Application template for a managed HA production runtime environment, for Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13 - Deprecated
Templates allow you to define parameters which take on a value. That value is then substituted wherever the parameter is referenced. References can be defined in any text field in the objects list field. Refer to the Openshift documentation for more information.
Variable name | Image Environment Variable | Description | Example value | Required |
— |
The name for the application. |
myapp |
True |
Maven mirror that the KIE Server must use. If you configure a mirror, this mirror must contain all artifacts that are required for deploying your services. |
— |
False |
Maven mirror configuration for KIE Server. |
external:* |
False |
The id to use for the maven repository. If set, it can be excluded from the optionally configured mirror by adding it to MAVEN_MIRROR_OF. For example: external:*,!repo-rhpamcentr,!repo-custom. If MAVEN_MIRROR_URL is set but MAVEN_MIRROR_ID is not set, an id will be generated randomly, but won’t be usable in MAVEN_MIRROR_OF. |
repo-custom |
False |
Fully qualified URL to a Maven repository or service. | |
True |
User name for accessing the Maven repository, if required. |
— |
False |
Password to access the Maven repository, if required. |
— |
False |
The service name for the optional Business Central, where it can be reached, to allow service lookups (for maven repo usage), if required. |
myapp-rhpamcentr |
False |
— |
Secret containing the KIE_ADMIN_USER and KIE_ADMIN_PWD values |
rhpam-credentials |
True |
— |
Namespace in which the ImageStreams for Red Hat Process Automation Manager images are installed. These ImageStreams are normally installed in the openshift namespace. You need to modify this parameter only if you installed the ImageStream in a different namespace/project. Default is "openshift". |
openshift |
True |
— |
The name of the image stream to use for KIE Server. Default is "rhpam-kieserver-rhel8". |
rhpam-kieserver-rhel8 |
True |
— |
A named pointer to an image in an image stream. Default is "7.13.0". |
7.13.0 |
True |
— |
Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g. <application-name>-smartrouter-<project>.<default-domain-suffix>' |
— |
False |
— |
Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g. secure-<application-name>-smartrouter-<project>.<default-domain-suffix>' |
— |
False |
Router ID used when connecting to the controller. (router property |
kie-server-router |
True |
KIE Server router protocol. (Used to build the org.kie.server.router.url.external property) |
http |
False |
Public URL where the router can be found. Format http://<host>:<port>; (router property org.kie.server.router.url.external) |
— |
False |
Router name used when connecting to the controller. (router property |
KIE Server Router |
True |
KIE Server controller token for bearer authentication. (Sets the org.kie.server.controller.token system property) |
— |
False |
KIE Server persistence datasource. (Sets the org.kie.server.persistence.ds system property) |
java:/jboss/datasources/rhpam |
False |
— |
Namespace in which the ImageStream for the PostgreSQL image is installed. The ImageStream is already installed in the openshift namespace. You need to modify this parameter only if you installed the ImageStream in a different namespace/project. Default is "openshift". |
openshift |
False |
— |
The PostgreSQL image version, which is intended to correspond to the PostgreSQL version. Default is "10". |
10 |
False |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database user name. |
rhpam |
False |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database password. |
— |
False |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database name. |
rhpam7 |
False |
Allows the PostgreSQL to handle XA transactions. |
100 |
True |
— |
Size of persistent storage for the database volume. |
1Gi |
True |
KIE Server PostgreSQL Hibernate dialect. |
org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect |
True |
The KIE Server mode. Valid values are 'DEVELOPMENT' or 'PRODUCTION'. In production mode, you can not deploy SNAPSHOT versions of artifacts on the KIE Server and can not change the version of an artifact in an existing container. (Sets the org.kie.server.mode system property). |
False |
KIE Server mbeans enabled/disabled. (Sets the kie.mbeans and kie.scanner.mbeans system properties) |
enabled |
False |
KIE Server class filtering. (Sets the org.drools.server.filter.classes system property) |
true |
False |
If set to false, the prometheus server extension will be enabled. (Sets the org.kie.prometheus.server.ext.disabled system property) |
false |
False |
Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: <application-name>-rhpamcentrmon-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
