Retire irbtools-more:
- Move looksee to core irbtools
- Move core_docs to core irbtools
- Remove bond (outdated)
- Leave binding_of_caller optional
- Bump binding_of_caller & core_docs for Ruby 3.0
- Loosen Ruby dependency to allow Ruby 3.0
- Bump looksee & core_docs for Ruby 2.7
- Loosen irbrtools-more dependency to irbtools (allow 3.x)
- Remove dependency to did_you_mean, since it is now a default gem anyways
- Version bump: irbtools, looksee, core_docs, and binding_of_caller
- Add core_docs dependency
- Re-enable looksee (not comptible with Ruby 2.3, but does not crash anymore during install)
- Ruby 2.3 compat: Upgrade did_you_mean to ~> 1.0
- Ruby 2.3 compat: Disable looksee gem as long it is not adapted for 2.3
- Integrate more-repo into irbtools main repo
- Improve auto-completion
- Remove Object#l alias for looksee, use Object#lp
- Bump did_you_mean and looksee (Ruby 2.2 compat)
- Bump did_you_mean version
- Bump looksee
- Ruby 1.9.3 required
- Add did_you_mean gem
- Add binding_of_caller
- Alias looksee to Object#lp instead of Object#ls
- (nothing)
- Ruby 2.1 Compatibility / Update looksee gem
- Be less restrictive in gem dependencies
- (nothing)
- Ruby 2.0 Compatibility
- Drop 1.8 Support
- Drop DrX gem
- add looksee
- load in threads (irbtools 1.0)
- remove jeweler