A heredoc (here document) is a special ruby syntax for defining formatted multiline strings. These are useful for any situation where you need to define a block of text where newlines and indentation are preserved -- e.g. output an error, help message, or some formatted SQL.
The standard syntax is defined with <<
and some uppercase identifier (e.g.
, etc.) to open and close the multiline string.
def lookup_team(team_id)
query = <<SQL
select users.id from users
join teams
on teams.id = users.team_id
where teams.id = #{team_id}
order by created_at desc
limit 10;
team_member_ids = db.execute(query)
With the SQL formatted this way, it is easier to read and we can print/log out this nicely formatted version to make debugging easier.
Notice that the terminating SQL
identifier is fully left justified. I find
that visually off relative to the indentation of everything else, so I like to
use the indented heredoc syntax (<<-
def lookup_team(team_id)
query = <<-SQL
select users.id from users
join teams
on teams.id = users.team_id
where teams.id = #{team_id}
order by created_at desc
limit 10;
team_member_ids = db.execute(query)