I use asdf
to manage versions for a couple different
languages that I use across projects. I mostly use it for node
and ruby
When setting up a new project or needing to set the version for an existing one, I run some version of:
$ asdf local nodejs <some-version-here>
But before I can do that, I need to figure out what versions I have installed
(asdf list nodejs
), so I end up running two commands and having to remember
the nuances of the sub-commands for each.
I decided to make this small interaction easier by making it interactive with
asdf local nodejs $(
asdf list nodejs | fzf | xargs | sed 's/^\*//'
This grabs the list of installed nodejs
versions, turns it into an
interactive list with fzf
, and then passes my selection to asdf local
set that version.
I can substitute ruby
for nodejs
to do the same thing for Ruby versions.