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129 lines (120 loc) · 8.68 KB

WalnutGulch Sample Dataset



  • obs/WalnutGulch/ - observations from two AMERIFLUX eddy covariance towers within the Walnut Gulch experimental watershed
    • WHS/ - observations from the Walnut Gulch Lucky Hills Shrub tower
    • WKG/ - observations from the Walnut Gulch Kendall Grassland tower
    • All site subdirectories contain the following contents, where $SiteCode is one of [WHS, WKG]:
      • flux_obs/ - original AMERIFLUX observation files at 30-minute resolution; ascii, comma-separated
      • stdfmt/ - reformatted AMERIFLUX observation files; ascii, space-separated
        • $prefix.stdfmt.30min.txt = space-delimited ascii file containing 30-minute resolution observations, where $prefix = the file prefix used in the flux_obs/ directory; columns:
          • YYYY MM DD HH MM = year, month, day, hour, minute
          • PREC = Precipitation (mm)
          • Tair = Air Temperature (C)
          • SWdown = Downward Shortwave (W/m2)
          • LWdown = Downward Longwave (W/m2)
          • RH = Relative Humidity (%)
          • Patm = Atmospheric Pressure (kPa)
          • Wind = Wind Speed (m/s)
          • ET = Evapo-transpiration (mm)
          • Tsdep1 = 1st soil observation depth (cm)
          • Tsdep2 = 2nd soil observation depth (cm)
          • Tsdep3 = 3rd soil observation depth (cm)
          • Tsdep4 = 4th soil observation depth (cm)
          • Tsdep5 = 5th soil observation depth (cm)
          • SM1 = Soil moisture (mm/mm) at Tsdep1
          • SM2 = Soil moisture (mm/mm) at Tsdep2
          • SM3 = Soil moisture (mm/mm) at Tsdep3
          • SM4 = Soil moisture (mm/mm) at Tsdep4
          • SM5 = Soil moisture (mm/mm) at Tsdep5
          • Tsoil1 = Air Temperature (C) at Tsdep1
          • Tsoil2 = Air Temperature (C) at Tsdep2
          • Tsoil3 = Air Temperature (C) at Tsdep3
          • Tsoil4 = Air Temperature (C) at Tsdep4
          • Tsoil5 = Air Temperature (C) at Tsdep5
          • SWnet = Net shortwave (W/m2)
          • LWnet = Net longwave (W/m2)
          • H = Sensible heat flux (W/m2)
          • LE = Latent heat flux (W/m2)
          • FG = Ground heat flux (W/m2)
            Missing values are denoted by -9999.
        • $SiteCode.stdfmt.hourly.txt = space-delimited ascii file containing hourly observations, with the same columns as 30-minute file, but without a minute column
        • $SiteCode.stdfmt.hourly.local.txt = same as $SiteCode.stdfmt.hourly.txt but with times in local time zone rather than UTC
        • $SiteCode.stdfmt.daily.txt = space-delimited ascii file containing daily observations, with the same columns as the hourly files, but without an hour column
      • vic_force/ = meteorological inputs formatted for VIC; files include:
        • $SiteCode.vic_force.hourly.txt = hourly meteorological observations, formatted as inputs to the VIC model; columns:
          • YYYY MM DD HH = year, month, day, hour
          • Prec = hourly total precipitation (mm)
          • Tair = hourly air temperature (C)
          • SWdown = hourly downward shortwave (W/m2)
          • LWdown = hourly downward longwave (W/m2)
          • Density = hourly air density (kg/m3)
          • Patm = hourly atmosperic pressure (kPa)
          • VP = hourly vapor pressure (kPa)
          • Wind = hourly wind speed (m/s)
            Missing values are denoted by -9999.
        • $SiteCode.vic_force.daily.txt = daily meteorological observations, formatted as inputs to the MetSim disaggregation algorithm; columns:
          • YYYY MM DD = year, month, day
          • Prec = daily total precipitation (mm)
          • Tmax = daily maximum air temperature (C)
          • Tmin = daily minimum air temperature (C)
          • Wind = daily average wind speed (m/s)
            Missing values are denoted by -9999.
        • full_data_$lat_$lon = continuous (gap-filled) hourly meteorological forcings formatted for VIC, where $lat and $lon are the coordinates of the flux tower; generated by filling gaps in the observed meteorology with gridded forcings from Livneh et al. (2015) via the following steps:
          1. Fill gaps in the daily observed meteorology (stdfmt/$SiteCode/vic_force/$SiteCode.vic_force.daily.txt) with values from the Livneh et al. (2015) grid cell (with temperature values lapsed to the flux tower elevation using a lapse rate of 6.5 C / km)
          2. Disaggregate the merged daily meteorology to hourly via MetSim
          3. Fill gaps in the hourly observed meteorology (stdfmt/$SiteCode/vic_force/$SiteCode.vic_force.hourly.txt) with values from the file generated by step b
            These files are formatted as inputs to the VIC model; columns:
          • YYYY MM DD HH = year, month, day, hour
          • Prec = hourly total precipitation (mm)
          • Tair = hourly air temperature (C)
          • SWdown = hourly downward shortwave (W/m2)
          • LWdown = hourly downward longwave (W/m2)
          • Density = hourly air density (kg/m3)
          • Patm = hourly atmosperic pressure (kPa)
          • VP = hourly vapor pressure (kPa)
          • Wind = hourly wind speed (m/s)

