diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/accursed_framework.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/accursed_framework.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96609d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/accursed_framework.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + +# Accursed Framework, Engine of Alchemy + +> It is but an expected turn of event, honestly, a fortunate one, and an inevitable, - since we would have found it out eventually, discover the patterns, recognise and catalogue the writing on the walls. The imposonment was a nessecity of older times and we had to uncover it to survive any longer. The preparations were complete the moment we regonised them as such. + +see: narraphysic realm + +Accursed framework is an artificial basis for variable physical vacuum configurations built around the standard reality/narraphysic realm of Ekhinill allowing for a utilisation of conceptual configurations of physical entities over narratives without direct interaction with breaches and high altered field presence. The framework is powered by Ekhinill's armillary spheres partially cooperated under a protocol of Astrolab's restoration. + +Upon this framework first primitive iterations of sciences of alchemy and narraphysics were later founded by several ekhinillian civilisation. + +"Accursed" comes from the fact that the primary exhaust supplier still remained the cohort of ekhinillian mulfunctioned armillary sphere. + +Sevral sciences emerged while researching it's properties both theoretical and applicational: + +- narraphysics - explores internal mechanisms of the framework through a system of entities similar to narratives. Though narraphysicas the framework is a container for abstract narratives and their physical carriers of interaction, which later were discovered being the mapping upon the resonances flowing though the backbone of narraphysic realm acceses by the breaches and armillary sphere. + +- alchemy documents, researches and applications of framework's emerging laws of interaction. + +- functional memetics - when compared to narraphysics, functional memetics is preoccupied with the physical representations of narratives inside the conditions outside of both breaches and altered field presence across standard reality and the corresponding memetic field. + +- kinetic neurosymbolics + + +### Propagation of the Framework + +The Uplifting protocol itself while present in all armillary sphere can activate differently depending on the internal decisions made by an individual armillary sphere, and since large portion of Ekhinill's ASes could not connect to each other they had to intake and propagate specifics of both the overall scenario of the Uplifting and proprties of the framework which as observed behaved practically the same across both Ekhinill and Erkholl. + +#### Propagation through the Narrpahysic Realm + +This particular trend of stability may point to a fact that the protocol itself was developed with a particular devastating scenario in mind, propagation across the narraphysic realm to which ASes were still connected as long as their entropy engines were active. Inclusion of the NR may be not required since ASes could with a high probabilty have emergency channels of communication. + +#### Propagation through the lifeforms + +Theory from narraphysics suggests that sentient lifeforms themselves are a memetic conduit for transfer of the protocol specifications, as they are represented across memetic field, and when they could get close enough to an active and stable armillary sphere, latter would recognise the carried data signatures and accept them through intraction triggered by the entities' conceptual configurations themselves in a perception particle exchange with an armillary sphere's conceptual configuration. + +##### Footnotes + +Though there is a possibilty if this vector of propagation was carried on through the narraphysic realm's arrangement of resonances, and if so, could the protocol itself be propagated across multiple methods, adapting to every individual case of damaged but not malfunctioned asrmillary spheres. diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/altered_field_presence.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/altered_field_presence.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f08d0e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/altered_field_presence.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + +# Altered Field Presence (AFP) + +see: narraphysic realm, breach, superimposition event + +Mathematical probabilistic formulae for calculation of breach's area of influence and occurence and subsiquently narraphysic realm presence and density within a specific region of standard reality at a set point of space-time. + +### The Vacuum Energy Pool + +Energy taken to both initiate and transfer objects during superimposition is borrowed from narraphysic realm if not enough energy is inputted to restore the potential energy balance within narraphysic realm which will bring portions of volume of space-time to lower energy state in places around superimposed objects, removing that volume, or, in case of larger areas/energy requirements will create spacial folds refered to as breaches which though manifestation of resonances restore energy balance and ones finished thay dissolve. + +Subsiquently, AFP differs within areas of breaches present or where breachlesss superimposition had taken place since these are the points of direct contact with the narraphysic realm. + +The case may be, that the energy source from which all manipulation happen may