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File metadata and controls

261 lines (207 loc) · 8.69 KB

Mapping Relationships

Mapping a standalone REST endpoint is easy. The tricky part is when the response from a particular endpoint references another endpoint - like foreign keys in a relational database. How can you take advantage of these references in a ng-admin application?

For a simple one-to-many relationship between post and comments, a REST API has three ways to implement the relationship:

  • using foreign keys,
  • using an array of foreign keys, or
  • using embedded entities.

Ng-admin offers field types for each of these cases. Let's see them in detail.

Simple Foreign Key

That's the most usual case: the relationship is carried by the comment entity, using a post_id field referencing a particular post entity.

GET /posts/456
    "id": "456",
    "title": "Consectetur adipisicing elit",
    "body": "Sed do eiusmod..."

GET /comments/123
    "id": 123,
    "author": "Alice",
    "body": "Lorem ipsum sic dolor amet...",
    "post_id": 456 // foreign key to post of id 456
GET /comments/124
    "id": 124,
    "author": "Bob",
    "body": "Lorem ipsum sic dolor amet...",
    "post_id": 456 // foreign key to post of id 456
FKey in comment read context write context
comments for post referenced_list N/A
post for comment reference reference

When displaying a post:

  • Use the referenced_list type to show the comments related to a post in a showView or an editionView.

          nga.field('comments', 'referenced_list') // display list of related comments

referenced_list in showView

  • Ng-admin doesn't provide the ability to add or remove comments to a post in the post editionView. It must be done on the comment editionView.

When displaying a comment:

  • Use the reference type to show the post related to a comment in a listView or showView.

          // ...
          nga.field('post_id', 'reference')
              .singleApiCall(ids => ({'id': ids }))

reference in listView

  • Use the reference type to let users choose the related post in a creationView or an editionView.

          // ...
          nga.field('post_id', 'reference')
              .validation({ required: true })
              .remoteComplete(true, {
                  refreshDelay: 200,
                  searchQuery: search => ({ q: search })

reference in editionView

Array Of Foreign Keys

The relationship is sometimes carried by the other side. Let's use a slighlty different example this time: the post entity contains a list of tag ids referencing a list of tag entities:

GET /posts/456
    "id": "456",
    "title": "Consectetur adipisicing elit",
    "body": "Sed do eiusmod...",
    "tags": [67, 98]

GET /tags/67
    "id": 67,
    "name": "Sport"
GET /tags/98
    "id": 98,
    "name": "Photo"
array of FKeys in post read context write context
tags for post reference_many reference_many
post for tag N/A N/A
  • Use the reference_many type to show the tags related to a post in a listView, a showView, or an editionView.

          // ...
          nga.field('tags', 'reference_many')
              .singleApiCall(ids => ({'id': ids }))

reference_many in listView

  • Use the reference_many type to add or remove tags to a post in the post editionView.

          // ...
          nga.field('tags', 'reference_many')
              .attributes({ placeholder: 'Select some tags...' })
              .remoteComplete(true, {
                  refreshDelay: 300 ,
                  searchQuery: search => ({ q: search })

reference_many in an editionView

When displaying a tag:

  • Ng-admin doesn't provide the ability to show the post related to a tag in a listView or showView.
  • Ng-admin doesn't provide the ability to let the user choose the related post in a creationView or an editionView.

Note: APIs often use arrays of foreign keys to render a many-to-many relationship (the other side of the relationship can also contain an array of foreign keys).

Embedded Entities

APIs sometimes render a one-to-many relationship by embedding the related entries in the main entry:

GET /posts/456
    "id": "1",
    "title": "Consectetur adipisicing elit",
    "body": "Sed do eiusmod...",
    "comments": [
            "date": "2014-09-24",
            "body": "Lorem ipsum sic dolor amet...",
            "date": "2012-08-09",
            "body": "Lorem ipsum sic dolor amet...",
array of entities in post read context write context
comments for post embedded_list embedded_list
post for comment N/A N/A

When displaying a post:

  • Use the embedded_list type to show the comments related to a post in a showView.

          // ...
          nga.field('comments', 'embedded_list') // Define a 1-N relationship with the (embedded) comment entity
              .targetFields([ // which comment fields to display in the datagrid / form
                  nga.field('date', 'date').label('Posted')

embedded_list in showView

  • Use the embedded_list type to add or remove comments to a post in the post creationView or editionView.

          // ...
          nga.field('comments', 'embedded_list') // Define a 1-N relationship with the (embedded) comment entity
              .targetFields([ // which comment fields to display in the datagrid / form
                  nga.field('date', 'date').label('Posted')

embedded_list in editionView

Embedded entity

APIs may render a many-to-one relationship by embedding the related entry in the main entry:

GET /comments/123
    "id": 123,
    "author": "Alice",
    "body": "Lorem ipsum sic dolor amet...",
    "post": {
        "id": "456",
        "title": "Consectetur adipisicing elit",
        "body": "Sed do eiusmod...",

When displaying a comment, use the dot notation to show the post related to a comment in any view (works in listView, showView, creationView, and editionView):

    nga.field('post.title'), // dot notation

dot notation in listView

The inlined post fields renders the same as other comment fields.

entity in comment read context write context
comments for post dot notation dot notation
post for comment N/A N/A