— |
False |
Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure-<application-name>-rhpamcentrmon-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
— |
False |
Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: <application-name>-kieserver-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
— |
False |
Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure-<application-name>-kieserver-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
— |
False |
If true, the KIE Server will use secure-<application-name>-kieserver vs. <application-name>-kieserver as the KIE Server route endpoint for Business Central to report. Therefore, Business Central displays the secure link to the user. |
false |
False |
Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: <application-name>-kieserver-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
— |
False |
Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure-<application-name>-kieserver-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
— |
False |
If true, will use secure-APPLICATION_NAME-kieserver-2 vs. APPLICATION_NAME-kieserver-2 as the route name. |
false |
False |
— |
The name of the secret containing the keystore file for Business Central. |
businesscentral-app-secret |
True |
The name of the keystore file within the secret. |
keystore.jks |
False |
The name associated with the server certificate. |
jboss |
False |
The password for the keystore and certificate. |
mykeystorepass |
False |
— |
The name of the secret containing the keystore file for Smart Router. |
smartrouter-app-secret |
True |
— |
The name of the keystore file within the secret. |
keystore.jks |
False |
The name associated with the server certificate. |
jboss |
False |
The password for the keystore and certificate. |
mykeystorepass |
False |
— |
The name of the secret containing the keystore file for KIE Server. |
kieserver-app-secret |
True |
The name of the keystore file within the secret. |
keystore.jks |
False |
The name associated with the server certificate. |
jboss |
False |
The password for the keystore and certificate. |
mykeystorepass |
False |
Allows the KIE Server to bypass the authenticated user for task-related operations, for example, queries. (Sets the org.kie.server.bypass.auth.user system property) |
false |
False |
Sets refresh-interval for the EJB timer service database-data-store. |
30000 |
False |
— |
Business Central Monitoring Container memory limit. |
2Gi |
True |
— |
Business Central Monitoring Container memory request. |
1536Mi |
True |
— |
Business Central Monitoring Container CPU limit. |
1 |
True |
— |
Business Central Monitoring Container CPU request. |
750m |
True |
— |
KIE Server Container memory limit. |
2Gi |
True |
— |
KIE Server Container memory request. |
1536Mi |
True |
— |
KIE Server Container CPU limit. |
1 |
True |
— |
KIE Server Container CPU request. |
750m |
True |
— |
Smart Router Container memory limit |
512Mi |
False |
— |
Business Central Monitoring Container Replicas, defines how many Business Central Monitoring containers will be started. |
3 |
True |
— |
Smart Router Container Replicas, defines how many smart router containers will be started. |
2 |
True |
— |
KIE Server Container Replicas, defines how many KIE Server containers will be started. |
3 |
True |
False |
RH-SSO Realm name. |
— |
False |
Business Central Monitoring RH-SSO Client name. |
— |
False |
Business Central Monitoring RH-SSO Client Secret. |
252793ed-7118-4ca8-8dab-5622fa97d892 |
False |
KIE Server 1 RH-SSO Client name. |
— |
False |
KIE Server 1 RH-SSO Client Secret. |
252793ed-7118-4ca8-8dab-5622fa97d892 |
False |
KIE Server 2 RH-SSO Client name. |
— |
False |
KIE Server 2 RH-SSO Client Secret. |
252793ed-7118-4ca8-8dab-5622fa97d892 |
False |
RH-SSO Realm admin user name for creating the Client if it doesn’t exist. |
— |
False |
RH-SSO Realm Admin Password used to create the Client. |
— |
False |
RH-SSO Disable SSL Certificate Validation. |
false |
False |
RH-SSO Principal Attribute to use as user name. |
preferred_username |
False |
LDAP endpoint to connect for authentication. For failover, set two or more LDAP endpoints separated by space. |
ldap:// |
False |
LDAP login module flag, adds backward compatibility with the legacy security subsystem on Elytron. 'optional' is the only supported value, if set, it will create a distributed realm on Elytron configuration with LDAP and FileSystem realms with the user added using the KIE_ADMIN_USER. |
optional |
False |
Enable failover, if LDAP Url is unreachable, it will fail over to the KieFsRealm. |
true |
False |
Bind DN used for authentication. |
uid=admin,ou=users,ou=example,ou=com |
False |
LDAP Credentials used for authentication. |
Password |
False |
