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File metadata and controls

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Deimos supports a succinct, readable syntax which uses pure Ruby to allow flexible configuration.

You can access any configuration value via a simple Deimos.config.whatever.

Nested configuration is denoted in simple dot notation: kafka.ssl.enabled. Headings below will follow the nested configurations.

Base Configuration

Config name Default Description
logger The logger that Deimos will use.
phobos_logger Deimos.config.logger The logger passed to Phobos.
metrics The metrics backend use for reporting.
tracer The tracer backend used for debugging.

Defining Producers

You can define a new producer thusly:

Deimos.configure do
  producer do
    class_name 'MyProducer'
    topic 'MyTopic'
    schema 'MyTopicSchema'
    namespace 'my.namespace'
    key_config field: :id

  # If config.schema.path is app/schemas, assumes there is a file in
  # app/schemas/my/namespace/MyTopicSchema.avsc

You can have as many producer blocks as you like to define more producers.

Config name Default Description
class_name nil Class name of the producer class (subclass of Deimos::Producer.)
topic nil Topic to produce to.
schema nil Name of the schema to use to encode data before producing.
namespace nil Namespace of the schema to use when finding it locally.
key_config nil Configuration hash for message keys. See Kafka Message Keys
use_schema_classes nil Set to true or false to enable or disable using the producers schema classes. See Generated Schema Classes

Defining Consumers

Consumers are defined almost identically to producers:

Deimos.configure do
  consumer do
    class_name 'MyConsumer'
    topic 'MyTopic'
    schema 'MyTopicSchema'
    namespace 'my.namespace'
    key_config field: :id

    # Setting to :inline_batch will invoke consume_batch instead of consume
    # for each batch of messages.
    delivery :batch

  # If config.schema.path is app/schemas, assumes there is a file in
  # app/schemas/my/namespace/MyTopicSchema.avsc

In addition to the producer configs, you can define a number of overrides to the basic consumer configuration for each consumer. This is analogous to the listener config in phobos.yml.

Config name Default Description
class_name nil Class name of the consumer class (subclass of Deimos::Consumer.)
topic nil Topic to produce to.
schema nil This is optional but strongly recommended for testing purposes; this will validate against a local schema file used as the reader schema, as well as being able to write tests against this schema. This is recommended since it ensures you are always getting the values you expect.
namespace nil Namespace of the schema to use when finding it locally.
key_config nil Configuration hash for message keys. See Kafka Message Keys
disabled false Set to true to skip starting an actual listener for this consumer on startup.
group_id nil ID of the consumer group.
use_schema_classes nil Set to true or false to enable or disable using the consumers schema classes. See Generated Schema Classes
max_concurrency 1 Number of threads created for this listener. Each thread will behave as an independent consumer. They don't share any state.
start_from_beginning true Once the consumer group has checkpointed its progress in the topic's partitions, the consumers will always start from the checkpointed offsets, regardless of config. As such, this setting only applies when the consumer initially starts consuming from a topic
max_bytes_per_partition 512.kilobytes Maximum amount of data fetched from a single partition at a time.
min_bytes 1 Minimum number of bytes to read before returning messages from the server; if max_wait_time is reached, this is ignored.
max_wait_time 5 Maximum duration of time to wait before returning messages from the server, in seconds.
force_encoding nil Apply this encoding to the message payload. If blank it uses the original encoding. This property accepts values defined by the ruby Encoding class ( Ex: UTF_8, ASCII_8BIT, etc.
delivery :batch The delivery mode for the consumer. Possible values: :message, :batch, :inline_batch. See Phobos documentation for more details.
session_timeout 300 Number of seconds after which, if a client hasn't contacted the Kafka cluster, it will be kicked out of the group.
offset_commit_interval 10 Interval between offset commits, in seconds.
offset_commit_threshold 0 Number of messages that can be processed before their offsets are committed. If zero, offset commits are not triggered by message processing
offset_retention_time nil The time period that committed offsets will be retained, in seconds. Defaults to the broker setting.
heartbeat_interval 10 Interval between heartbeats; must be less than the session window.
backoff (1000..60_000) Range representing the minimum and maximum number of milliseconds to back off after a consumer error.

