- Fixed user and channel permissions issue
- Update Dependencies
- Fixed role deselection on edit client modal
- Build CentOS RPM package via docker
- Remove width limit on multi-select that caused truncated inputs
- Fixed tool-tips with HTML elements that weren't being rendered on hover
- Update webpack to hot reload when changes are made to the scripts
- Fix graph missing labels by disabling additional minification
- Fix show reruns button in transactions
- Fix the redirect to rerun transactions from the popover
- Fix broken Channel test
- Update tests for dependency upgrades
- Remove console logs
- Fix channel success message wording
- Update dependency minor versions and patches for security updates
- Upgrade dependency major versions where possible
- Separate out basicInfo, routes, dataControl, alerts, requestMatching and userAccess controllers from the channelsModal controller into their own files
- Add icon to transaction log to indicate that a transaction is a rerun
- Travis CI runs console against Node Carbon, Dubnium and latest with code coverage
- Travis CI build status is posted to Jembi slack channel