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281 lines (249 loc) · 13.9 KB

File metadata and controls

281 lines (249 loc) · 13.9 KB


Web app for creating and conducting AB and ABX listening tests.

Create your own test

ABX app is available at You can use this to create your own listening tests by creating a simple configuration file, saving it to a publicly hosted location along with the audio samples and sending the participants link with the configuration file. A listening test link looks like this:

The link after ?test= is the Dropbox share link of the configuration file. Replace the link with your own.

Dropbox works nicely for this purpose but so does any other hosting solution. The only requirements are that the service actually sends the file with correct content type. Dropbox share links are meant for humans and come with the whole Dropbox UI, but ABX ap will automatically turn the link into a correct download link. Unfortunately Google Drive doesn't provide correct content types and therefore cannot be used for hosting the configuration files and audio clips.

The configuration file itself is written with YAML syntax. This is rather human friendly and should be easy enough for you to get started right away without any prior experience with it. If you need to make changes during the study, you should always create a new separate file and distribute the new links to the participants instead of editing the existing file! This keeps things consistent.

Here's an example file:

name: Demo test
  description: |-
    #### ABX Demo

    This is a demo listening test showing how ABX listening tests app works from the listener's perspective.

    In this listening test you'll be given three different options with different compression methods
    and your task is to choose your preferred option. There are two different clips with 10 iterations
    each. This is an AB test. ABX tests where the listener needs to tell if sample X is the same as
    sample A or sample B. Greater number of sample options is supported although it's recommended to
    keep the number relatively low to avoid overloading the listener.

    You'll see your results at the end. It would also be possible to have the test send the results to
    the researcher by supplying an email in the configuration file but this test does not do so. The form
    below is an example of what can be done to gather statistics about the different demographics. The
    email sent to the research would also include the form data.
    - name: Age
      inputType: number
    - name: Gender
      inputType: select
        - Female
        - Male
        - Other
    - name: Experience
      inputType: select
        - Trained listener
        - Audio engineer
        - Audio retailer
        - Audio reviewer
        - Self-proclaimed audiophile
        - Musician
        - None of the above
  description: |-
    ### Results

    Here are your results
  - name: Sons of Winter and Stars (lossless)
    tag: lossless
  - name: Sons of Winter and Stars (64 kbps MP3)
    tag: 64 kbps
  - name: Sons of Winter and Stars (32 kbps MP3)
    tag: 32 kbps
  - name: Hotel California (lossless)
    tag: lossless
  - name: Hotel California (64 kbps MP3)
    tag: 64 kbps
  - name: Hotel California (32 kbps MP3)
    tag: 32 kbps
  - name: Bird on a Wire (lossless)
    tag: lossless
  - name: Bird on a Wire (64 kbps MP3)
    tag: 64 kbps
  - name: Bird on a Wire (32 kbps MP3)
    tag: 32 kbps
  - testType: ABX
    name: Jennifer Warnes - Bird on a Wire
    description: Select the most preferred option
      - Bird on a Wire (lossless)
      - Bird on a Wire (64 kbps MP3)
      - Bird on a Wire (32 kbps MP3)
    repeat: 10
  - testType: ABX
    name: Eagles - Hotel California
    description: Select the most preferred option
      - Hotel California (lossless)
      - Hotel California (64 kbps MP3)
      - Hotel California (32 kbps MP3)
    repeat: 10
  - testType: AB
    name: Wintersun - Sons of Winter and Stars
    description: Select the most preferred option
      - Sons of Winter and Stars (lossless)
      - Sons of Winter and Stars (64 kbps MP3)
      - Sons of Winter and Stars (32 kbps MP3)
    repeat: 10
email: [email protected]

You can start by copying this file, changing some fields, saving it to your Dropbox and getting the share link to test.

If you're just looking for a super simple starting point, then maybe this one will serve you better. This is the minimal YAML file you can have. Only one test with two different audio samples.

name: Minimal listening test
  description: |-
    ### Minimal listening test
  - name: lossless
  - name: 64 kbps
  - name: Lossless vs 64 kbps
    testType: ABX
      - lossless
      - 64 kbps

name specifies the name of the listening test. This is only to make it easier for you to tell which results come from which listening tests.

welcome details the welcome screen which is shown to the participants before the actual listening tests are launched. description can be used for giving instructions to the participants. The description uses Markdown syntax. Note the strange |- after the description: , this tells YAML that the following is a multi-line text and without this the line breaks will be replaced with spaces.

form is optional and can be used as a survey for collecting demographics information from the participants. You should avoid collecting personally identifiable information. Form can have any number of input fields, these are listed with the bullet point syntax. Each input field needs to know a name and an inputType. Supported types are text, number and select (dropdown). List the set of available options for select type input with the same bullet point syntax.

results section only has an optional description field, which is similar to the welcome screen description. The results are shown after all of the tests have been completed. The description is displayed at the top of the results screen.

