These examples show you:
- How to use the Estimator pattern in Azure ML
- Train using TensorFlow Estimator and tune hyperparameters using Hyperdrive
- Train using Pytorch Estimator and tune hyperparameters using Hyperdrive
- Train using Keras and tune hyperparameters using Hyperdrive
- Train using Chainer Estimator and tune hyperparameters using Hyperdrive
- Distributed training using TensorFlow and Parameter Server
- Distributed training using TensorFlow and Horovod
- Distributed training using Pytorch and Horovod
- Distributed training using CNTK and custom Docker image
- Distributed training using Chainer
- Export run history records to Tensorboard
- Use TensorBoard to monitor training execution
- Resuming training from previous run
Learn more about how to use Estimator
class to train deep neural networks with Azure Machine Learning.