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This is the main example demonstrating most of the functionality of the Whisper model. It can be used as a reference for using the whisper.cpp library in other projects.

./main -h

usage: ./main [options] file0.wav file1.wav ...

  -h,        --help              [default] show this help message and exit
  -t N,      --threads N         [4      ] number of threads to use during computation
  -p N,      --processors N      [1      ] number of processors to use during computation
  -ot N,     --offset-t N        [0      ] time offset in milliseconds
  -on N,     --offset-n N        [0      ] segment index offset
  -d  N,     --duration N        [0      ] duration of audio to process in milliseconds
  -mc N,     --max-context N     [-1     ] maximum number of text context tokens to store
  -ml N,     --max-len N         [0      ] maximum segment length in characters
  -bo N,     --best-of N         [5      ] number of best candidates to keep
  -bs N,     --beam-size N       [-1     ] beam size for beam search
  -wt N,     --word-thold N      [0.01   ] word timestamp probability threshold
  -et N,     --entropy-thold N   [2.40   ] entropy threshold for decoder fail
  -lpt N,    --logprob-thold N   [-1.00  ] log probability threshold for decoder fail
  -su,       --speed-up          [false  ] speed up audio by x2 (reduced accuracy)
  -tr,       --translate         [false  ] translate from source language to english
  -di,       --diarize           [false  ] stereo audio diarization
  -nf,       --no-fallback       [false  ] do not use temperature fallback while decoding
  -otxt,     --output-txt        [false  ] output result in a text file
  -ovtt,     --output-vtt        [false  ] output result in a vtt file
  -osrt,     --output-srt        [false  ] output result in a srt file
  -owts,     --output-words      [false  ] output script for generating karaoke video
  -ocsv,     --output-csv        [false  ] output result in a CSV file
  -oj,       --output-json       [false  ] output result in a JSON file
  -of FNAME, --output-file FNAME [       ] output file path (without file extension)
  -ps,       --print-special     [false  ] print special tokens
  -pc,       --print-colors      [false  ] print colors
  -pp,       --print-progress    [false  ] print progress
  -nt,       --no-timestamps     [true   ] do not print timestamps
  -l LANG,   --language LANG     [en     ] spoken language ('auto' for auto-detect)
             --prompt PROMPT     [       ] initial prompt
  -m FNAME,  --model FNAME       [models/ggml-base.en.bin] model path
  -f FNAME,  --file FNAME        [       ] input WAV file path