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Zimbra Single Sign On (Zm SSO)

Zm SSO is the Zimbra Collaboration Open Source Edition extension for single sign-on authentication to the Zimbra Web Client.
Copyright (C) 2020-present iWay Vietnam and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

  • Using framework: pac4j is an easy and powerful security engine for Java to authenticate users, get their profiles and manage authorizations in order to secure web applications and web services.
  • Supported authentication mechanisms: SAML - CAS - OpenID Connect

Building Java extension


  • JDK 11 or newer.
  • Apache Maven 3.5 or newer for Maven build.
  • Apache Ant 1.x for Ant build.
  • rpm-build for rpm package build.

Setting up your build system

  • On Fedora or CentOS 8.x or Red Hat EL 7.x
dnf -y install java-11-openjdk java-11-openjdk-devel maven ant git make rpmdevtools rpm-build
  • On CentOS 7.x or Red Hat EL 7.x
yum -y install java-11-openjdk java-11-openjdk-devel maven ant git make rpmdevtools rpm-build
  • On Debian or Ubuntu
apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk maven ant git make

Clone code from git repository

mkdir -p ~/projects/zimbra
cd ~/projects/zimbra
git clone

Build jar file by using Maven

cd ~/projects/zimbra/zm-sso
mvn clean package

The output should be like this:

--- maven-jar-plugin:3.0.2:jar (default-jar) @ zm-hab ---
Building jar: ~/projects/zimbra/zm-sso/target/zm-sso-1.0.0-1.jar

Build jar file by using Ant

cd ~/projects/zimbra/zm-sso
ant jar

The output should be like this:

[jar] Building jar: ~/projects/zimbra/zm-sso/dist/zm-sso-1.0.0-1.jar

Build rpm package

cd ~/projects/zimbra/zm-sso
make rpmbuild

The output should be like this:

Wrote: ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/zm-sso-1.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm


Install jar extension

  • Copy jar extension to zimbra server
cd ~/projects/zimbra/zm-sso
ssh [email protected] "mkdir -p /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zm-sso"
scp target/*.jar [email protected]:/opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zm-sso
scp target/dependencies/*.jar [email protected]:/opt/zimbra/jetty_base/common/lib
scp conf/ [email protected]:/opt/zimbra/conf
  • Restart mailbox to load the extension.
ssh [email protected] "su - zimbra -c '/opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailboxdctl restart'"

Install rpm package

ssh [email protected] "mkdir -p /tmp/zimbra"
scp ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/zm-sso-1.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm [email protected]:/tmp/zimbra
ssh [email protected] "rpm -Uvh /tmp/zimbra/zm-sso-1.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm"


The settings loaded from file. The location of this file is /opt/zimbra/conf/

Default client configuration

  • Using a text editor to open in /opt/zimbra/conf. Ex: vi /opt/zimbra/conf/
  • Specify default pac4j client by setting the value for the sso.defaultClient key. Ex: sso.defaultClient = SAML2Client

Callback endpoint configuration

To handle authentication, a callback endpoint is necessary to receive callback calls from the identity server and finish the login process.


  • Using a text editor to open in /opt/zimbra/conf.
  • Specify callback endpoint by setting the value for the sso.callbackUrl key. The path of endpoint can be:
    • /service/extension/sso/callback (using default client. specified in sso.defaultClient). Ex: sso.callbackUrl =
    • /service/extension/saml/callback (using SAML client). Ex: saml.callbackUrl =
    • /service/extension/cas/callback (using CAS client). Ex: cas.callbackUrl =
    • /service/extension/oidc/callback (using OpenID Connect client). Ex: oidc.callbackUrl =
  • Specify profile should be saved in session by setting the value for the sso.saveInSession key.
  • Specify multi profiles are supported by setting the value for the sso.multiProfile key.
  • Specify the session must be renewed by setting the value for the sso.renewSession key.

Logout endpoint configuration

To handle the logout, a logout endpoint is necessary to perform:

  • The local logout by removing the pac4j profiles from the session.
  • The central logout by calling the identity provider logout endpoint. This is the Single LogOut (SLO) process.


