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337 lines (239 loc) · 10.7 KB

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337 lines (239 loc) · 10.7 KB


Version 1.4.4

  • Fix jmessenger: add authentication requirements

Version 1.4.3

  • fix typo in some locales
  • improve password_reset locales when login-email authentification is enabled
  • Fix status error code for jcommunity:user:create command

Version 1.4.2

  • Fix some potentials regression into the reset password feature

Version 1.4.1

  • Fix upgrader: regenerate the encryption key if its value is bad.

Version 1.4.0

  • new: possibility to notify by mail when a user make changes into his account. Three new configuration parameters: notifyAccountChange, notificationReceiverEmail, notificationReceiverName.
  • Use new features from Jelix 1.8.3 when the module is installed with Jelix 1.8.3+
    • Dao: add the getByLoginOrEmail method and to be able to activate the authentication with the email or the login
    • Use the new password strength checker in forms asking a new password
  • Increase the length of the login field, so we can use emails as login
  • Increase the minimum length of password to 12 characters
  • Fix: no limit of characters when the user gives a password during login
  • Fix: jcommunity_registration_after_save event should be emitted after the creation of the account
  • Fix: set the page title on some pages (set a page_title template variable on the response)

Version 1.3.20

  • Support of the Reply-To header when sending email. The value of this header should be the email of the current user, when he create user or reset the password of a user.
  • Fix the upgrader, to create the persistant_crypt_key if it does not exist
  • Fix the validity time of link into mail for password recovering

Version 1.3.19

Fix upgrader for Jelix 1.6

Version 1.3.18

Fix persistant key name into Jelix 1.7+

Version 1.3.17

Fix bad returned code into commands.

Version 1.3.16

Compatibility with Jelix 1.8

Version 1.3.15

  • Display the reason why the password cannot be changed (when using Jelix 1.6.37+)
  • Fix exception messages into login/logout actions

Version 1.3.14

  • Account creation form: add the status field to choice between NEW (an email will be send to the user) and VALID (no mail will be sent). Choosing VALID can be usefull when the user authenticate himself with other mecanisme than with the password.
  • Fix access to administration features like password reset and registration password resending. Controllers should check if jAuth authorize the user to change his password.

Version 1.3.13

  • Add hook on login form for other auth module. These hooks allow to other modules to add content into the login form. See login.tpl
  • Fix error display when mailer sent at registration_admin_resend
  • Fix links in email for registration, sent by an admin
  • Locales for many languages are now available at

Version 1.3.12

  • Fix links in mails for registration or password reset
  • New command line script for administrator to delete an account:
# for Jelix 1.6

php scripts/cmdline.php jcommunity~user:delete <login>

# for Jelix 1.7

php console.php jcommunity:user:delete <login>

Version 1.3.11

  • Fix registration: new login should be trimmed before saving it into the database

Version 1.3.10

  • adds a configuration parameter noRedirectionOnAuthenticatedLoginPage in the jcommunity section, to disable the new behavior of the login page introduced in 1.3.8. Set noRedirectionOnAuthenticatedLoginPage=on to disable it.

Version 1.3.9

  • fix a bad method name into the command to create a user

Version 1.3.8

  • fix authentification: when going to the login form as an authenticated user, the user should be redirected directly to a page when possible, instead of displaying a message.

Version 1.3.7

Fix the installer: the json file containing default users can be empty.

New command line scripts for administrator:

  • to send a mail to a user with a password reset link
  • to change the password of a user
  • to create a user.
# for Jelix 1.6

php scripts/cmdline.php jcommunity~user:changePassword [--force] <login> [<password>]
php scripts/cmdline.php jcommunity~user:resetPassword <login>
php scripts/cmdline.php jcommunity~user:create [--reset] [--admin] [--no-error-if-exist] <login> <email> [<password>]

# for Jelix 1.7

php console.php jcommunity:password:change [--force] <login> [<password>]
php console.php jcommunity:password:reset <login>
php console.php jcommunity:user:create [--reset] [--admin] [--no-error-if-exist] <login> <email> [<password>]

Version 1.3.6

  • Fix: Check the url to return to, to redirect only to the web site.
  • Fix: Profiles page should not be able to be viewed if no rights. List of users could be guessed by brut force on the url of profile index.php/users/<login>
  • Fix installer: if nothing can be migrated, default user should be installed

Version 1.3.5

  • Fix SQL errors during installation, especially with Postgresql
  • Fix bad config variable name: resetPasswordAdminEnabled must be resetAdminPasswordEnabled
  • Fix configuration reading
  • Fix display of reset password links in user profile. Buttons to reset passwords should not be shown if password change is not possible.

