A desktop environment is a collection of softwares that provide a desktop environment user experience. There are composed of the following types of softwares :
From the user perspective, the display server is invisible. However, my understanding of how it works is limited, so feel free to complete it.
A windows compositor is used to provide animations to the display of windows. This is often implemented by the windows manager.
A workspace manager is used to organise windows on 'virtual' screens, allowing you to organise your windows. This is often implemented by the windows manager
Start menu (ubuntu menu) vs application launcher (portable apps) vs dmenu
Examples :
- Windows 8 tiles
- Ubuntu search
- Windows 10 search
- Ubuntu applications
Colors, Fonts, Character sizes (access other componants files about graphics)
Quick switching elemtents
Terminal emulator File manager Package manager
Text editor Image viewer Document viewer (PDF, Latex, Ebooks, ...) Media player Web browser Calculator
Screenshot Screen recorder
Office suite IRC Client