Does this realm support blank password direct verification? Blank password attempt will be rejected otherwise. Boolean flag, defaults to false. |
true |
False |
LDAP Base DN of the top-level context to begin the user search. |
ou=users,ou=example,ou=com |
False |
LDAP search filter used to locate the context of the user to authenticate. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. A common example for the search filter is (uid={0}). |
(uid={0}) |
False |
Indicates if the user queries are recursive. |
true |
False |
The timeout in milliseconds for user or role searches. |
10000 |
False |
Name of the attribute containing the user roles. |
memberOf |
False |
The fixed DN of the context to search for user roles. This is not the DN where the actual roles are, but the DN where the objects containing the user roles are. For example, in a Microsoft Active Directory server, this is the DN where the user account is. |
ou=groups,ou=example,ou=com |
False |
A search filter used to locate the roles associated with the authenticated user. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. The authenticated userDN is substituted into the filter anywhere a {1} is used. An example search filter that matches on the input username is (member={0}). An alternative that matches on the authenticated userDN is (member={1}). |
(memberOf={1}) |
False |
The number of levels of recursion the role search will go below a matching context. Disable recursion by setting this to 0. |
1 |
False |
A role included for all authenticated users. |
user |
False |
Provide new identities for LDAP identity mapping, the pattern to be used with this env is 'attribute_name=attribute_value;another_attribute_name=value' |
sn=BlankSurname;cn=BlankCommonName |
False |
If LDAP referrals should be followed. Corresponds to REFERRAL ('java.naming.referral') environment property. Allowed values: 'ignore', 'follow', 'throw' |
— |
False |
When present, the RoleMapping will be configured to use the provided properties file or roles. This parameter defines the fully-qualified file path and name of a properties file or a set of roles with the following pattern 'role=role1;another-role=role2'. The format of every entry in the file is original_role=role1,role2,role3 |
role=role1,role3,role4;role7=role,admin |
False |
When set to 'true' the mapped roles will retain all roles, that have defined mappings. |
— |
False |
When set to 'true' the mapped roles will retain all roles, that have no defined mappings. |
— |
False |
The CLI supports various object types. A list of these object types as well as their abbreviations can be found in the Openshift documentation.
A service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which to access them. Refer to the container-engine documentation for more information.
Service | Port | Name | Description |
8080 |
http |
All the Business Central Monitoring web server’s ports. |
8443 |
https |
9000 |
http |
The smart router server http and https ports. |
9443 |
https |
8080 |
http |
All the KIE Server web server’s ports. (First KIE Server) |
8443 |
https |
8080 |
http |
All the KIE Server web server’s ports. (Second KIE Server) |
8443 |
https |
5432 |
— |
The first database server’s port. |
5432 |
— |
The second database server’s port. |
A route is a way to expose a service by giving it an externally-reachable hostname such as
. A defined route and the endpoints
identified by its service can be consumed by a router to provide named connectivity from external clients to your applications. Each route consists
of a route name, service selector, and (optionally) security configuration. Refer to the
Openshift documentation for more information.
Service | Security | Hostname |
none |
TLS passthrough |
none |
TLS passthrough |
none |
TLS passthrough |
none |
TLS passthrough |
A deployment in OpenShift is a replication controller based on a user defined template called a deployment configuration. Deployments are created manually or in response to triggered events. Refer to the Openshift documentation for more information.
A trigger drives the creation of new deployments in response to events, both inside and outside OpenShift. Refer to the Openshift documentation for more information.
Deployment | Triggers |
ImageChange |
ImageChange |
ImageChange |
ImageChange |
ImageChange |
ImageChange |
A replication controller ensures that a specified number of pod "replicas" are running at any one time. If there are too many, the replication controller kills some pods. If there are too few, it starts more. Refer to the container-engine documentation for more information.
Deployment | Replicas |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Service accounts are API objects that exist within each project. They can be created or deleted like any other API object. Refer to the Openshift documentation for more information.
