- ESC - exit application
- i/u - increase/decrease number of calculation's iteriations
- o/p/k/l/n/m - change colors
- g - show color palettes
- LEFT/RIGTH - scale horizontally by 0.01
- UP/DOWN - scale vertically
- a/d - shift left/right
- s/w - shift down/up
- z/x - decrease/increase limit for compared modulus
- comma/period - scale horizontally and vertically
- h - change color pallette: RGB/HSV
- [/] - decrease/increase c (real part) of complex number (z^2 + c, z^3 + c)
- -/= - decrease/increase c (imaginary part) of complex number (z^2 + c, z^3 + c)
- F1 - select Julia fractal
- F2 - select Mandelbrot fractal
- F3 - select Julia with gws aligned with window size
- F4 - select dragon fractal
- F5 - select Julia
- F6 - select burning ship
- F7 - select generalized celtic
- v - change device used for calculation: 0 = CPU 1,..., n = OpenCL device
- 1 - show calculated complex number
- 2 - multiply gws (global workgroup size) by 2
- 3 - divide gws (global workgroup size) by 2