  • Using a text editor to open in /opt/zimbra/conf.
  • sso.localLogout: It indicates whether a local logout must be performed.
  • sso.destroySession: It defines whether we must destroy the web session during the local logout.
  • sso.centralLogout: It defines whether a central logout must be performed.
  • sso.postLogoutURL: It defines whether logout return url from idp server back to zimbra. By default at the last step of SP initiated logout user will see a blank page.

Configuration with any SAML identity provider using the SAML v2.0 protocol.

First, if you don’t have one, you need to generate a keystore for all signature and encryption operations. Ex:

keytool -genkeypair -alias samlkey -keypass samlpasswd -keystore /opt/zimbra/conf/saml/keystore.jks -storepass samlpasswd -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 3650


  • Using a text editor to open in /opt/zimbra/conf.
  • saml.keystorePath: It defines the keystore resource location. It is the value of the -keystore option for the keystore generation with prefix file:. Ex: saml.keystorePath = file:/opt/zimbra/conf/saml/keystore.jks
  • saml.keystorePassword: It defines keystore password. It is the value of the -storepass option for the keystore generation.
  • saml.privateKeyPassword: It defines key password. It is the value of the -keypass option for the keystore generation.
  • saml.keystoreAlias: It defines keystore alias. It is the value of the -alias option for the keystore generation.
  • saml.identityProviderMetadataPath: It defines the resource location should point to your IdP metadata. Ex: saml.identityProviderMetadataPath =
  • saml.serviceProviderEntityId: It defines the entity ID of your application (the Service Provider). Ex: saml.serviceProviderEntityId =

Configuration to login with a CAS server.

  • Using a text editor to open in /opt/zimbra/conf.
  • cas.loginUrl: It defines the login URL of your CAS server. Ex: cas.loginUrl =
  • cas.protocol: It defines the CAS protocol you want to use. Ex: cas.protocol = CAS20

Configuration to login using the OpenID Connect protocol v1.0.

  • Using a text editor to open in /opt/zimbra/conf.
  • oidc.discoveryUri: It defines the discovery URI for fetching OP metadata. Ex: oidc.discoveryUri =
  • It defines the OpenID client identifier.
  • oidc.secret: It defines the OpenID client secret.
  • oidc.scope: It defines the OpenID client scope.

Replace login and logout urls

  • Execute following commands with the Zimbra user for domain configuration:
# SSO login by using default client. Specified in sso.defaultClient
zmprov md zimbraWebClientLoginURL
# or SSO login by using SAML client
# zmprov md zimbraWebClientLoginURL
# or SSO login by using CAS client
# zmprov md zimbraWebClientLoginURL
# or SSO login by using OpenID Connect client
# zmprov md zimbraWebClientLoginURL
# Specified logout URL
zmprov md zimbraWebClientLogoutURL
  • Execute following commands with the zimbra user for global configuration:
# SSO login by using default client. Specified in sso.defaultClient
zmprov mcf zimbraWebClientLoginURL
# or SSO login by using SAML client
# zmprov mcf zimbraWebClientLoginURL
# or SSO login by using CAS client
# zmprov mcf zimbraWebClientLoginURL
# or SSO login by using OpenID Connect client
# zmprov mcf zimbraWebClientLoginURL
# Specified logout URL
zmprov mcf zimbraWebClientLogoutURL
  • Execute the following command with the zimbra user to restart Zimbra server: zmcontrol restart

Import untrusted ssl certificate to the cacerts file

This is primarily for allowance of untrusted ssl certificates in external data sources.

  • Export untrusted ssl certificate to the file:
openssl s_client -servername -connect </dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' >/path/to/cert.pem
  • Execute following commands with the Zimbra user:
zmcertmgr addcacert /path/to/cert.pem
zmmailboxdctl restart

Add identity provider hostname to ignore CSRF referer check

zmprov -l mcf +zimbraCsrfAllowedRefererHosts
zmmailboxdctl restart



Zm SSO is licensed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3. See LICENSE for the full license text.