This directory contains multiple .cdlang files that contain gNMI test scenarios.
To build and execute those tests you should execute:
bazel run //stratum/testing/scenarios:scenarios_test
This command will trigger the following actions:
Compilation of the cdl_tool from the //stratum/testing/cdlang directory (if not present)
Compilation of all .cdlang files
Generation of //bazel-genfiles/stratum/testing/scenarios/ that implements the tests defined in the .cdlang files
Compilation of bazel-genfiles/stratum/testing/scenarios/
Compilation of required libraries (like implementation of gNMI protobufs)
Linkage of the pieces into one executable: sceanrios_test
Execution of the scearios_test executable that will run the scenarios against a gNMI server that is reachable at
If the gNMI server is not located on the same host, its address should be
provided by using the --gnmi_url
option. For example:
bazel run //stratum/testing/scenarios:scenarios_test -- --gnmi_url
BUILD - the bazel build file
- - this file
- - the main test file that contains the
function - and - Golang text template files used to generate C++ code implementig the scenarios
Just create new gNMI test scenarios and put them into separate .cdlang files.
That's it. Nothing else needs to be touched and/or modified!