- Upgrade NewtonSoft to v13.0.2
- Fixed js bug with undeclared variable
- Added missing I18N label
- Added feature to check if awesome font 5 is loaded.
- If the font is not loaded, all buttons with font icons are replaced by the configured text labels
- API rest added for the CRUD actions.
- Support by JSON and XML responses added.
- Authorization policy support to manage access to CRUD controllers
- Fixed bug with the font awesome and its generated svg files
- Add .net 5.0 support
- Add .net core 2.1 y 3.1 support
- Add support to Bootstrap 4.0
- Replaces the GenericController<TContext, TModel, TKey> class for the GenericController class
- This new class is easier to use
- The follows interfaces was replaced for a best definition and structure:
- IBase -> IViewModel
- IBaseDetails, ICrudDetails -> IDetailsModel
- ICrudEdit -> IEditModel
- ICrudList -> IIndexModel
- The follows models was replaced by the CrudModel class
- Base
- CrudDetails
- CrudEdit
- CrudList
- The IControllerOptions interface and ControllerOptions class was removed for being unnecessary in the new structure
- The extensors methods GetLocalizedString(...) for the IStringLocalizer interfaces was moved to the StringLocalizerExtensors class
- The globalization and internationalization process is improved
- Now no need to use endpoint mapping, if you use older version remove the next code from the method Configure your startup class:
app.UseMvc(routes =>
routes.MapCrudRoutes(); // remove this line
// ...