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Frontend Mentor - Connect Four game solution

This is a solution to the Connect Four game challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the game rules
  • Play a game of Connect Four against another human player (alternating turns on the same computer)
  • View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
  • See the discs animate into their position when a move is made
  • Play against the computer
  • Control the game with keyboard (Arrow keys and SpaceBar)

My process

Built with

  • Object Oriented JavaScript
  • CSS components workflow
  • Flexbox

What I learned

I experimented displaying game data with pseudo elements content property, allowing simpler markup and CSS selectors controlling content format.

body[data-player='2'] .timer:before {
  content: 'Player 2\'s turn';
body[data-pvc][data-player='2'] .timer:before {
  content: 'CPU\'s turn';
.timer:after {
  content: attr(data-value) 's';
<button class="btn-play | game-btn">Play</button>
body[data-state='end'] .btn-play:after {
  content: ' Again';

The project included 3 distinct layouts, the grid had to keep an aspect-ratio and all the UI should fit in 100% of the height unlike usual webpages. The game should perfectly fit any viewport above 360x580.

@media (max-aspect-ratio: 840 / 580) and (max-width: 1079px) {
  @media (max-width: 559px), (max-height: 859px) {
    @media (max-width: 380px) and (max-height: 663px) {
    @media (min-width: 381px), (min-height: 664px) {
  @media (min-width: 560px) and (min-height: 860px) {
@media not all and (max-aspect-ratio: 840 / 580), (min-width: 1080px) {

Future media queries will make this much simpler:

@when (aspect-ratio <= 840 / 580) and (width <= 1079px) {
  @when (width <= 559px), (height <= 859px) {
    @when (width <= 380px) and (height <= 663px) {
    @else {
  @else {
@else {

Flexbox was very handy for resizing UI proportionally on different viewports. flex-basis is easier to implement from figma, more explicit and accurate than height%.

.game__header {
  flex-basis: 40px;
.scores {
  flex-basis: 81px;
.grid {
  flex-shrink: 0;

An other tool for supporting different viewports was clamp(). Let's say I wanted a font-size to progressively reduce from 56px at viewport height = 880px to 32px at viewport height = 580px. You can calculate the linear equation from 2 points (880, 56) and (580, 32) with the formula or an online calculator and get the result in vh + px format.

font-size: clamp(32px, calc(20vh - 88px), 56px);

It was also a good opportunity to use min() instead of height and min-height.

.game__wrapper {
  height: min(807px, calc(100% - 20px));
  aspect-ratio: 632 / 807;

I used the combination of margin-inline-start and direction to make my CSS less redundant.

.score {
  margin-inline-start: 24px;
.score2 {
  direction: rtl;

I used :is() to make some selectors shorter.

:is(body:not([data-state='playing']), body[data-dropping]) .column--selected:before  {
  opacity: 0;

I used :where() to impose a low specifity. The same .info element is used for text before game starts and after game ends.

body[data-state="start"] .info:before {
  content: 'Player 1 starts';
body:where([data-pvc][data-player="2"]) .info:before {
  content: 'CPU';

Continued development

The current "CPU Opponent" only has a basic defensive strategy. Advanced algorithm for perfect play exists but would leave no chance for the player. Maybe we could have a submenu for CPU strength selection "Easy, Medium, Hard".

Having the game work with a shareable link to play Online PVP could be interesting! We could use the same submenu to select either "Local PVP" or "Online PVP".