options list the audio samples used in all of the listening tests. First you declare the options in this section and then in the tests sections you can simply reference them with their names. Each option has the name as the identifier and can to have two additional fields: audioUrl for specifying where the audio clip is hosted and tag for grouping options together for statistical analysis. tag is optional and if you omit it, there won't be aggregated statistics in the results. Keep in mind to only group together audio clips which should be analyzed together. In this example all of the 32 kpbs MP3 clips are grouped together, as are 64 kbps and lossless clips. The results include aggregated statistics for each combination of tags that appeared together in the tests. If you have one test with samples with tags 32 kbps and lossless and another with tags 64 kbps and lossless, these two tests won't have shared aggregated statistics because they had different combinations of tags.

tests section lists the actual listening tests. There can be any number of tests but in practice this should be quite limited to avoid exhausting the participants. Each test has four different fields:

  • testType tells if the listening test is AB or ABX.
  • name is the title of the test and is displayed to the user at the top of each test screen and in the results page.
  • description of the test is a single piece of text shown to the user below the title. Markdown is not supported here.
  • options list the audio clip names. The clips will be randomly shuffled in each test iteration.
  • repeat tells how many iterations of the test should be done. Optional, defaults to 10 iterations.

email specifies the email address where the results should be sent to. This is optional and can be omitted if you don't wish to collect the results. The results will be provided as JSON documents.

Audio Samples

ABX only plays the audio samples defined in the configuration file. There is no processing (apart from volume slider) so all the effects under test need to be applied to the audio samples themselves.

All audio samples MUST be exactly the same length, down to a sample, because the samples are playing in loop and if the samples are of different lengths, they will get out of sync. All audio samples also MUST have the same sample rate. This is a limitation of the current technical implementation and might change in the future (or might not).

The audio samples should be looping friendly, meaning that if the sample starts and end abruptly, the users will be greeted with a loud pop sound whenever the audio loops back to the beginning. Applying fade-in in the beginning of each sample and fade-out at the end is a good way to avoid this.


Read on if you're interested in deploying and hosting ABX yourself.

Deploy with Docker

Easiest way to deploy ABX is with Docker. The entire application is configured with environment variables. Here's an example of how to the deployment works for the official domain:

docker run -d --restart on-failure --name abx \
-p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
-v /abx:/abx:ro \
-v /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
-v /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ \
-e NODE_ENV=production \
-e HTTP_PORT=80 \
-e HTTPS_PORT=443 \
-e SSL_CERT_PATH=/etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
-e SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=/etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
-e [email protected] \
-e MAILJET_API_KEY_PUBLIC=/abx/mailjet_api_key_public \
-e MAILJET_API_KEY_PRIVATE=/abx/mailjet_api_key_private \
  • -d runs the container in detached mode ---restart on-failure makes the Docker engine restart the container if it crashes
  • --name abx sets the container name
  • -p 80:80 -p 443:443 exposes ports 80 (for HTTPS) and 443 (for HTTPS)
  • -v /abx:/abx:ro binds directory /abx on the host to the container in the same location. This is where the API keys for Mailjet reside.
  • -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/ and -v /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ bind letsencrypt certificate directories to the container. These are needed for HTTPS.
  • -e NODE_ENV=production tells NodeJS to run in production mode
  • -e HTTP_PORT=80 tells the HTTP server to listen port 80
  • -e HTTPS_PORT=443 tells the HTTPS server to listen port 443
  • -e SSL_CERT_PATH=/etc/letsencrypt/live/ tells the HTTPS server where to find SSL certificate public key
  • -e SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=/etc/letsencrypt/live/ tells the HTTPS server where to find the SSL certificate private key
  • -e [email protected] tells the emailer which from address should be set to the emails
  • -e EMAIL_FROM_NAME="ABX" tells the emailer which name should be set to the emails
  • -e MAILJET_API_KEY_PUBLIC=/abx/mailjet_api_key_public tells the emailer where to find the Mailjet public API key
  • -e MAILJET_API_KEY_PRIVATE=/abx/mailjet_api_key_private tells the emailer where to find the Mailjet private API key
  • jaakkopasanen/abx:latest this specifies the Docker image. Here we are using the latest version but there are also tags available with semantic versioning (such as 1.1.0).

Docker build and push

Build your own Docker image if you don't want to use one from jaakkopasanen. Docker build includes production build of the React app and all other necessary steps.

docker build -t yourdockerhubusername/abx:latest .
docker push yourdockerhubusername/abx:latest


Read on if you're interested in developing ABX.

Dev Server

npm run start

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm run dev

Launches the backend server in development mode. This too has automatic reloads.


npm run test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.


Production build is done in the Docker build but if you'd like to create production build manually outside of Docker, run:

npm run build

This builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. ABX is ready to be deployed!