restaurant review site
The site is temporarily down Google Maps Api expired
The Site uses React and Google map apis Places, geocoding and Navigator geolocation The project is structured into components:
This component holds the google map container and also responsible for the markers and info window
A user can drag the blue marker(The current location) to see the restaurant in a different area.
Info Window only shows if you clicks on a marker
These are cards on the right which has the restaurant details(name, ratings, reviews and their corresponding authors)
The card component takes data from two sources; google map API reviews and custom review that comes from a user adding a restaurant on the map.
Has the filter tool where you can display restaurants according to the number of average rating stars and later reset to default restaurant list.
The site has two forms:
You can add reviews for all the restaurants displayed on the right by clicking on the add review button.
On map click a form pops up and you can add a new restaurant on the map.
The newly added restaurant will have a marker and a card on the right which which will allow you to add reviews