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File metadata and controls

84 lines (62 loc) · 2.9 KB


SF residents issue requests for syringe disposal by creating a tickets and mapping the location of the syringes found in public areas. The app then sends an alert to volunteers to help with disposal. On-duty volunteer(s) will claim the tickets and update the status once the reported syringes have been disposed.


  • SF residents map the location of syringe(s) found in public areas.
  • Sends alerts to volunteers
  • Volunteers accept cases and update status, providing the number of syringes collected from the location.
  • SF residents request an area recieves special attention before events.
  • Track number of completed disposals by volunteer (response time, number of syringes and location).
  • Track historical locations of disposed syringes cleaned up.
  • Accept and track volunteer applications.
  • Track the progress of volunteers interviews, orientation and safety training.
  • Stretch goal: - Interface with so volunteer can plan travel by bus/train to the location.
  • Stretch goal: - Badge system
  • Stretch goal: Invite volunteers to appreciation events
  • Stretch goal: Create a low threshold incentivized work program using the app. SF residents/erchants may donate to the service, providing stipends to volunteers using a third-party payments through Braintree or Stripe. This would allow homeless and other low-income folks to sign-in for work to earn income.


Generating the Application

The app was created using the Angular CLI with the following command:

ng new Application --style=scss --routing --skip-git

--style=scss - file extension to be used for style files.

--routing - Generates a routing module named app-routing.module.ts.

--skip-git - Skiped initializing a git repository when the app was created since the app was generated inside of an exisiting repository.

Deploy to Firebase

# cd into the Application directory
cd Application

# Run the ng build command with the 'prod' and 'output-path' flags
# the output path should point to the 'dist' directory
ng build --prod --output-path dist

# Deploy to Firebase Hosting
firebase deploy --only hosting -m "optional message describing this deploy"

Firebase: Cloud Firestore Database

The data is stored in a Firestore databases. Below are the fields for each document type in the database.


  • Name
  • Location (Street address, City, Zip)
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Email opt-in
  • Text messages opt-in
  • Approved status
  • Number of pickups
  • Image

Report Syringe Pickup

  • Name
  • Location
  • Requestor Details
  • Requestor Email follow-up?
  • Requestor Email
  • Number of syringes
  • Status (updated by volunteers)
  • Requestor Time reported
  • Volunteer Time completed

Request Regular/Future Inspection

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Address (Street address, City, State, Zip)
  • One time / On-going