标$nums[i]-1$处元素交换值。直到符合上述索引关系后 再移动索引至下一位置。

    int firstMissingPositive(int* nums, int numsSize){
        for(int i=0; i<numsSize;)
            if(nums[i]>0 && nums[i]-1 != i 
            && nums[i]-1 < numsSize /*prevent array overflow*/
            && nums[i] != nums[nums[i]-1]/*remove duplicate element, prevent infinite loop*/){
    	//check the result   
        for(int i=0; i<numsSize;i++){
            if(nums[i]!= i+1 /*[-2147483648] over flow*/)
                return i+1;
        return numsSize+1;