- Make sure you have the user 'root' and same password set for both HTTPS and RTSP.
- Download the custom_vendors.xml configuration file.
- Open tinyCam and go to settings -> Developer Settings -> Custom brand XML file -> Choose custom_vendors.xml
- Restart tinyCam
- Run tinyCam and select Brand -> XiaomiHacks and Model -> Dafang
Note: A Custom_vendors.xml 'file not found' error can happen due to tinyCam not taking the correct path from file manager. Make sure it is not prefixed with document etc.
Web port number: 443
Protocol: RTSP over TCP (MPEG/H264/H265)
RTSP port number: 8554
Use HTTPS: ticked
RTSPH264OPTS="-W1280 -H720 -U root:your_password"