- Define networks considering their purposes and corresponding VIDs
- How big host ID will be needed for each network
- Pick a domain to be used and seperate it into the following set of environments
- production, stage, and development(i.e., example.com, stage-example.com, dev-example.com)
- Create a public key infrastrucrure(PKI) for the environments to provide CA signed certificates for various services.
- Create CA signed user public keys for SSH authentication so users can access servers with CA public key.
- Build virtualized networks as designed above using virtual switch solutions such as linux bridge and OVS
- Prepare storge pools using advanced file systems such as ZFS
- Initialize virtualization solutions such as Libvirt, LXD and Docker
- How many servers will be needed
- How many racks will be needed
- How many servers will be placed per a rack
- How to prepare server NICs
- How to cable and configure NICs with TORs
- Baremetal provisioner
- MAAS, Foreman
- Openssl, Dogtag
- Directory service
- LDAP, Active Directory
- Package repository
- Mirroring solutions, proxy and Nexus
- Configuration automation solutions
- Chef, Ansible, Puppet
- SQL Databases
- MySQL, PostgreSQL
- NoSQL Databases
- MongoDB, Redis
- Issue Tracking
- Confluence, Redmine, Trac, Mantis
- Email or messenger tools to receive or subscribe notifications and alerts
- Postfix, Dovecot
- Slack, Hipchat, Rocket.Chat
- Collecting logs and metrics
- Reporting and Alerting
- Loadbalancing and high-availability
- Keepalived, Haproxy
- Continuous integration solutions
- Jenkins, Bamboo