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Running Stratum with the bmv2 software switch

Note: Stratum bmv2 is also distributed with the Stratum-enabled Mininet Docker image. Refer to the Mininet README for further details.

The stratum_bmv2 binary is a standalone executable which includes:

  1. a Stratum implementation for bmv2
  2. the v1model datapath

You can build the Debian package yourself or you can download the most recent version from the Stratum releases page.

Building the stratum_bmv2 package

To build the Debian package, start the development docker container and run Bazel:  # You're inside the Docker container now
bazel build //stratum/hal/bin/bmv2:stratum_bmv2_deb

If you want to run stratum_bmv2 outside of the container, you'll need to copy it into a shared volume. For example, /stratum is shared by default in the build container.

cp -f /stratum/bazel-bin/stratum/hal/bin/bmv2/stratum_bmv2_deb.deb /stratum/

Running the stratum_bmv2 binary

The stratum_bmv2 binary can be run directly after installing the Debian package:

[sudo] apt-get update
[sudo] apt-get install -y --reinstall ./stratum_bmv2_deb.deb
stratum_bmv2 \
    -chassis_config_file=/etc/stratum/chassis_config.pb.txt \

You can ignore the following error, we are working on fixing it:

E0808 17:57:36.513559 29298] StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:  not found.
E0808 17:57:36.513905 29298] Return Error: ReadFileToString(filename, &text) failed with StratumErrorSpace::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:  not found.
W0808 17:57:36.513913 29298] No saved chassis config found in . This is normal when the switch is just installed.

For a sample chassis_config.pb.txt file, see chassis_config.pb.txt in this directory. For each singleton port, use the Linux interface name as the name and set the admin_state to ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED.

Assigning interfaces to bmv2 requires the stratum_bmv2 binary to have the CAP_NET_RAW capability. Based on your Linux distribution and the location of the binary, you may be able to add the capability to the binary with setcap and run it as an unprivileged user. You can also simply run the stratum_bmv2 as root.

As a basic test, you can run the following commands. It will start a P4Runtime client in a Docker image and perform a SetForwardingPipelineConfig RPC (which pushes a new P4 data plane to bmv2). You will need a bmv2 JSON file and a P4Info Protobuf text file, which you can obtain by compiling your P4 program with the p4c compiler.

# compile P4 program (skip if you already have the bmv2 JSON file and the P4Info
# text file)
p4c -b bmv2 -a v1model -o /tmp/ --p4runtime-format text --p4runtime-file /tmp/<prog>.proto.txt <prog>.p4
# run P4Runtime client
p4_pipeline_pusher --grpc_addr=<YOUR_HOST_IP_ADDRESS>:9559 --p4_info_file=<prog>.proto.txt --p4_pipeline_config_file=<prog>.json

You can use the loopback program under stratum/pipelines/loopback/p4c-out/bmv2 if you do not have your own P4 program.

Developer builds of stratum_bmv2

The following steps are for developers who want to do fast, incremental builds of stratum_bmv2 and then run them in the development environment.


Start your development environment container with priveledged mode in the host network namespace. This will allow you to create new virtual network interfaces (veth pairs) and interact with them.

./ -- --privileged --network=host

Next, create some virtual network interfaces (veth pairs) for stratum_bmv2.


When you are finished, you can remove the interfaces.


If you don't have the command installed, you can add interfaces manually:

sudo ip link add name veth0 type veth peer name veth1
sudo ip link add name veth2 type veth peer name veth3
sudo ip link set dev veth0 up
sudo ip link set dev veth1 up
sudo ip link set dev veth2 up
sudo ip link set dev veth3 up

By default, Stratum will bind veth0 as port 1 and veth2 as port 2. More generally, Stratum will bind port X to veth[(X-1) * 2].

You can send and receive packets to/from port 1 using veth1 and to/from port 2 using veth3. More generally, you can send and receive packets for Stratum port X using veth[(X-1) * 2 + 1].

This port mapping is a little confusing, but Statum just follows the convention from BMv2. If you choose to use a different naming scheme, be sure to update the port name in the chassis config.

Building and running stratum_bmv2 for development

You can build and run the Stratum binary directly using the following Bazel command:

export BMV2_DIR=$(bazel info workspace)/stratum/hal/bin/bmv2
bazel build //stratum/hal/bin/bmv2:stratum_bmv2
sudo bazel-bin/stratum/hal/bin/bmv2/stratum_bmv2 \
    -persistent_config_dir=/tmp/ \
    -chassis_config_file=${BMV2_DIR}/chassis_config.pb.txt \
    -initial_pipeline=${BMV2_DIR}/dummy.json \
    -forwarding_pipeline_configs_file=/tmp/bmv2_pipeline_cfg \

Note: You should build without sudo to preserve the right permissions in your Bazel cache, and then run with sudo because you need CAP_NET_RAW to bind the Linux interfaces to send and receive packets. We may figure out how to get the Linux capabilities right in Bazel in the future to simplify this.

Sending a test packet

There are a lot of ways to generate test packets.

As an example, you can send a test ping packet to port 1 of BMv2, run the following from another terminal:

docker run --rm --network host stratum-dev \
    ping -I veth1 -c 1

To send packets to port 2, replace veth1 with veth3

Running PTF tests

For more details on running PTF tests, see the Pipelines README.

Note: You will likely need to add additional veth pairs for the tests to pass and then update the chassis config file with the additional ports.


Mismatched ABI Versioning

The following log means that the version of PI used in BMv2 and Stratum differs. To fix this, update BMv2. This can usually be solved by pulling the lastest stratumproject/build:build image.

$ bazel-bin/stratum/hal/bin/bmv2/stratum_bmv2
stratum_bmv2: external/com_github_p4lang_PI/src/pi.c:160: pi_init: Assertion `abi_version == PI_ABI_VERSION && "PI ABI version mismatch"' failed.
*** Aborted at 1627441551 (unix time) try "date -d @1627441551" if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @                0x0 (unknown)
*** SIGABRT (@0x1f500000109) received by PID 265 (TID 0x7f6abf56bf00) from PID 265; stack trace: ***
    @     0x7f6abdcb80e0 (unknown)
    @     0x7f6abd723fff gsignal
    @     0x7f6abd72542a abort
    @     0x7f6abd71ce67 (unknown)
    @     0x7f6abd71cf12 __assert_fail
    @     0x55721ba8837b pi_init
    @     0x55721b9d953d pi::fe::proto::DeviceMgrImp::init()
    @     0x55721b9ca91c pi::fe::proto::DeviceMgr::init()
    @     0x55721b2ba6fc stratum::hal::bmv2::Main()
    @     0x55721b2bb342 main
    @     0x7f6abd7112e1 __libc_start_main
    @     0x55721b2b98ea _start
    @                0x0 (unknown)