- Newton’s method
$f(x + \Delta x) \approx f(x) + {\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}}{x} \Delta x = 0 \implies \Delta x = - (\frac{\partial f}{\partial x})^{-1} f(x)$ - takeaway
- Quadratic convergence rate, can achieve machine precision.
- the most expensive part of this operation is solving a linear system O(n3)
- could be accelerated with problem structure
- function need to be Lipschitz continuous
- takeaway
- Line search
intuition: make Newton’s method not often over-shooting anymore
- takeaway
- Newton's method, with simple and cheap modifications or globalization strategies (such as regularization), is extremely effective at finding local minima.
- takeaway
- if f is smooth, only need to solve
$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}({x^*}) = 0$ and make sure$\nabla^2 f > 0$ - Newton’s method
use Newton’s method to solve it
Damped Newton: regularization for a non-strong convex function (make sure the function goes to the right direction
```latex \While {$H \not> 0$} \Comment{Not positive definite.} \State $H \gets H + \beta I$ \Comment{$\beta$ is a scalar hyperparameter.} ```
- tips: use Cholesky decomposition to identify if the matrix is positive definite
- the larger
$\beta$ is, the function becomes more close to gradient decend, but this will also make the step smaller.
- we fit a quadratic approximation of f(x)
- only find the local minimum
- first-order conditions (Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions, first derivative tests (sometimes called first-order necessary conditions) for a solution in nonlinear programming to be optimal)
- KKT system Hessian Matrix → Might not be convex anymore → need extra regularization
- Newton’s method (the same as before)
- Gauss-Newton’s method
- since term
$\frac{\partial^2 L}{\partial x^2} = \nabla^2 f + \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \big[ (\frac{\partial c}{\partial x})^T \lambda \big]$ is expensive to calculate, so we drop$\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \big[ (\frac{\partial c}{\partial x})^T \lambda \big]$ - converge a little slower but still better than linear
- might violate the restriction during the iteration, but the final result should be right.
- Haissian stay positive definite (if use Newton’s method, need to regularize the Haissian)
- since term
Consider the optimization problem:
The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions for this problem are:
- Stationarity:
- Primal Feasibility:
- Dual Feasibility:
- Complementarity (Non-linear):
For quadratic case:
When the constraint is active (i.e., (c(x) = 0)), then (c(x) = 0 \implies \lambda > 0). This mirrors the equality constraint scenario.
When the constraint is inactive (i.e., (c(x) < 0)), then (c(x) < 0 \implies \lambda = 0). This is analogous to the unconstrained case.
The complementarity condition ensures that either
$\lambda$ or$c(x)$ is zero, effectively acting as an "on/off switch" for constraints.
Active-Set Methods:
- This method tries different combinations of active constraints using a heuristic function.
- It is most effective when there's a good understanding of which constraints are active or inactive.
- It solves the equality constrained problem when the constraint is active.
- It can be extremely fast with a good heuristic but can be combinatorially challenging without knowledge of active constraints.
Barrier Methods:
- This method replaces the inequalities with a barrier function in the objective that becomes infinite at the constraint boundary (inside the boundary).
- It is the gold standard for small to medium-sized convex problems.
- It requires various hacks and tricks to work for non-convex problems.
Penalty Method:
- This method replaces the inequality constraint with an objective term that penalizes constraint violations (outside the boundary).
- It's straightforward to implement.
- It can be ill-conditioned, causing Newton's method to struggle.
- Achieving high accuracy can be challenging.
Augmented Lagrangian:
- The objective function becomes: $$ \min_x f(x) - \tilde{\lambda}^T c(x) + \frac{\rho}{2} \left[ \min(0,c(x)) \right]^2 $$
- Intuition:
- Positive
$\lambda$ values indicate that when the constraint is violated (i.e., (c < 0)), (c(x)) should be increased. -
$\lambda = 0$ when the constraint is not activated. - Initially,
$\lambda = 0$ , ignoring all constraints. - If
$c(x) < 0$ ,$\lambda$ should be increased to penalize constraints. In each iteration,$\rho$ is increased to enhance the penalty, but it shouldn't be made too large to avoid ill-conditioning.
