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--- a/README.md
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+# Simple Apple Health XML to CSV
+A simple script to convert Apple Health's export.xml file to an easy to use csv.
+## How to Run
+1. ####Verify you have pandas installed on your machine or environment
+`python -c "import pandas"` should return blank from the command line
+If you get a _**ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'**_ error, install pandas:
+`pip install pandas`
+2. ####Export your Apple Health Data
+ Go to your health home screen and click on the profile icon
+On the next page, click the "Export Health Data" button
+Your data will be prepared, and then you can transfer the export.zip file to your machine.
+3. Unzip the file, which should contain:
+ * apple_health_export
+ * export.xml
+ * export_cda.xml
+4. Place the **apple_health_xml_convert.py** into the folder alongside the files
+5. Run the script with `python apple_health_xml_convert.py`
+The export will be written with the format:
+* **apple_health_export_YYYY-MM-DD.csv**
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Simple Apple Health XML to CSV
+:File: convert.py
+:Description: Convert Apple Health "export.xml" file into a csv
+:Version: 0.0.1
+:Created: 2019-10-04
+:Authors: Jason Meno (jam)
+:Dependencies: An export.xml file from Apple Health
+:License: BSD-2-Clause
+# %% Imports
+import pandas as pd
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import datetime as dt
+# %% Function Definitions
+def pre_process():
+ """Pre-processes the XML file by replacing specific bits that would
+ normally result in a ParseError
+ """
+ print("Pre-processing...", end="")
+ with open("export.xml") as f:
+ newText = f.read().replace("\x0b", "")
+ # with open("apple_health_export_2/new_export.xml", "w") as f:
+ with open("processed_export.xml", "w") as f:
+ f.write(newText)
+ print("done!")
+ return
+def convert_xml():
+ """Loops through the element tree, retrieving all objects, and then
+ combining them together into a dataframe
+ """
+ print("Converting XML File...", end="")
+ etree = ET.parse("processed_export.xml")
+ attribute_list = []
+ for child in etree.getroot():
+ attribute_list.append(child.attrib)
+ health_df = pd.DataFrame(attribute_list)
+ # Every health data type and some columns have a long identifer
+ # Removing these for readability
+ health_df.type = health_df.type.str.replace('HKQuantityTypeIdentifier', "")
+ health_df.type = health_df.type.str.replace('HKCategoryTypeIdentifier', "")
+ health_df.columns = \
+ health_df.columns.str.replace("HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifier", "")
+ # Reorder some of the columns for easier visual data review
+ original_cols = list(health_df)
+ shifted_cols = ['type',
+ 'sourceName',
+ 'value',
+ 'unit',
+ 'startDate',
+ 'endDate',
+ 'creationDate']
+ remaining_cols = list(set(original_cols) - set(shifted_cols))
+ reordered_cols = shifted_cols + remaining_cols
+ health_df = health_df.reindex(labels=reordered_cols, axis='columns')
+ # Sort by newest data first
+ health_df.sort_values(by='creationDate', ascending=False, inplace=True)
+ print("done!")
+ return health_df
+def save_to_csv(health_df):
+ print("Saving CSV file...", end="")
+ today = dt.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ health_df.to_csv("apple_health_export_" + today + ".csv", index=False)
+ print("done!")
+ return
+def main():
+ pre_process()
+ health_df = convert_xml()
+ save_to_csv(health_df)
+ return
+# %%
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
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