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This branch is 9 commits behind dotnet/iot:main.



Motor HAT is an add-on board for Raspberry Pi.

It consists of a pca9685 PWM driver and two motor controller chips, that together support up to 4 DC motors, or 2 Stepper motors. It also provides 4 extra PWM Outputs, that can be used for anything that requires PWM, (controlling a LED, a ServoMotor, etc)



DC Motors

The following example show how to create a DCMotor.

using (var motorHat = new MotorHat())
    var motor = motorHat.CreateDCMotor(1); // MotorNumber can be 1, 2, 3 or 4, following the labbelling in the board: M1, M2, M3 or M4

    motor.Speed = 1 // Speed goes from -1 to 1, where -1 is max backward speed, 1 is max forward speed and 0 means stopping the motor


The following example show how to create a ServoMotor.

using (var motorHat = new MotorHat())
    var servoMotor = motorHat.CreateServoMotor(0); // channelNumber can be 0, 1, 14 or 15, depending on wich of those xtra channels you connected your servo


Check the ServoMotor documentation for examples on how to use the ServoMotor class


  • Up to 4 DC Motors
  • And Up to 4 PWM Xtra channels OR up to 4 ServoMotors