Image Driver

  • image/WalnutGulch/parameters/ - parameter files

    • Global Parameter Files:
      • global_param.WalnutGulch.L2015.txt
        • Domain File:
        • Parameter File:
        • Forcings:
      • global_param.WalnutGulch.MOD_IGBP.txt
        • Domain File:
        • Parameter File:
        • Forcings:
        • fcanopy is ignored
      • global_param.WalnutGulch.MOD_IGBP.Fcanopy.txt
        • Domain File:
        • Parameter File:
        • Forcings:
        • fcanopy is used
    • Domain Files:
        • 0.0625 degree resolution
        • Taken from Bohn et al. (2018)
    • Parameter Files:
        • 0.0625 degree resolution
        • Parameters taken from Livneh et al. (2015)
        • NLDAS soil, snow, and veg parameters
        • 0.0625 degree resolution
        • MOD-LSP MOD_IGBP parameters (Bohn and Vivoni, 2019)
        • Soils and snowbands from NLDAS
        • Land cover, LAI, fcanopy, and albedo from MODIS
  • image/WalnutGulch/forcings/ - meteorological forcing files

      • 0.0625 degree resolution
      • 3-hour time step
      • 366 days of records
      • From Livneh et al. (2015)
    • NOTE: these are gridded forcings, as opposed to the flux tower forcings in the obs/WalnutGulch/AMERIFLUX/$SiteCode/vic_force/ directories.

Classic Driver

Currently there are no classic driver parameters for this dataset. However, classic driver forcings are available in the obs/WalnutGulch/AMERIFLUX/$SiteCode/vic_force/ directories. Classic driver parameters could be created by appropriate reformatting of the image-driver paramters.


  • Bohn, T. J, and E. R. Vivoni, 2019: MOD-LSP: MODIS-Based Parameters for Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Model over the Continental US, Mexico, and Southern Canada (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.2612560.
  • Bohn, T. J., K. M. Whitney, G. Mascaro, and E. R. Vivoni, 2018: Parameters for PITRI Precipitation Temporal Disaggregation over continental US, Mexico, and southern Canada, 1981-2013 (Version 1.1) [Data set]. Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.2564019.
  • Livneh, B., T. J. Bohn, D. W. Pierce, F. Munoz-Arriola, B. Nijssen, R. Vose, D. R. Cayan, and L. Brekke, 2015: A spatially comprehensive, hydrometeorological data set for Mexico, the U.S., and southern Canada 1950–2013. Nat. Sci. Data, 2, 150042, doi:10.1038/sdata.2015.42.