Deployment | Service Account |
Deployment | Image |
rhpam-businesscentral-monitoring-rhel8 |
rhpam-smartrouter-rhel8 |
postgresql |
postgresql |
Http Get on http://localhost:8080/rest/ready
Http Get on http://localhost:8080/services/rest/server/readycheck
Http Get on http://localhost:8080/services/rest/server/readycheck
Http Get on http://localhost:8080/rest/healthy
Http Get on http://localhost:8080/services/rest/server/healthcheck
/usr/libexec/check-container --live
Http Get on http://localhost:8080/services/rest/server/healthcheck
/usr/libexec/check-container --live
Deployments | Name | Port | Protocol |
jolokia |
8778 |
http |
8080 |
https |
8443 |
http |
9000 |
jolokia |
8778 |
http |
8080 |
https |
8443 |
— |
5432 |
jolokia |
8778 |
http |
8080 |
https |
8443 |
— |
5432 |
Deployment | Variable name | Description | Example value |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Maven mirror that the KIE Server must use. If you configure a mirror, this mirror must contain all artifacts that are required for deploying your services. |
The id to use for the maven repository. If set, it can be excluded from the optionally configured mirror by adding it to MAVEN_MIRROR_OF. For example: external:*,!repo-rhpamcentr,!repo-custom. If MAVEN_MIRROR_URL is set but MAVEN_MIRROR_ID is not set, an id will be generated randomly, but won’t be usable in MAVEN_MIRROR_OF. |
Fully qualified URL to a Maven repository or service. |
User name for accessing the Maven repository, if required. |
Password to access the Maven repository, if required. |
KIE Server controller token for bearer authentication. (Sets the org.kie.server.controller.token system property) |
— |
The name of the keystore file within the secret. |
The name associated with the server certificate. |
The password for the keystore and certificate. |
— |
kubernetes.KUBE_PING |
— |
— |
— |
cluster=jgrp.k8s.${APPLICATION_NAME}.rhpamcentrmon |
— |
ROOT.war |
RH-SSO Realm name. |
Business Central Monitoring RH-SSO Client Secret. |
Business Central Monitoring RH-SSO Client name. |
RH-SSO Realm admin user name for creating the Client if it doesn’t exist. |
RH-SSO Realm Admin Password used to create the Client. |
RH-SSO Disable SSL Certificate Validation. |
RH-SSO Principal Attribute to use as user name. |
Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: <application-name>-rhpamcentrmon-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure-<application-name>-rhpamcentrmon-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
LDAP endpoint to connect for authentication. For failover, set two or more LDAP endpoints separated by space. |
LDAP login module flag, adds backward compatibility with the legacy security subsystem on Elytron. 'optional' is the only supported value, if set, it will create a distributed realm on Elytron configuration with LDAP and FileSystem realms with the user added using the KIE_ADMIN_USER. |
Enable failover, if LDAP Url is unreachable, it will fail over to the KieFsRealm. |
Bind DN used for authentication. |
LDAP Credentials used for authentication. |
Does this realm support blank password direct verification? Blank password attempt will be rejected otherwise. Boolean flag, defaults to false. |
LDAP Base DN of the top-level context to begin the user search. |
LDAP search filter used to locate the context of the user to authenticate. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. A common example for the search filter is (uid={0}). |
Indicates if the user queries are recursive. |
The timeout in milliseconds for user or role searches. |
Name of the attribute containing the user roles. |
The fixed DN of the context to search for user roles. This is not the DN where the actual roles are, but the DN where the objects containing the user roles are. For example, in a Microsoft Active Directory server, this is the DN where the user account is. |
A search filter used to locate the roles associated with the authenticated user. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. The authenticated userDN is substituted into the filter anywhere a {1} is used. An example search filter that matches on the input username is (member={0}). An alternative that matches on the authenticated userDN is (member={1}). |
The number of levels of recursion the role search will go below a matching context. Disable recursion by setting this to 0. |
A role included for all authenticated users. |
Provide new identities for LDAP identity mapping, the pattern to be used with this env is 'attribute_name=attribute_value;another_attribute_name=value' |
If LDAP referrals should be followed. Corresponds to REFERRAL ('java.naming.referral') environment property. Allowed values: 'ignore', 'follow', 'throw' |
