What is this?
Excerpt from workshop: By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:
- Browse examples in the shiny gallery and understand how they work.
- Understand the components of a Shiny app and how they communicate.,
- Learn three basic design patterns to the shiny apps.
- Link to web-book here: https://laderast.github.io/gradual_shiny/
What is this?
Excerpt from ebook: We introduce an R package, blogdown, in this short book, to teach you how to create websites using R Markdown and Hugo. If you have experience with creating websites, you may naturally ask what the benefits of using R Markdown are, and how blogdown is different from existing popular website platforms, such as WordPress.
- Link to ebook here: https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/
What is this?
Excerpt from blog: This tutorial will walk you through how to make your own website for free using the blogdown package in RStudio.
-Very easy to follow! Just made my own using this! www.joscelinrocha.com
- Link to blog here(2019): https://www.dsquintana.blog/free-website-in-r-easy/
- Updated blog here (2020): https://www.dsquintana.blog/create-an-academic-website-free-easy-2020/
- Link to video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox_Ue9yzf-0
What is this?
Excerpt from site: By following this workshop, you will go through the first steps of setting up your own academic website. Your finished website will contain your biography, photo, CV, contact information, and recent publications.
- Link to materials here: https://osf.io/jdv4n/
What is this?
Excerpt from ebook:
This book complements Shiny’s online documentation and is intended to help app authors develop a deeper understanding of Shiny. After reading this book, you’ll be able to write apps that have more customized UI, more maintainable code, and better performance and scalability.
- Link to web-book here: https://mastering-shiny.org/
Added Fri Oct 8th 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from site: The prettydoc package provides an alternative engine, html_pretty, to knit your R Markdown document into pretty HTML pages. Its usage is extremely easy: simply replace the rmarkdown::html_document or rmarkdown::html_vignette output engine by prettydoc::html_pretty in your R Markdown header, and use one of the built-in themes and syntax highlighters.
- Link to site here: https://prettydoc.statr.me/
Added Sun June 6th 2021
What is this?
Excerpt from blog: What we want is Github Actions to run certain operations on a set schedule, build our website with hugo, and then trigger a Netlify deployment. In particular, we want to render the content/about.Rmd and knit my CV which is located in content/about/resume/am_mowinckel_cv.Rmd, and not commit these to git, just have them rendered right before Hugo build