A simplified user module for web frameworks like Bottle, Flask, etc.
A very simple user database with encryption/authentication. The only thing required for defining a user is the username and the password (which is stored encrypted and hashed). But one can easily add extra keyword/value pairs to user records if you require more. There is no "opinionated" part except for username/password and that we use SHA256/3000 rounds. This provides decent encryption.
You have to do the rest!
passlib - from their website "Passlib is a password hashing library for Python 2 & 3, which provides cross-platform implementations"
TinyMongo and TinyDB - from the website "A simple wrapper to make a drop in replacement for mongodb out of tinydb."
The TinyMongo client provides simple JSON storage of a user database.
PIP installation (use at your own risk!). Note, you must also "pip install" the dependencies.
$ pip install https://github.com/jefmud/bottle_users
$ pip install tinymongo
$ pip install passlib
Simple Usage:
import bottle_users
# simple create users
user1 = bottle_users.create_user('myusername','mypassword')
# create a user with many keyword/value pairs,
# whatever you want that makes sense with JSON would work.
user2 = bottle_users.create_user(
# get all users
users = bottle_users.get_users()
# authenticate a user with plain-text password
if bottle_users.authenticate(username, password):
print("You passed authentication")
print("You failed authentication")
A more advanced use case would involve instantiating the class UserManager. This encapsulates the functions of a UserManager. I am also using with a Session object in the package. This allows the programmer to access the decorator @login_required for a function, which works in concert with the session object.
from bottle_users.session import Session
from bottle_users.users import UserManager, login_required
from bottle import Bottle, request, redirect
import json
app = Bottle()
SECRET = 'IamASecretSecret'
session = Session(SECRET)
usermanager = UserManager(SECRET)
@app.route('/', name="index")
def index():
return "Index Route"
@app.route('/login', method=('GET', 'POST'), name='login')
def login():
form = usermanager.login_page
if request.method == 'POST':
username = request.forms.get('username')
password = request.forms.get('password')
if usermanager.authenticate(username, password):
return redirect(app.get_url('users'))
return form
def logout():
return "you are now logged out"
@app.route('/users', name='users')
def users_view():
return json.dumps(usermanager.get_users())
def user_view(username=None):
if username:
return json.dumps(usermanager.get_user(username))
return json.dumps(usermanager.get_user())
def sessions_view():
return json.dumps(usermanager.sessions)
if __name__ == '__main__':
usermanager.create_user('user1', 'user1me')
app.run(port=5000, server='paste')