When present, the RoleMapping will be configured to use the provided properties file or roles. This parameter defines the fully-qualified file path and name of a properties file or a set of roles with the following pattern 'role=role1;another-role=role2'. The format of every entry in the file is original_role=role1,role2,role3 |
When set to 'true' the mapped roles will retain all roles, that have defined mappings. |
When set to 'true' the mapped roles will retain all roles, that have no defined mappings. |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
9000 |
— |
9443 |
Public URL where the router can be found. Format http://<host>:<port>; (router property org.kie.server.router.url.external) |
Router ID used when connecting to the controller. (router property |
Router name used when connecting to the controller. (router property |
— |
— |
KIE Server router protocol. (Used to build the org.kie.server.router.url.external property) |
The name associated with the server certificate. |
The password for the keystore and certificate. |
— |
KIE Server controller token for bearer authentication. (Sets the org.kie.server.controller.token system property) |
— |
— |
http |
— |
— |
true |
— |
— |
— |
— |
The KIE Server mode. Valid values are 'DEVELOPMENT' or 'PRODUCTION'. In production mode, you can not deploy SNAPSHOT versions of artifacts on the KIE Server and can not change the version of an artifact in an existing container. (Sets the org.kie.server.mode system property). |
KIE Server mbeans enabled/disabled. (Sets the kie.mbeans and kie.scanner.mbeans system properties) |
KIE Server class filtering. (Sets the org.drools.server.filter.classes system property) |
If set to false, the prometheus server extension will be enabled. (Sets the org.kie.prometheus.server.ext.disabled system property) |
Allows the KIE Server to bypass the authenticated user for task-related operations, for example, queries. (Sets the org.kie.server.bypass.auth.user system property) |
KIE Server controller token for bearer authentication. (Sets the org.kie.server.controller.token system property) |
— |
— |
ws |
— |
— |
If true, the KIE Server will use secure-<application-name>-kieserver vs. <application-name>-kieserver as the KIE Server route endpoint for Business Central to report. Therefore, Business Central displays the secure link to the user. |
— |
Maven mirror that the KIE Server must use. If you configure a mirror, this mirror must contain all artifacts that are required for deploying your services. |
Maven mirror configuration for KIE Server. |
— |
— |
repo-rhpamcentr |
The service name for the optional Business Central, where it can be reached, to allow service lookups (for maven repo usage), if required. |
— |
The id to use for the maven repository. If set, it can be excluded from the optionally configured mirror by adding it to MAVEN_MIRROR_OF. For example: external:*,!repo-rhpamcentr,!repo-custom. If MAVEN_MIRROR_URL is set but MAVEN_MIRROR_ID is not set, an id will be generated randomly, but won’t be usable in MAVEN_MIRROR_OF. |
Fully qualified URL to a Maven repository or service. |
User name for accessing the Maven repository, if required. |
Password to access the Maven repository, if required. |
— |
— |
9000 |
KIE Server router protocol. (Used to build the org.kie.server.router.url.external property) |
KIE Server persistence datasource. (Sets the org.kie.server.persistence.ds system property) |
— |
KIE Server persistence datasource. (Sets the org.kie.server.persistence.ds system property) |
— |
true |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database name. |
— |
postgresql |
KIE Server PostgreSQL Hibernate dialect. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database user name. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database password. |
— |
— |
5432 |
— |
Sets refresh-interval for the EJB timer service database-data-store. |
— |
The name of the keystore file within the secret. |
The name associated with the server certificate. |
The password for the keystore and certificate. |
— |
kubernetes.KUBE_PING |
— |
— |
— |
cluster=jgrp.k8s.${APPLICATION_NAME}.kieserver |
— |
ROOT.war |
RH-SSO Realm name. |
KIE Server 1 RH-SSO Client Secret. |
KIE Server 1 RH-SSO Client name. |
RH-SSO Realm admin user name for creating the Client if it doesn’t exist. |
RH-SSO Realm Admin Password used to create the Client. |
RH-SSO Disable SSL Certificate Validation. |
RH-SSO Principal Attribute to use as user name. |
Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: <application-name>-kieserver-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure-<application-name>-kieserver-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
LDAP endpoint to connect for authentication. For failover, set two or more LDAP endpoints separated by space. |
LDAP login module flag, adds backward compatibility with the legacy security subsystem on Elytron. 'optional' is the only supported value, if set, it will create a distributed realm on Elytron configuration with LDAP and FileSystem realms with the user added using the KIE_ADMIN_USER. |
