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File metadata and controls

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Sephpa - A PHP class to export SEPA files

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Sephpa [sefa] is a PHP class that creates SEPA XML files. The created XML files fulfill the specifications of Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS).

Supported file versions

  • SEPA Credit Transfer
    • pain.001.001.03
    • pain.001.002.03
    • pain.001.003.03
  • SEPA Direct Debit
    • pain.008.001.02
    • pain.008.001.02.austrian.003
    • pain.008.002.02
    • pain.008.003.02


Sephpa was created for PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and HHVM and requires SepaUtilities 1.2.4+ and SimpleXML. Sephpa should also work with PHP <5.6, but since this versions are very old and don't get any security updates, it is strongly recommended not to use PHP older than 5.6.

If you want to download correctly sorted files, you also need the zip library and for documentation files you need SepaDocumentor.



Just add

    "require": {
        "abcaeffchen/sephpa": "~2.0.0"

to your composer.json and include the Composer autoloader to your script.

Direct download

You can download Sephpa from this GitHub page. Make sure you also download SepaUtilities. You should store the files in a structure that looks like this:

your project root
├── your_code
│   └── ...
└── vendor
    ├── Sephpa          (the Sephpa project go here)
    ├── SepaUtilities   (the SepaUtilities files go here)
    └── ...

In your code you can include the Sephpa autoloader by including the file


You also need to include the SepaUtilities file which should be


In total your code should look something like this:

require PROJECT_ROOT . '/vendor/Sephpa/src/autoloader.php';
require PROJECT_ROOT . '/vendor/abcaeffchen/sepa-utilities/src/SepaUtilities.php';

You need to define PROJECT_ROOT by yourself.

Documentation Module

Sephpa uses SepaDocumentor to create File Routing Slips and Control Lists. If you are interested in this files you need to add

    "require": {
        "abcaeffchen/sepa-documentor": "~1.0.0"

to your composer file or download it from the website and make it available to Sephpa.

Creating a new SEPA file

Note: This is not meant to teach you SEPA. If you want to learn more about SEPA or SEPA files, you should ask your bank for help. You use this library at your own risk and I assume no liability if anything goes wrong. You are supposed to check the files before handing them to your bank.

Credit Transfer

You can create a new Sephpa object by using:

$creditTransferFile = new SephpaCreditTransfer('Initiator Name',

You have to input the initiator name, the unique message id and the version of the file. The message id have to be unique for all sepa files you hand over to your bank. This is one of the things Sephpa will not check for you. Currently supported credit transfer versions are:

  • SEPA_PAIN_001_002_03: Credit transfer version pain.001.002.03
  • SEPA_PAIN_001_003_03: Credit transfer version pain.001.003.03

If you don't know which version to choose, ask your bank which versions they do accept. Normally banks are not the fastest and so they will most likely accept the older one.

By default checkAndSanitize is set to true, which means that Sephpa will check and sanitize every input it self and throw exceptions if something can not be sanitized. This sounds nagging but if you turn off this checks and just ignore the exceptions your bank will not accept the files. But it is recommended to check all inputs at input time (using SepaUtilities) and then only add valid data. Then you can turn off checkAndSanitize to prevent double checking everything.

Once you created the SephpaCreditTransfer object, you can add a payment collection. You can add as many payment collections as you like.

$creditTransferCollection = $creditTransferFile->addCollection([
// required information about the debtor
    'pmtInfId'      => 'PaymentID-1234',        // ID of the payment collection
    'dbtr'          => 'Name of Debtor',        // (max 70 characters)
    'iban'          => 'DE21500500001234567897',// IBAN of the Debtor
    'bic'           => 'SPUEDE2UXXX',           // BIC of the Debtor
// optional
    'ccy'           => 'EUR',                   // Currency. Default is 'EUR'
    'btchBookg'     => 'true',                  // BatchBooking, only 'true' or 'false'
    //'ctgyPurp'      => ,                      // Category Purpose. Do not use this if you do not know how. For further information read the SEPA documentation
    'reqdExctnDt'   => '2013-11-25',            // Requested Execution Date: YYYY-MM-DD
    'ultmtDebtr'    => 'Ultimate Debtor Name'   // just an information, this do not affect the payment (max 70 characters)

You can add as many payments as you want to each collection.

