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File metadata and controls

85 lines (76 loc) · 1.76 KB

Example of consumer repo for UTAM JS.


Clone or fork repository and run yarn install from root.

UTAM project is only compatible with NodeJS ver 14 and later.

Packages structure

+-- packages
    +-- my-tests
        +-- package.json
        +-- tsconfig.json
        +-- wdio.conf.js
    +-- my-pageobjects
        +-- pageObjects
        +-- customComponent
            +-- <component sources>
            +-- __utam__
                +-- <component name>.utam.json
        +-- package.json
        +-- tsconfig.json
        +-- utam.config.js
+-- babel.config.js        
+-- lerna.json
+-- package.json        
+-- tsconfig.json
+-- tsconfig.settings.json        

Compiler setup (my-pageobjects)

  • add UTAM dependencies to package.json
    "devDependencies": {
        "utam": "0.0.1-alpha18"
  • add utam.config.js with module.exports = {}; at the package root
module.exports = {
    // file mask for utam page objects
    testMatch: ['**/*.utam.json'],
    // output folder for generated page objects, relative to the package root
    outputDir: 'pageObjects',
  • add utam compile cli command to build phase
     "scripts": {
        "build": "yarn compile",
        "compile": "utam -c utam.config.js"

Webdriverio integration setup (my-tests)

  • add dependencies wdio, utam and custom page objects
    "devDependencies": {
        "utam": "0.0.1-alpha18",
        "wdio-utam-service": "0.0.1-alpha18",
        "utam-preview": "0.0.1-alpha18",
        "my-pageobjects" : "0.0.1"
  • add wdio.config.js with wdio-utam-service:
const { UtamWdioService } = require('wdio-utam-service');
exports.config = {
    services: ['chromedriver', [UtamWdioService, {}]]