Enable failover, if LDAP Url is unreachable, it will fail over to the KieFsRealm. |
Bind DN used for authentication. |
LDAP Credentials used for authentication. |
Does this realm support blank password direct verification? Blank password attempt will be rejected otherwise. Boolean flag, defaults to false. |
LDAP Base DN of the top-level context to begin the user search. |
LDAP search filter used to locate the context of the user to authenticate. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. A common example for the search filter is (uid={0}). |
Indicates if the user queries are recursive. |
The timeout in milliseconds for user or role searches. |
Name of the attribute containing the user roles. |
The fixed DN of the context to search for user roles. This is not the DN where the actual roles are, but the DN where the objects containing the user roles are. For example, in a Microsoft Active Directory server, this is the DN where the user account is. |
A search filter used to locate the roles associated with the authenticated user. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. The authenticated userDN is substituted into the filter anywhere a {1} is used. An example search filter that matches on the input username is (member={0}). An alternative that matches on the authenticated userDN is (member={1}). |
The number of levels of recursion the role search will go below a matching context. Disable recursion by setting this to 0. |
A role included for all authenticated users. |
Provide new identities for LDAP identity mapping, the pattern to be used with this env is 'attribute_name=attribute_value;another_attribute_name=value' |
If LDAP referrals should be followed. Corresponds to REFERRAL ('java.naming.referral') environment property. Allowed values: 'ignore', 'follow', 'throw' |
When present, the RoleMapping will be configured to use the provided properties file or roles. This parameter defines the fully-qualified file path and name of a properties file or a set of roles with the following pattern 'role=role1;another-role=role2'. The format of every entry in the file is original_role=role1,role2,role3 |
When set to 'true' the mapped roles will retain all roles, that have defined mappings. |
When set to 'true' the mapped roles will retain all roles, that have no defined mappings. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database user name. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database password. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database name. |
Allows the PostgreSQL to handle XA transactions. |
— |
— |
— |
— |
The KIE Server mode. Valid values are 'DEVELOPMENT' or 'PRODUCTION'. In production mode, you can not deploy SNAPSHOT versions of artifacts on the KIE Server and can not change the version of an artifact in an existing container. (Sets the org.kie.server.mode system property). |
KIE Server mbeans enabled/disabled. (Sets the kie.mbeans and kie.scanner.mbeans system properties) |
KIE Server class filtering. (Sets the org.drools.server.filter.classes system property) |
If set to false, the prometheus server extension will be enabled. (Sets the org.kie.prometheus.server.ext.disabled system property) |
Allows the KIE Server to bypass the authenticated user for task-related operations, for example, queries. (Sets the org.kie.server.bypass.auth.user system property) |
KIE Server controller token for bearer authentication. (Sets the org.kie.server.controller.token system property) |
— |
— |
ws |
— |
— |
If true, will use secure-APPLICATION_NAME-kieserver-2 vs. APPLICATION_NAME-kieserver-2 as the route name. |
— |
Maven mirror that the KIE Server must use. If you configure a mirror, this mirror must contain all artifacts that are required for deploying your services. |
Maven mirror configuration for KIE Server. |
— |
— |
repo-rhpamcentr |
The service name for the optional Business Central, where it can be reached, to allow service lookups (for maven repo usage), if required. |
— |
The id to use for the maven repository. If set, it can be excluded from the optionally configured mirror by adding it to MAVEN_MIRROR_OF. For example: external:*,!repo-rhpamcentr,!repo-custom. If MAVEN_MIRROR_URL is set but MAVEN_MIRROR_ID is not set, an id will be generated randomly, but won’t be usable in MAVEN_MIRROR_OF. |
Fully qualified URL to a Maven repository or service. |
User name for accessing the Maven repository, if required. |
Password to access the Maven repository, if required. |
— |
— |
9000 |
KIE Server router protocol. (Used to build the org.kie.server.router.url.external property) |
KIE Server persistence datasource. (Sets the org.kie.server.persistence.ds system property) |
— |
KIE Server persistence datasource. (Sets the org.kie.server.persistence.ds system property) |