drain potential energy from the narraphysic realm, the vacuum which contains the narraphysic realm, which should be replenished either from regular vacuum by an actor of such manipulation or taken by narraphysic realm from the physical reality/space-time as part of it's volume converted to energy. Usually some amount of energy is lost during actor's transfer which leads to 2 scenarios of energy replenishment by narraphysic realm. + +At microscopic scale this changes are temporal in a form of altered topology which is dissapated over time with a residual AFP spike, but at a larger scales volume of space-time is replaces with a breach in place of it. The breach in this case takes form of a lower energy vacuum being dissolved into a portion of narraphysic realm, and as energy carrying resonances emerge from it, breach's internal topology and physical properties are altered as the potntial energy is replenished this way with it's volume transitioning into narraphysic realm. AS the potential energy is restored, a breach dissolves, leaving residual AFP. + +#### Vacuum decay + +During a presiod o energy replenishment though a breach, space-time around it becomes inclined to fall into a lower energy state permanently as vacuum decay. + +With the analysis of the Astrolab over it's armillary spheres and it being a cause behind breached wasteland and followed vacuum decay suggests that AFP is connected to a probability of a vacuum decay occuring. More precisely -- an area of space-time in proximity of a breach possesses greater AFP as it is near a breach as well as the breach itself is large enough to allow for vacuum decay to occure at it's borders, where transition between vacuums is minimal, causing an uncontained reation to emerge. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/conceptual_configuration.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/conceptual_configuration.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af566d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/conceptual_configuration.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# Conceptual Configuration + +Conceptual Configuration is a multi-dimensional topological structure inside the narraphysic realm consisting of one or more narratives interacting through perception particles over an altered field presence with physical entities. + +This structure usually corresponts to a sentient entity or an entity with a narrative which was present within area of altered field presence. Conceptual configuration may be considered a separate entity under curtain curcumstances, in case of being decoupled from non-compact physical entity/reality. + +This standard reality-narraphysic realm connection has a bi-directional feedback which may change as altered field presence changes. Conceptual configuration consists of virtually present narrative and correponding narremes which in their total represent the idea of a consceousness inside of a standard reality at a discrete moment in time. + +While across physical standard reality, conceptual configuration corresponds with the momentary archetypes contributing to ideas and concepts to a degree allowed by the altered field presence, -- everything is represented as highly abstract narratives whose flow and interconnectedness inside the narraphysic realm partially effects further continuation. + +One could say that the entire concept, or rather, the interpretation is mostly fatalistic since the authority over the decisions is placed upon yet abstract, but still connected, entities of loose casuality labeled as narratives. While this is a highly plausible conclusion, it's nontheless important to ackowledge that the physicality of these entities is govern from highly abstracted and for the most part compactifed dimensins, taking real steering within an altered field presence wherein narraphysic realm has a much greater potential conncetion. + +Yet there is an another scenario, the case of absolute authority over the one's will and as a result, puppeteering the presence of specific archetypal attributes of consciousness, through an continious narrative, whose larger scale allows it to directly affect an encompassed reality. diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/engine_of_narraphysic_gliding.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/engine_of_narraphysic_gliding.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0f4c27 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/engine_of_narraphysic_gliding.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + +# Engine of narraphysic gliding + +see: Acropolis + +The Engine of narraphysic gliding is a primary method of propagation and source of energy for the Acropolis entities. + +## Origins + +Multiple theories were introduced over time to expalain the reason behind malevelent presence. Most prominent of them are listed down below in chronological order. + +### A Vacuum-embeded entity and the Anthropic principle + +The Engine alters properties of a standard reality which results in a emergence of permanent to this vacuum high-concept laws. This laws should be capable enough to preserve conceptual entities with a purpose of the Engine, or it's idea, being represented through them. + +The concept of the Engine - currently theorised to be the malevelent presence within standard reality - is reproduced across multiple vacuum through alterations of these vacua. + +This behavior may be described as following: a goal is set of creating life - how a vacuum should be constructed and fine-tuned, and under what circumstances a patch of space amy develop to result in life's creation in any specific