This repository contains links to various games and animation projects that I have developed (or helped develop):
- Qteroids - A solo-asteroids-ripoff project with the goal of learning Qt
- SpaceSharp - A space animation in C# with stars, comets and supernovas
- Spectrum - A team-puzzle-rainbow-platformer game with unique color mechanics (later we discovered that there exists a game called Hue with similar core mechanics, so we borrowed some ideas from it)
- doodLbot - An algorithm-based multiplayer game; A team microservice-mvc project
- epicyclez - Transforms arbitrary user-drawn contures into an epicycle chain that approximately orbits the same conture
- gclc-of-life - Game of Life implementation in GCLC
- langton-ant - Langton's Ant implementation in C# using .NET WinForms
- maze-pathfinder - A visual maze-solver
- mines - A solo-minesweeper-ripoff project with the goal of learning OOP through C# .NET
- rubik - A 3D Rubik's cube sandbox written in OpenGL
- sudoku - A solo 9x9 sudoku project with the goal of learning recursive game solving algorithms through C# and .NET