feat: Add aliases to several commands
feat: Add aliases to several commands
Fix: Improve bot responses and fix minor bugs
Fix: Improve bot responses and fix minor bugs
fix: Correct image URL retrieval and increment version
fix: Correct image URL retrieval and increment version
Refactor: Improve AI chat and search commands
Refactor: Improve AI chat and search commands
Refactor: Improve AI chat & downloader commands
Refactor: Improve AI chat & downloader commands
fix: Improve user coin handling and command alias
fix: Improve user coin handling and command alias
Refactor: Improve game reward handling and add cosplay command
Refactor: Improve game reward handling and add cosplay command
Fix: Correct participarticipantId
Fix: Correct
typoFix: Use m.sender instead of m.jid in games
Fix: Use m.sender instead of m.jid in games
feat: Add command alias and increment version
feat: Add command alias and increment version
chore: Update package version to 1.1.11+rebuild
chore: Update package version to 1.1.11+rebuild
chore: Update version to 1.1.10+rebuild
chore: Update version to 1.1.10+rebuild
fix: Update google image search API and version
fix: Update google image search API and version
Refactor: Update API URLs to use "fast" base URL.
Refactor: Update API URLs to use "fast" base URL.
Force push
Refactor: Update API URLs to use "fast" base URL.
Refactor: Update API URLs to use "fast" base URL.
fix(play): update downloadApiUrl construction
fix(play): update downloadApiUrl construction
feat(api): update README and fix API endpoints
feat(api): update README and fix API endpoints
feat(play): update downloader config url
feat(play): update downloader config url
feat(api): update API URLs for all commands
feat(api): update API URLs for all commands
fix: (downloader): update url property in downloadApiUrl
fix: (downloader): update url property in downloadApiUrl
feat(api): lilychan, youtubeaudio, youtubevideo, yahoosearch, googlei…
feat(api): lilychan, youtubeaudio, youtubevideo, yahoosearch, googlei…
feat(downloader): remove unused API versions
feat(downloader): remove unused API versions
fix(middleware): resolve issue with formatting and code changes
fix(middleware): resolve issue with formatting and code changes
feat(api): add support for chatbot commands
feat(api): add support for chatbot commands
feat(package): bumped package version to 1.0.4+rebirth
feat(package): bumped package version to 1.0.4+rebirth
feat(api): update url for agatz API
feat(api): update url for agatz API
feat: bump package version to 1.0.2+rebirth
feat: bump package version to 1.0.2+rebirth
fix(code): improve code quality and formatting
fix(code): improve code quality and formatting
feat(pkg): bump version to 1.0.0+rebirth
feat(pkg): bump version to 1.0.0+rebirth