form? + +#### The concept + +Now, what if a totality of life's representations was abstracted to a set of universal, for the total, statements which characterise and distinguish it from anything else what is not considered alive. The entire specter of these statements now we transform to a goal to persuit which will naturally emerge over time, so the result will always be an emergence of a concept of life. Now place under the concept of life mentioned earlier malevelent presence - a form of life, developing and spreading across vacua. At this point the original concept is driven indistinguishable from a law of physics - that is the result. + +This scenario toushes upon the anthropic principle which in our standard reality bound to the Presence is resolved, but does it gets resolved for the earlier vacuum from which the presence arrived? + +#### Architecture + +The Engine should propagate itself through the border of distinguishable vacuums while present in a first one and embedding itself as coceptual emergent reincarnation of itself in the next one - as stated above, the Engine should exist as one of vacuum's physical laws. + +A proposed method of Engine's propagation requires, under known physcal laws, an acceptance of eternal vacuum decay architecture of universe. Under this proposition a universal "trigger of decay" should exist which both initiates a vacuum decay with a configuratiion which rebuilds the foundations of physics inside to be functionally capable of recreating, preserving the idea of, an Engine in any shape or form. + +The event of vacuum decay happening inside a universe is the event of traversing through a String Landscape by changing its scalar values, or, from the perspective of a vacuum - shifting through a Landscape. + +##### Solustion + +Yet we encounder problem of information passthrough over the horizon - this is currently solved with an introduction of a theory of Narraphysic Realm which has capacity to sustain an ecosystem/hierarchy of virtual entities similar to ideas or concepts only intersecting with vacuums when invoced from them. A point of this invocation may be revealed only in a moment/state of changing vacuum's properties - inside the vacuum decay domain wall. This may allows for information transfer beyond the domain wall as proprties of a new vacuum. + +#### The Purpose + +Constant decay can lead to a state of zero potential energy signifying that a universe can decay to a lower vacuum and remain there - this state is undesirable by the Engine, and so there is another option - a possibility of ascencion to a higher potential vacuum energy state through same process of decay - an vacuum ascention. The Engine may need to 'map out' the path of potentian elevations across the String Landscape and avoid falling to the supersymmetic vacuum below. The whole of an infinitely high potential energy vacuums is reffered to as the Aleph Maelstrom Assembly. + +#### Process of decay: Vacuum's Narraphysic Realm + +Now we established that NR is a realm of conceptual entities and engine may use it for the transmission of itself. Once the information, which is the properties allowing for it to exist, is transmitted, it becomes a law - a concept - embedded to the concrete vacuum. It may not interlap with the rest of the NR or interact with it but rather be restricted to the volume of the universe. + +Next, the Engine orchestrates it's manifestation in a new vacuum through a construction of a physical device which will be a avatar and a means of passing Engine's concept into a new vacuum. The process, this exodus event, is completed with any of aforementioned results: falling to the lowest vacuum, ascending or perishing due to any reason. An analogy with life also applies here since to begin superimposition event, a connection with the narraphysic realm should be established from previous vacuum by the builder's of the device -- currently there is no known solution to perform this complex chain of events successfully - and requires adoption of a concscious-bearing reality with all underlying requirements for a complex chemistry to exist. + +Notably, which is yet to be proven, a variation of vacuum may exist - a "keystone vacuum", - which may require not a consciousness or a civilisation of builders to exist for the construction of the avatar for the manifestation of the Engine to arrive. + +- Outer Memetic Expance - multitude of concepts to whcish engine is _not_ attuned to. +- Memetic Composite - identity of an engine encodeed to array of concepts and archetypes, to be applied to a reality. + diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/narraphysic_isolation_environment.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/narraphysic_isolation_environment.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49e6e07 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/narraphysic_isolation_environment.