— |
true |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database name. |
— |
postgresql |
KIE Server PostgreSQL Hibernate dialect. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database user name. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database password. |
— |
— |
5432 |
— |
Sets refresh-interval for the EJB timer service database-data-store. |
— |
The name of the keystore file within the secret. |
The name associated with the server certificate. |
The password for the keystore and certificate. |
— |
kubernetes.KUBE_PING |
— |
— |
— |
cluster=jgrp.k8s.${APPLICATION_NAME}.kieserver |
— |
ROOT.war |
RH-SSO Realm name. |
KIE Server 2 RH-SSO Client Secret. |
KIE Server 2 RH-SSO Client name. |
RH-SSO Realm admin user name for creating the Client if it doesn’t exist. |
RH-SSO Realm Admin Password used to create the Client. |
RH-SSO Disable SSL Certificate Validation. |
RH-SSO Principal Attribute to use as user name. |
Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: <application-name>-kieserver-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure-<application-name>-kieserver-<project>.<default-domain-suffix> |
LDAP endpoint to connect for authentication. For failover, set two or more LDAP endpoints separated by space. |
LDAP login module flag, adds backward compatibility with the legacy security subsystem on Elytron. 'optional' is the only supported value, if set, it will create a distributed realm on Elytron configuration with LDAP and FileSystem realms with the user added using the KIE_ADMIN_USER. |
Enable failover, if LDAP Url is unreachable, it will fail over to the KieFsRealm. |
Bind DN used for authentication. |
LDAP Credentials used for authentication. |
Does this realm support blank password direct verification? Blank password attempt will be rejected otherwise. Boolean flag, defaults to false. |
LDAP Base DN of the top-level context to begin the user search. |
LDAP search filter used to locate the context of the user to authenticate. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. A common example for the search filter is (uid={0}). |
Indicates if the user queries are recursive. |
The timeout in milliseconds for user or role searches. |
Name of the attribute containing the user roles. |
The fixed DN of the context to search for user roles. This is not the DN where the actual roles are, but the DN where the objects containing the user roles are. For example, in a Microsoft Active Directory server, this is the DN where the user account is. |
A search filter used to locate the roles associated with the authenticated user. The input username or userDN obtained from the login module callback is substituted into the filter anywhere a {0} expression is used. The authenticated userDN is substituted into the filter anywhere a {1} is used. An example search filter that matches on the input username is (member={0}). An alternative that matches on the authenticated userDN is (member={1}). |
The number of levels of recursion the role search will go below a matching context. Disable recursion by setting this to 0. |
A role included for all authenticated users. |
Provide new identities for LDAP identity mapping, the pattern to be used with this env is 'attribute_name=attribute_value;another_attribute_name=value' |
If LDAP referrals should be followed. Corresponds to REFERRAL ('java.naming.referral') environment property. Allowed values: 'ignore', 'follow', 'throw' |
When present, the RoleMapping will be configured to use the provided properties file or roles. This parameter defines the fully-qualified file path and name of a properties file or a set of roles with the following pattern 'role=role1;another-role=role2'. The format of every entry in the file is original_role=role1,role2,role3 |
When set to 'true' the mapped roles will retain all roles, that have defined mappings. |
When set to 'true' the mapped roles will retain all roles, that have no defined mappings. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database user name. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database password. |
KIE Server PostgreSQL database name. |
Allows the PostgreSQL to handle XA transactions. |
Deployment | Name | mountPath | Purpose | readOnly |
businesscentral-keystore-volume |
ssl certs |
True |
— |
false |
kieserver-keystore-volume |
ssl certs |
True |
postgresql |
false |
kieserver-keystore-volume |
ssl certs |
True |
postgresql |
false |
A PersistentVolume
object is a storage resource in an OpenShift cluster. Storage is provisioned by an administrator
by creating PersistentVolume
objects from sources such as GCE Persistent Disks, AWS Elastic Block Stores (EBS), and NFS mounts.
Refer to the Openshift documentation for
more information.
Name | Access Mode |
ReadWriteOnce |
ReadWriteOnce |
ReadWriteMany |
ReadWriteMany |