Whenever I'm working on an end-to-end feature in a Rails app, soon or later I am going to see the Pending Migrations error page. I try to visit one of the routes in the browser and the Rails app serves this error page instead of my actual request response.
This is typically what I want. If there are migrations just sitting there that haven't been run yet, that's probably an issue. Maybe I just pulled down the latest changes from my teammates. The app isn't going to work properly without whatever schema changes are prescribed in those pending migrations.
The thing to do is run those migrations.
In some special cases though, I know what I'm doing and I would like to operate my app locally with specific migrations not yet applied.
To skip the error, I can change this config/environments/development.rb
setting from:
config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load
config.active_record.migration_error = false
I just need to make sure to switch it back when I'm done.