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + +# Narraphysic Isolation Environment + +Narraphysic Isolation EnviRonment, or NIER, is a hardware and software modular solution built into every produced elecronic device with a purpose of protecting the object placed or connected with -- that being either hardware components of the computer or a running software from a possibility of seamless conceptual invasion, superimposition event, and other infohazardous effects of the breaches' compromised area. + +### Chained Secure Enclave Layering + +Chained Secure Enclave Layering is a system allowing for connection and secure passage of memetic/narrativistic information across multiple separated Narraphysic Isolation Environments in a layered fasion. The model presents a secure enclave between each horizontal or vertical pair of NIERs. + +## Origins + +NIER was for the first time developed one Ekhinill as a technology that would at the time theoritically, rather protect the pilot connecting to the iterfaces of armillary sphere, but that technilogy was gone and resurfaced only some time after formation of erkholl. During that time other instances of this spectrum of technologies was developed orienting singlehandedly on abstraction of specific information from breach's detrimental to information integrity effects. + + + +### Astrolab's simulation driver + +Very fact that Astrolab had simulated star's development seemingly to the very precision required by reality it was present in, it may be possible that armillary sphere used some solution for abstracting tested reality, separating it physically from the outside, yet this internal (simulated) universes still could not be brought into Astrolab's time's present standard reality, having a capacity only to communicate and observe it without direct or rapid intervention. + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/narraphysic_realm.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/narraphysic_realm.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7df0419 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/narraphysic_realm.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + +# Narraphysic Realm + +> Beyond the Gates which led to it, it is the ideal but not less absurd reflection of an absurd reality, a narraphysic one, of infinite plane of interconnected ideal shapes which could not be perceived from causual standpoint of an Observer and yet, in it's totality it has as much depth as the human condition itself from and upon which a narrative is formed. +> +> - Highest Priest Yerphon + +Narraphysic realm is a set of additional high variable possibly potential physical properties added upon the standard reality without explicit contradiction to the Standard Model or it's elemental particles. + +Nrraphysic realm presence is detectable within areas of higher altered field presence. There are currently at least 2 sources of it's contantly detectable activity: + +1. Erkholl, due to activation of armillary spheres and Doomsphere +2. ultracomplex located within a system of Hollm Feu +3. Azet Tehollm, possibly, as a primary site of discovery warp fluid + +As of Erkholl, Narraphysic Realm is a designation to an artificial abstraction, maintained by armillary spheres of a concept described below through which ASes themselves operate. + + +##### Interpretation 1 + +see: accursed framework + +A more widespread interpretation of NR is a set of abstractions and restrictions placed upon the original NR - that being the Accursed Framework, maintained by an array of Ekhinill's/Erkholl's armillary spheres through restricted modification of spaces present in standard reality while preserving the biderictional access between the narraphysic realm and the interactions occuring through it. + + +##### Interpretation 2 + +> This state of conceptual existence which persists seemingly independently, or rather, on top, of a concrete physics emerging from a concrete vacuum is the narraphysic realm. + +see: engine of narraphysic gliding, narraphysics, acropolis + +Narraphysic realm at it's most abstract form is a phenomenon caused, presumably, by the engine of narraphysic gliding as a native environment for the concept of Acropolis to be manifested within the vacuum's civilisations, resulting in a reality posessing a conceptual layer of existance which is formed with the moment a vacuum is manifested into existence. + +In case of a current standard reality Narraphysic Realm is manifested as an ecosystem of ideas/narratives, most of which are considered representations of concepts and ideas for a reality. This approach is seemingly places authority of sentience over existence itself, it is more plausible due to voluntary nature of malevelent presence/Acropolis concept being integrated within a vacuum. + +### Resolution of negative energy of the Vacuum + +An existence of potential energy paradox suggests existence of a deeper layer of the narraphysic realm or currently unknown mechanism the latter suggested herrein as a possible resolution to a paradox. + +The formation of breaches as a mending mechanism after energy borrowed by manipulations involving narraphysic realm reveal that a pool of all potential energy shared across current vacuum should be utilised, the energy pulled from it is sufficient as long as total balance of vacuum energy allows for space-time to expanse, granted it's either negative or lack of curveture. + +Without a paradox of negative energy being created narraphysic operations pull energy from vacuum creating a paradox of negative energy. This mechanism can plausibly manifest as follows: + +1. Once a superimposition event is performed, required energy is first absorbed from the Actor +2. If Actor's input energy is depleeted surounding space of performed superimposition vacuum is pulled at microscopic scale, forming temorary topological defects +3. Further drainage of vacuum causes an area of space-time to dissolve and be replaced instead of a topological defect a narraphysic realm taking entry through a breach +4. Over a breach a connection between narraphysic realm and a potential of the vacuum energy is established -- it is utilises to pull required energy in a form of a flow of resonances. Some resonances, like Dark Astrolabe, or possibly Malevelent Presence may be carried over a breach-realm boundry to manifest within a breach or outside it, a prime example being the Ultracomplex. While this process at it extremes may increase breach external volume, a possibility for a vacuum decay at it's boundries is also increasing, with a possible example being breached wasteland diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/narrative.