Every serverless command starts with serverless
or shorter sls
Serverless python hello world (source: https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/examples/hello-world/python/):
The basic deploy command: sls deploy
It produces the following output for our stack (of course API Gateway endpoints are different for everybody)
It's possible to limit commands to a single lambda function e.g. when we want to redeploy just a single function or check it's logs.
sls deploy -f {function_name}
sls logs -f {function_name}
In order to get the information about our service we can use sls info
When we want to clean up and remove the service from AWS we can run sls remove
This should remove all the resources created in the AWS, leaving only the ones having DeletionPolicy: Retain
In our case S3 buckets.