Version 1.3.4

  • Fix upgraders, when some entrypoints have no auth plugin
  • Fix error into password reset controller when no form submitted
  • Show an error page when the mail sending to reset password has failed
  • Show mail error during registration
  • Fix: show domain+base path in mail

Version 1.3.3

  • Fix compatibility with jauth drivers similar to the db driver

Version 1.3.2

  • Fix issue during login:out when enable_after_logout_override is off
  • Fix path to modules in composer.json, for Jelix Composer plugin

Version 1.3.1

  • Fix installer when a table prefix is used
  • Fix installer when the dao for users is overloaded

Version 1.3.0

  • New features to reset password from the jauthdb_admin module
    • New resetAdminPasswordEnabled configuration parameter. It allows to activate the possibility for an admin user to launch a process of a password reset of a user, instead of changing directly the password.
    • new page for a user to set a new password after the administration has resetted his password.
    • new page for the administrator to reset a password of a user
  • new page to resend validation email (by the administrator)
  • TTL of the validation is configurable. Registration key is now valid only two days by default.
  • Fix security issue about the registration key and password retrieval key. There were always the same key for a user.


  • configurator for Jelix 1.7: interactive configuration of parameters defaultuser & defaultusers
  • mails contents are moved to locales properties
  • new urls_registration.xml file to declare registration admin page separately from other pages
  • Replace Vagrant by Docker for the test app
  • the login field is no more the primary key, as it causes some issue with some database. The id is now the primary key.
  • Fix installer with default user json file

Version 1.2.2

  • Use jAuth::canChangePassword() of Jelix 1.6.21
  • compatibility with the upcoming Jelix 1.7.0. Update install scripts for Jelix 1.6.19 and 1.7-beta.4

Version 1.2.1

  • add locales for PT
  • fix regression in the installer
  • support of liveconfig.ini.php of Jelix 1.6.18+ to store the encryption key
  • Fix localized templates: add default templates

Version 1.2.0

  • New process to request a password. There is not anymore a form in which the user has to indicate a key and a login. The email contain a link having the login and the key.

  • New process for registration. It follows "modern" processes for the registration:

    • the form contain the login, email but also the password
    • the email indicate a link, which contain the registration key so the user do not need anymore to fill a new form
  • User profile: improve the privacy. A configuration property, publicProperties, allows to specify which fields are public, so only these fields are shown to any visitor.

  • sends emails in HTML instead of in plain text.

  • New form allowing user to change its password when he is authenticated

  • Account deletion: ask the password account to confirm

  • Improvements in some messages and templates

  • Possibility to configure an other form instead of account form. In the auth.coord.ini, support of a new parameter, userform, in the Db section. It should contains the selector of the account form.

  • more integration with jauthdb_admin

  • New option useJAuthDbAdminRights to take care of jauthdb_admin rights

  • New option accountDestroyEnabled to allow to delete accounts

  • Some features are enabled only if email is well configured

  • remove deprecated en_EN locales and en_GB locales

  • no more templates for each languages.

  • improvements into the installer

  • nickname field is now optional

Version 1.1.1

  • jPref is optional
  • fix storage of encryption key for persistant cookie
  • fix installation to be more indempotent

Version 1.1.0

To use this version, you need to upgrade Jelix to 1.6.5 minimum.

New features and improvements

  • Some improvements have been made to use jCommunity with the master_admin module (with Jelix 1.6.5+ only)
  • New install parameters:
    • masteradmin: to indicate we want to use jcommunity for authentication system
    • notjcommunitytable: to indicate to not create the community_users table
    • migratejauthdbusers: to migrate users from a standard jlx_user table to a community_users table
  • new configuration parameters you can set into a jcommunity section into the application configuration
    • loginResponse: the alias of the html response to use to display the main login form.
    • registrationEnabled: to disable or enable the registration feature
    • resetPasswordEnabled: to disable or enable the reset password feature
  • you can use jPref to enable/disable registration or password reseting.
  • Templates: for unknown users, add a link to return to the login form
  • removed the deprecated jcommunity_phorum module

Fixed bugs

  • Fix infinite loop after a logout in some cases
  • Fix auth_url_return generated into the login form

Version 1.0

  • same features as 0.2 and 0.3.
  • Compatibility with Jelix 1.4, 1.5, 1.6