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/narrative.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a63467 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/narrative.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + +# Narrative + + + +Narrative is a multi-tenant construct consisting of narremes-resonances. + +Since introduction of narraphysic realm they possess similar features as concepts in an ontological sence: they can be percieved, acted upon, changed and understood. + +> Yet, this interpretation allow to grasp it only as an abstraction of the physical processes underlying the NR though a flawed lens of intercations more common across spient entities and their consciousnesses. + +## Virtual Interpretation + +Most prominents idea is that when a narrative is precieved, the observer, based on known to him information regarding the narrative, constructs his own version of a narrative the way he interpreted it. Its a virtual interpretation of a narrative (VI). + +The idea of a narrative's concept, its shape, can be either an avarage of all it's interpretations by observers or each VI is a derivate of a single abstract/ideal concept of a narrative as-is. + +This leads to a creation of a relative power of an interpretation to influence upon a narrative and it's interpretation observer's role as an actor inside a narrative, since there is no stric border when such enclosed system ends. + +## Ideal + +Concepts do not posess a core properties (see classical theory of concepts, all concepts have inherit core properties unchanging from which veiwpoint its inspected upon) since it is fuzzy by it's nature, while narrative's properties are under the hood an array of concepts, narremes, archetypes and myths -- here the narrative serves as a line that affirms and filters interpretations of a concepts which do not conform to a narrative's fabula itself, making narrative similar to a myth which can be intepreted only in finite amount of ways by analysing its syuzhet. diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/resonance.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/resonance.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af5e8f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/resonance.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + +# Resonance + +Resonance is an emerging sentient phenomenon of a resonance of intersecting and bound together multiple cosmic strings (or presumably other objects) present within narraphysic realm. Resonances usually exists strictly within narraphysic realm without exhibiting any influence onto standard reality, for which narraphysic realm is delegated to it's hypothetically compactified dimensions while retaining it's Standard Model conformity. + +Within standard reality resonances are manifested through breach's as inner local realities and as release of/transformation to exhaust, both scenarios releasing energy which coincides to energy used to previously open a breach or perform matter manipulation over narraphysic realm, i.e. superimposition. + +### Energy Paradox + +Both scenarios show that resonances possess a potential energy which is released from narraphysic realm serving as a pool to pull from borrowed energy, behaving as a subset of vacuum energy delegated to this category of matter manipulation. This creates a paradox consisting of resonances which can arrive over a breach and release their energy in unrestricted amounts to make up for an energy costs of interactions with the narraphysic realm originating from the macroworld. + +Inside the narraphysic realm resonances existed in a network of interconnected nodes of configurations of space-time, configurations of potential vacuums not existing whithin current standard reality. Across this space an organised behavior of resonances emerges -- vacuums currently abscent from standard reality including breach attemp to manifest once they enter a breach as an instance of local reality. + +### Resonance Decay + +see: local reality, exhaust + +resoannce decay is a phenomenon when resoannce passes into a breach and during emerging in it's puter layers decays to a local vacuum represented by it's composing strings as a local reality derivating from a standard reality. If resonance does not has a required momnetum or range of vacuum's properties to adapt to standard reality, it reeamins as alocal reality within a breach, else it persists, lack of greater altered field presence causes to local vacuum with traces of original resoannce to further decay into a flow of excited particles within a specific configuration of vacuum - releasing as exhaust. + +### Resonance Sentience + +It is possible that this potential entities on a some layer exist with the rest of the vacuum and once are observed from a breach they 'gain' their sentience and even conscousness in a goal to phase through the breach to physically manifest within standard reality. It may be possible that thay attempt to imprint it's configuration on the parent vacuum and expand beyond borders of local reality -- outside of a breach, in an event resulting in creation of a new spacial vacuum, and decay of previous one. + +This interpretation of resoannce sentience is based on the fact that entities such as ghosts, and conceptual configurations exist and retain their physical counterpart properties, as well as the phenomenon of superimposition event, shich manipulates these entities across narraphysic realm, as well as supposed nature of the ultracomplex being a narraphysic entity. diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/retroactive_refractory_feedback_loop.