- Positive
- First, minimize with respect to
$x$ . - Then, update
$\lambda$ by offloading the penalty: $$ \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} - \left[ \tilde{\lambda} - \rho c(x) \right]^T \frac{\partial c}{\partial x} = 0 \implies \tilde{\lambda} \gets \tilde{\lambda} - \rho c(x) \ \text{for active constraints}. $$ - Takeaways:
- This method addresses the ill-conditioning issues of the penalty method.
- It converges quickly (super-linearly) to moderate precision.
- It performs well on non-convex problems.
- Notes:
- More robust to initial guesses.
- Hyper-linear convergence, but relatively slower.
- Pesudo Code: (Note,
$\lambda$ is for equality constraints,$\mu$ is for inequality constraints,$rho$ is the penalty parameter)- initilize
$x=0, \lambda=0, \mu=0, \rho=1$ - while not converged:
- solve
$x$ by Newton's method$\min_x f(x) - \tilde{\lambda}^T c(x) + \frac{\rho}{2} \left[ \min(0,c(x)) \right]^2$ - update
$\lambda$ and$\mu$ by$\lambda \gets \lambda + \rho c(x)$ $\mu \gets \max(0, \mu + \rho c(x))$
- update
$\rho$ by$\rho \gets \rho \times \text{hyperparameter}$
- solve
- initilize
Quadratic Programming:
- The optimization problem is: $$ \min_x \ \frac{1}{2} x^T Q x + q^T x $$ subject to: $$ Q > 0 \ \text{(Convex)} $$ and $$ Ax \leq b $$ and $$ Cx = d $$
In the context of non-convex optimization problems, we often encounter the following formulation:
To prevent getting trapped in local minima in convex scenarios, consider the following strategies:
Infinity Penalty Approach:
- Reinterpret the problem using an infinity penalty: $$ \min_x f(x) + P_{\infty} (c(x)) $$ where: $$ P_{\infty} (x) = \begin{cases} 0, & \text{if } x=0 \ \infty, & \text{if } x \neq 0 \end{cases} $$
- This can be equivalently expressed as: $$ \min_x \max_{\lambda \ge 0} f(x) + \lambda^T c(x) $$
- The KKT conditions define a saddle point in the space of
$(x, \lambda)$ . Specifically:- The KKT system should have
$\dim(x)$ positive eigenvalues (since x is minimized) and$\dim(\lambda)$ negative eigenvalues at an optimum. Such systems are termed as "Quasi-definite" linear systems. - This insight provides a method to avoid problematic Hessian matrices by adding a positive number to the x diagonal and a negative value to the lambda diagonal.
- The KKT system should have
Regularizing the KKT System:
- When regularizing a KKT system, ensure the lower-right block is negative to maintain the system as quasi-definite: $$ \begin{bmatrix} H + \alpha I & C^T \ C & -\alpha I \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \Delta x \ \Delta \lambda \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} -\nabla_x L \
- c(x)
$\alpha > 0$ .
To prevent overshooting:
Merit Functions:
- Use scalar merit functions to gauge the proximity to the final solution.
- Common choices include:
$P(x) = \frac{1}{2} c(x)^T c(x) = \frac{1}{2} || c(x) ||_{2}^2$ $P(x) = || c(x) ||_{1}$ - For unconstrained optimization, the merit function can be
$f(x)$ .
Constrained Minimization:
- Given the problem: $$ \min_x f(x) $$ subject to: $$ c(x) \geq 0, \quad d(x) = 0 $$ the Lagrangian is: $$ L(x, \lambda, \mu) = f(x) - \lambda^T c(x) + \mu^T d(x) $$
- Several merit functions can be employed. For instance:
$P(x, \lambda, \mu) = \frac{1}{2} || \nabla L(x, \lambda, \mu) ||_2^2$ - $P(x, \lambda, \mu) = f(x) + \rho \ || \begin{bmatrix} \min (0,c(x)) \ d(x) \end{bmatrix} ||_1$
$P(x, \lambda, \mu) = f(x) - \tilde{\lambda}^T c(x) + \tilde{\mu}^T d(x) + \frac{\rho}{2} || \min(0,c(x) ||_2^2 + \frac{\rho}{2} || d(x) ||_2^2$
Given the problem:
- This represents an infinite-dimensional problem.
- Solutions are typically open-loop in the form of
$u(t)$ . - Various methods exist to utilize the solution, including MPC and offline solutions with feedback.
Consider the problem:
- This is a finite-dimensional problem.
- The terms
$x_n$ and$u_n$ are referred to as knot points.