Defining Database Pollers

These are used when polling the database via rake deimos:db_poller. You can create a number of pollers, one per topic.

Deimos.configure do
  db_poller do
    producer_class 'MyProducer'
    run_every 2.minutes
Config name Default Description
producer_class nil ActiveRecordProducer class to use for sending messages.
mode :time_based Whether to use time-based polling or state-based polling.
run_every 60 Amount of time in seconds to wait between runs.
timestamp_column :updated_at Name of the column to query. Remember to add an index to this column!
delay_time 2 Amount of time in seconds to wait before picking up records, to allow for transactions to finish.
retries 1 The number of times to retry for a non-Kafka error.
full_table false If set to true, do a full table dump to Kafka each run. Good for very small tables. Time-based only.
start_from_beginning true If false, start from the current time instead of the beginning of time if this is the first time running the poller. Time-based only.
state_column nil If set, this represents the DB column to use to update publishing status. State-based only.
publish_timestamp_column nil If set, this represents the DB column to use to update when publishing is done. State-based only.
published_state nil If set, the poller will update the state_column to this value when publishing succeeds. State-based only.
failed_state nil If set, the poller will update the state_column to this value when publishing fails. State-based only.

Kafka Configuration

Config name Default Description
kafka.logger Deimos.config.logger Logger passed to RubyKafka.
kafka.seed_brokers ['localhost:9092'] URL for the Kafka brokers.
kafka.client_id phobos Identifier for this application.
kafka.connect_timeout 15 The socket timeout for connecting to the broker, in seconds.
kafka.socket_timeout 15 The socket timeout for reading and writing to the broker, in seconds.
kafka.ssl.enabled false Whether SSL is enabled on the brokers.
kafka.ssl.ca_certs_from_system false Use CA certs from system.
kafka.ssl.ca_cert nil A PEM encoded CA cert, a file path to the cert, or an Array of certs to use with an SSL connection.
kafka.ssl.client_cert nil A PEM encoded client cert to use with an SSL connection, or a file path to the cert.
kafka.ssl.client_cert_key nil A PEM encoded client cert key to use with an SSL connection.
kafka.sasl.enabled false Whether SASL is enabled on the brokers.
kafka.sasl.gssapi_principal nil A KRB5 principal.
kafka.sasl.gssapi_keytab nil A KRB5 keytab filepath.
kafka.sasl.plain_authzid nil Plain authorization ID.
kafka.sasl.plain_username nil Plain username.
kafka.sasl.plain_password nil Plain password.
kafka.sasl.scram_username nil SCRAM username.
kafka.sasl.scram_password nil SCRAM password.
kafka.sasl.scram_mechanism nil Scram mechanism, either "sha256" or "sha512".
kafka.sasl.enforce_ssl nil Whether to enforce SSL with SASL.
kafka.sasl.oauth_token_provider nil OAuthBearer Token Provider instance that implements method token. See {Sasl::OAuth#initialize}.

Consumer Configuration

These are top-level configuration settings, but they can be overridden by individual consumers.

Config name Default Description
consumers.session_timeout 300 Number of seconds after which, if a client hasn't contacted the Kafka cluster, it will be kicked out of the group.
consumers.offset_commit_interval 10 Interval between offset commits, in seconds.
consumers.offset_commit_threshold 0 Number of messages that can be processed before their offsets are committed. If zero, offset commits are not triggered by message processing
consumers.heartbeat_interval 10 Interval between heartbeats; must be less than the session window.
consumers.backoff (1000..60_000) Range representing the minimum and maximum number of milliseconds to back off after a consumer error.
consumers.reraise_errors false Default behavior is to swallow uncaught exceptions and log to the metrics provider. Set this to true to instead raise all errors. Note that raising an error will ensure that the message cannot be processed - if there is a bad message which will always raise that error, your consumer will not be able to proceed past it and will be stuck forever until you fix your code. See also the fatal_error configuration. This is automatically set to true when using the TestHelpers module in RSpec.
consumers.report_lag false Whether to send the consumer_lag metric. This requires an extra thread per consumer.
consumers.fatal_error proc { false } Block taking an exception, payload and metadata and returning true if this should be considered a fatal error and false otherwise. E.g. you can use this to always fail if the database is available. Not needed if reraise_errors is set to true.