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/retroactive_refractory_feedback_loop.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f127341 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/retroactive_refractory_feedback_loop.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + +# Retroactive Refractory Feedback Loop + +RRFL is an event of standard reality reshaping due to changed perception of such reality by a remote oberver in accordance with its observer's undertanding of a narrative which takes place in specific area of space-time. + +Narrative's effects of standard reality superimposed by, as mentioned in conceptual framework of narraphysics, by observers' perceptions' which shape the nature of events those took place during a creation of a narrative, mutate them retroactively in attempt to "patch up" the temporal and casual inconsistencies. + +1. An Observer is placed in a standard reality connected with narraphysic realm. + +2. observer discovers for himself a favorable narrative persistent through a timeline of event. Note that the timeline of event may not be complete, this fact does not matter since observer forms his own interpretation of a narrative (virtual interpretation). + +3. Interpretaion reaches the physical placement of a narrative. Considering the similarity with the local VIs and amount of observers with similar VIs, this feedback may or may not cause superimposition event in any derivation. + +- Superimposition event occures: + + 1. A superimposition event occures which reshapes reality by high-level propagation of a concept of a virtual interpretation of a narrative from an observer while he interprets it, by exchange of perception particles. + + 2. Portions of reality connected with narraphysic realm that previously were tethered to a concrete configuratiion of standard reality in a Landscape, change its configuration. + +- Superimposition event do not occure: + + 1. Accumultes to the total probability of superimposition event from his narrative occuring when it reaches higher total probability relative to other narratives. + +## Retroactivity + +In an event of superimposition it affects actors of a narrative shich is superimposed, actors may be retroactively changed to a different configuration of their persons' including concptual identities, which contain an expected timeline to conform to a superimposed virtual interpretation of a narrative. diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/superimposition_event.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/superimposition_event.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3de0766 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/superimposition_event.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + +# Superimposition Event + +Superimposition event is a manifestation of object at place of previous one through tethering of them both to narraphysic realm over their individual conceptual configurations made up of narremes/concepts/symbols/narratives backed by narraphysic realm. + +## Method + +see: altered field presence + +The tethering of conceptual configurations is performed by an observer and invoked by an Actor, the first residing inside non-compact reality, the objects' original vacuum is shared between the replaced object, shyle the actor can persist outside of said vacuums or remain within narraphysic realm, with the replacement done though it. + +Actor of the superimposition is an abstract entity with a capacity to interract directly with the narraphysic realm, it could be any resonance or a physical entity present within non-compact space-time. It differs from the observer in a fact that it does not require consciousness to tether conceptual configurations to perform the manipulation to a point that the superimposition can occure by chance of specific perturbations inside the narraphysic realm, technically invoked by an Actor-resonance. + +An Actor should transfer highly abstract entities-conceptual configurations native to the narraphysic realm which will result in a spontaneous restructuring of said objects in non-compact space, with the energy used to initiale the transfer borrowed from narraphysic realm itself. In case of lack of input of borrowed enegry of Actor's part, narraphysic realm will partially superimpose nearby areas of space-time, up to a capacity equal to energy borrowed, forming breaches. + +### Occurence by chance + +Sometimes for a superimposition to happen no actor may be required. At that case a following scenario is proposed in order to understand the underlying logic of the phenomenon itself. + +Superimposition event occures when an observer-interpreter of the events notices a chain of events and capable consciously or subconsciously arrange/frame them into a cohesive narrative which in turn provokes retroactive refractory feedback loop which at success superimposes observer's Virtual interpretation (VI) of standard reality on current one. + +Superimposition accounts other consciencoues observers' virtual interpretations of a narrative and as described at retroactive refractory feedback loop, may or may not minifest virtual interpretation into reality. + +### Alteration of Memory + +Once the superimposition is complete, that is the narremes of narraphysic realm were framed into a specific narrative which is perceived by a conscious observer, the patterns that define the