Avenue.js is a powerful components design for building mobile and desktop applications. Check it out.
Using npm
$ npm i componentsuijs
In index.html
var data = [ { fieldname: 'accountid', fieldlabel: 'AccountID', sortable: true, editable: true }, { fieldname: 'accountno', fieldlabel: 'accountno', sortable: true, editable: false }, { api: { url: 'test.php', method: 'post', data: null } }, { custom: { orderBy: 'desc', limitPerPage: 4, pagination: true, paginationAlign: 'right', search: false, checkbox: true, dragable: true, rowsHeight: 7 // 7 tp 16 max } } ]; var striped = new DataTable(data); striped.__initTable( 'striped', 'divid', 'tableid' );
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