Producer Configuration

Config name Default Description
producers.ack_timeout 5 Number of seconds a broker can wait for replicas to acknowledge a write before responding with a timeout.
producers.required_acks 1 Number of replicas that must acknowledge a write, or :all if all in-sync replicas must acknowledge.
producers.max_retries 2 Number of retries that should be attempted before giving up sending messages to the cluster. Does not include the original attempt.
producers.retry_backoff 1 Number of seconds to wait between retries.
producers.max_buffer_size 10_000 Number of messages allowed in the buffer before new writes will raise BufferOverflow exceptions.
producers.max_buffer_bytesize 10_000_000 Maximum size of the buffer in bytes. Attempting to produce messages when the buffer reaches this size will result in BufferOverflow being raised.
producers.compression_codec nil Name of the compression codec to use, or nil if no compression should be performed. Valid codecs: :snappy and :gzip
producers.compression_threshold 1 Number of messages that needs to be in a message set before it should be compressed. Note that message sets are per-partition rather than per-topic or per-producer.
producers.max_queue_size 10_000 Maximum number of messages allowed in the queue. Only used for async_producer.
producers.delivery_threshold 0 If greater than zero, the number of buffered messages that will automatically trigger a delivery. Only used for async_producer.
producers.delivery_interval 0 if greater than zero, the number of seconds between automatic message deliveries. Only used for async_producer.
producers.persistent_connections false Set this to true to keep the producer connection between publish calls. This can speed up subsequent messages by around 30%, but it does mean that you need to manually call sync_producer_shutdown before exiting, similar to async_producer_shutdown.
producers.schema_namespace nil Default namespace for all producers. Can remain nil. Individual producers can override.
producers.topic_prefix nil Add a prefix to all topic names. This can be useful if you're using the same Kafka broker for different environments that are producing the same topics.
producers.disabled false Disable all actual message producing. Generally more useful to use the disable_producers method instead.
producers.backend :kafka_async Currently can be set to :db, :kafka, or :kafka_async. If using Kafka directly, a good pattern is to set to async in your user-facing app, and sync in your consumers or delayed workers.

Schema Configuration

Config name Default Description
schema.backend :mock Backend representing the schema encoder/decoder. You can see a full list here.
schema.registry_url http://localhost:8081 URL of the Confluent schema registry.
schema.user nil Basic auth user.
schema.password nil Basic auth password.
schema.path nil Local path to find your schemas.
schema.use_schema_classes false Set this to true to use generated schema classes in your application.
schema.generated_class_path app/lib/schema_classes Local path to generated schema classes.
schema.nest_child_schemas false Set to true to nest subschemas within the generated class for the parent schema.
schema.generate_namespace_folders false Set to true to generate folders for schemas matching the last part of the namespace.

Database Producer Configuration

Config name Default Description
db_producer.logger Deimos.config.logger Logger to use inside the DB producer.
db_producer.log_topics [] List of topics to print full messages for, or :all to print all topics. This can introduce slowdown since it needs to decode each message using the schema registry.
db_producer.compact_topics [] List of topics to compact before sending, i.e. only send the last message with any given key in a batch. This is an optimization which mirrors what Kafka itself will do with compaction turned on but only within a single batch. You can also specify :all to compact all topics.

Configuration Syntax


Deimos.configure do
  # Nested config field
  kafka.seed_brokers ['']

  # Multiple nested config fields via block
  consumers do
    session_timeout 30
    offset_commit_interval 10

  # Define a new producer
  producer do
    class_name 'MyProducer'
    topic 'MyTopic'
    schema 'MyTopicSchema'
    key_config field: :id

  # Define another new producer
  producer do
    class_name 'AnotherProducer'
    topic 'AnotherTopic'
    schema 'AnotherSchema'
    key_config plain: true

  # Define a consumer
  consumer do
    class_name 'MyConsumer'
    topic 'TopicToConsume'
    schema 'ConsumerSchema'
    key_config plain: true
    # include Phobos / RubyKafka configs
    start_from_beginning true
    heartbeat_interval 10 


Note that all blocks are evaluated in the context of the configuration object. If you're calling this inside another class or method, you'll need to save things you need to reference into local variables before calling configure.