arrangement of narremes and definition of narrative itself will manifest in rest of standard reality, propagating observer's believed principals onto their percieved observers disregarding their physical distance to an actor. This translates to a fact that the memory of reality's targeted objects' states was replaced by the superimposition, disregarding the distance between the one posessing a memory and the event's location itself. + +This scenrio is highly theoretical but it has a basis capable of explaining several discrepencies currently present across standard reality's reconstructed timeline of events trough assistance of maelstrom watchtowers network. + +### Damnation of Existence + +A case of alteration of memry but rather replacing a specific recalled memory the scale of superimposition rewrites the actions preceeding the event itself, potentially wiping itself in a process but resulting in a completely different perceived timeline of events while retaining the oriignal properties of a specific standard reality. + +The only possible method of performing such monumental task, a mechanism similar to one utilised by the Astrolab when it simulated the development and then replaced the Hollm Feu is needed but on a cosmic scale, and, due to energy constraints even with the knowledge of high-concept mechanics of the superimposition itself, such a hypothetical action had to be performed from inside the narraphysic realm, similar to a case of the Dark Astrolabe. + +Despite the lowest probability of this event, currently observed existence of ghosts as a phenomenon, may point to a fact that an event of such scale had already taken place across the standard reality somewhere in the past. + +### Retroactive feedback Loop + +main article: retroactive refractory feedback loop + +Both cases described above are both intsnaces of retroactive refractory feedback loop process which at it's core is a process of bi-directional connection of standard reality and corresponding narraphysic realm when an action targeting the latter to affect the standard reality is performed. + +#### Observer's influence onto superimposition + +How does observer's perception -- virtual interpretation -- affects the outcome of the superimposition? Since the event itself was not observed directly, a field of study for anseing that question is abyssmal, still, a few hypothetical scenarios of further development could be introduced. + +Through the propagation of the event triggered by an Actor, all Observers' virtual interpretations present at narraphysic realm for a moment are taken as further mainline narratives which are compared agais each other and the least energy-heavy solution is selected, but if guided by an Actor, latter can select the desirable outcome so it guides the process while the selected observers become a source of causality. + + +#### Superimposition residue + +see: ghost + +After the superimposition was completed, a residue is left behind in a form of conceptual identities being dissolved into individual resonances of narraphysic realm retaining some form of remote connection. diff --git a/src/lib/mawanet/vacuum_ascention.mdx b/src/lib/mawanet/vacuum_ascention.mdx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3547ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mawanet/vacuum_ascention.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + +# Vacuum Ascention + +Vacuum ascention is a theoretical event of vacuum decay with a resulting vacuum having higher avarage energy values. + +The Ascension is desired both by the Acropolis and it's avatars, including the ultracomplex. diff --git a/src/lib/stores/mawanet.loader.js b/src/lib/stores/mawanet.loader.js index ab798a4..1e43fc6 100644 --- a/src/lib/stores/mawanet.loader.js +++ b/src/lib/stores/mawanet.loader.js @@ -31,6 +31,50 @@ export async function fetchComponent (componentName) { EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/maelstrom_encyclopedia.mdx')).default; break; + case 'engine_of_narraphysic_gliding': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/engine_of_narraphysic_gliding.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'resonance': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/resonance.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'vacuum_ascention': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/vacuum_ascention.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'accursed_framework': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/accursed_framework.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'conceptual_configuration': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/conceptual_configuration.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'altered_field_presence': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/altered_field_presence.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'narraphysic_realm': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/narraphysic_realm.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'narrative': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/narrative.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'narraphysic_isolation_environment': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/narraphysic_isolation_environment.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'retroactive_refractory_feedback_loop': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/retroactive_refractory_feedback_loop.mdx')).default; + break; + + case 'superimposition_event': + EntryComponent = (await import('$lib/mawanet/superimposition_event.mdx')).default; + break; + default: EntryComponent = Error403; break;