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First, ensure the OctopusDSC module is on your $env:PSModulePath. Then you can create and apply configuration like this.

Configuration SampleConfig
    param ($ApiKey, $OctopusServerUrl, $Environments, $Roles, $ListenPort)

    Import-DscResource -Module OctopusDSC

    Node "localhost"
        cTentacleAgent OctopusTentacle
            Ensure = "Present"
            State = "Started"

            # Tentacle instance name. Leave it as 'Tentacle' unless you have more
            # than one instance
            Name = "Tentacle"

            # Defaults to <MachineName>_<InstanceName> unless overridden
            DisplayName = "My Tentacle"

            # Registration - all parameters required
            ApiKey = $ApiKey
            OctopusServerUrl = $OctopusServerUrl
            Environments = $Environments
            Roles = $Roles

            # Optional settings
            ListenPort = $ListenPort
            DefaultApplicationDirectory = "C:\Applications"
            TentacleHomeDirectory = "C:\Octopus"

SampleConfig -ApiKey "API-ABCDEF12345678910" -OctopusServerUrl "" -Environments @("Development") -Roles @("web-server", "app-server") -ListenPort 10933

Start-DscConfiguration .\SampleConfig -Verbose -wait



When Ensure is set to Present, the resource will:

  1. Download the Tentacle MSI from the internet
  2. Install the MSI
  3. Configure Tentacle either in listening mode or polling mode
  4. Add a Windows firewall exception for the listening port (if in listening mode)
  5. Register the Tentacle with your Octopus server, using the registration settings

When Ensure is set to Absent, the resource will:

  1. De-register the Tentacle from your Octopus server, using the registration settings
  2. Delete the Tentacle windows service
  3. Uninstall using the MSI if there are no other Tentacles installed on this machine

When State is Started, the resource will ensure that the Tentacle windows service is running. When Stopped, it will ensure the service is stopped.


Property Type Default Value Description
Ensure string - Present or Absent Present The desired state of the Tentacle - effectively whether to install or uninstall.
Name string The name of the Tentacle instance. Use Tentacle by convention unless you have more than one instance.
DisplayName string <Name>_<MachineName> The display name of the Tentacle that is used in the Octopus UI.
State string - Started or Stopped Started The desired state of the Tentacle service.
CommunicationMode string - Listen or Poll Listen The type of Tentacle - whether the Tentacle listens for requests from server, or actively polls the server for requests. Note: to change the CommunicationMode, you need to uninstall and reinstall the Tentacle.
ApiKey string The Api Key to use to register the Tentacle with the Server.
OctopusServerUrl string The Url of the Octopus server with which to register the Tentacle.
Environments string[] An array of Environments to which to assign the Tentacle.
Roles string[] An array of Roles to assign to the Tentacle.
DefaultApplicationDirectory string The default location where to install applications.
ListenPort int 10933 The port on which the Tentacle should listen, when CommunicationMode is set to Listen.
ServerPort int 10943 The port on which to communicate with the server, when CommunicationMode is set to Poll.
tentacleDownloadUrl string The url to use to download the Tentacle, when run on an x86 architecture.
tentacleDownloadUrl64 string The url to use to download the Tentacle, when run on an x64 architecture.
PublicHostNameConfiguration string - PublicIp, FQDN, ComputerName or Custom PublicIp The method used to specify the PublicHostName of the Tentacle. If PublicIp, it uses to get the machines public IP address. If FQDN, it uses WMI to detemine the DNS host name and the domain. If ComputerName, it uses the local computers host name. If Custom, it uses the value specified by CustomPublicHostName.
CustomPublicHostName string The PublicHostName to use when registering the Tentacle when PublicHostNameConfiguration is set to Custom.
TentacleHomeDirectory string $($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus The location where Octopus should store its working files, logs, packages etc.


Currently the resource only considers the Ensure, State and TentacleDownloadUrl/TentacleDownloadUrl64 properties when testing for drift.

This means that if you set Ensure to Present to install Tentacle, then later set it to Absent, testing the configuration will return $false. Likewise if you set the State to Stopped and the service is running.

If the tentacleDownloadUrl / tentacleDownloadUrl64 properties change, it will detect the configuration drift and upgrade/downgrade the Tentacle as appropriate. However, if you leave it as default (ie 'install latest'), it will not upgrade when a new version is released - it only actions on change of the property.

However, if you were to set the ListenPort to a new port, the drift detection isn't smart enough to check the old configuration, nor update the registered machine. You'll need to uninstall and reinstall for these other settings to take effect.