The lodash
library comes with a couple functions for
sorting collections of objects --
Consider the following collection of pokemon:
const pokemon = [
{ name: "Pikachu", level: 12 },
{ name: "Charmander", level: 12 },
{ name: "Squirtle", level: 15 },
{ name: "Bulbasaur", level: 11 }
This collection can be sorted in ascending order by the value of a key in the
object using sortBy
import _sortBy from "lodash/sortBy";
_sortBy(pokemon, ["level"]);
If you want to control whether the sorting is in ascending or descending order,
use orderBy
import _orderBy from "lodash/orderBy";
_orderBy(pokemon, ["level"], ["desc"]);
You can also do sorting with primary and secondary keys by including two values in the key sort array.
import _sortBy from "lodash/sortBy";
_sortBy(pokemon, ["name", "level"]);
And if you want to indpendently control ascending/descending for these as well, you can.
import _orderBy from "lodash/orderBy";
_orderBy(pokemon, ["level", "name"], ["desc", "asc"]);
Check out the live example to see it in action.