// required information about the creditor
    'pmtId'     => 'TransferID-1234-1',     // ID of the payment (EndToEndId)
    'instdAmt'  => 0.42,                    // amount,
    'iban'      => 'DE21500500009876543210',// IBAN of the Creditor
    'bic'       => 'SPUEDE2UXXX',           // BIC of the Creditor (only required for pain.001.002.03)
    'cdtr'      => 'Name of Creditor',      // (max 70 characters)
// optional
    'ultmtCdrt' => 'Ultimate Creditor Name',// just an information, this do not affect the payment (max 70 characters)
    //'purp'      => ,                      // Do not use this if you do not know how. For further information read the SEPA documentation
    'rmtInf'    => 'Remittance Information' // unstructured information about the remittance (max 140 characters)

Direct Debits

Direct debits work the same way as credit transfers, but they have little different inputs.

$directDebitFile = new SephpaDirectDebit('Initiator Name', 

$directDebitCollection = $directDebitFile->addCollection([
// required information about the creditor
    'pmtInfId'      => 'PaymentID-1235',        // ID of the payment collection
    'lclInstrm'     => SepaUtilities::LOCAL_INSTRUMENT_CORE_DIRECT_DEBIT,
    'seqTp'         => SepaUtilities::SEQUENCE_TYPE_RECURRING,
    'cdtr'          => 'Name of Creditor',      // (max 70 characters)
    'iban'          => 'DE87200500001234567890',// IBAN of the Creditor
    'bic'           => 'BELADEBEXXX',           // BIC of the Creditor
    'ci'            => 'DE98ZZZ09999999999',    // Creditor-Identifier
// optional
    'ccy'           => 'EUR',                   // Currency. Default is 'EUR'
    'btchBookg'     => 'true',                  // BatchBooking, only 'true' or 'false'
    //'ctgyPurp'      => ,                      // Do not use this if you not know how. For further information read the SEPA documentation
    'ultmtCdtr'     => 'Ultimate Creditor Name',// just an information, this do not affect the payment (max 70 characters)
    'reqdColltnDt'  => '2013-11-25'             // Requested Collection Date: YYYY-MM-DD
// required information about the debtor
    'pmtId'         => 'TransferID-1235-1',     // ID of the payment (EndToEndId)
    'instdAmt'      => 2.34,                    // amount
    'mndtId'        => 'Mandate-Id',            // Mandate ID
    'dtOfSgntr'     => '2010-04-12',            // Date of signature
    'bic'           => 'BELADEBEXXX',           // BIC of the Debtor
    'dbtr'          => 'Name of Debtor',        // (max 70 characters)
    'iban'          => 'DE87200500001234567890',// IBAN of the Debtor
// optional
    'amdmntInd'     => 'false',                 // Did the mandate change
    'elctrncSgntr'  => 'test',                  // do not use this if there is a paper-based mandate
    'ultmtDbtr'     => 'Ultimate Debtor Name',  // just an information, this do not affect the payment (max 70 characters)
    //'purp'        => ,                        // Do not use this if you not know how. For further information read the SEPA documentation
    'rmtInf'        => 'Remittance Information',// unstructured information about the remittance (max 140 characters)
    // only use this if 'amdmntInd' is 'true'. at least one must be used
    'orgnlMndtId'           => 'Original-Mandat-ID',
    'orgnlCdtrSchmeId_nm'   => 'Creditor-Identifier Name',
    'orgnlCdtrSchmeId_id'   => 'DE98AAA09999999999',
    'orgnlDbtrAcct_iban'    => 'DE87200500001234567890',// Original Debtor Account
    'orgnlDbtrAgt'          => 'SMNDA'          // only 'SMNDA' allowed if used

Note: With pain.008.001.02 the key orgnlDbtrAgt is no longer available. It got replaced with orgnlDbtrAgt_bic and you can input the old BIC. But in general it looks like you just can omit both orgnlDbtrAcct_iban and orgnlDbtrAgt_bic and it should work.

Get the SEPA and documentation file(s)

After you have added some payments to your payment collection you can save the finished file by


or get it directly without saving it on the server by


Notice that you can hand over a filename you like, but you should only use the file extension
.xml. You can also use an array of options to include file routing slips and control lists.

You need libzip to be installed if you want to store or download multiple files at once.


Thanks to Hermann Herz who supported me debugging and with great ideas to improve Sephpa and SepaUtilities.


Licensed under the LGPL v3.0 License.