For in-depth information about modifying the PHAL, see the PHAL development tutorial.
[Detailed PHAL design doc]
[PHAL streaming query design doc]
This section gives a very high level overview of the PHAL attribute database. Knowledge of the database structure is not required to access the database. For modifying the database, more in-depth information may be found in the PHAL development tutorial linked above.
The diagram above shows all of the ownership relationships within an attribute database. These relationships are designed such that deleting an attribute database will safely clean up all data structures and threads.
Attribute Database: A database of values describing various system hardware attributes. This database is structured as a tree, with only leaf nodes storing actual attributes. The attribute database is responsible for reading these values from the system, and performs any necessary caching.
Attribute Group: A single internal (non-leaf) node in the attribute database. An attribute group may contain any number of attributes (leaf nodes) and child attribute groups, each with a distinct string name.
Attribute: A leaf node in the attribute database. Stores a single system attribute. An attribute may store a numerical, boolean, string, or enum value.
Data Source: A class that reads from the system, parses the information read into individual values, and writes these values to attributes. Data sources are the direct owners of their attributes; when an attribute is added to an attribute group, the attribute group only stores a reference. During runtime, data sources are responsible for keeping attribute values up to date, as well as caching values whenever necessary.
Configurator: The code that inspects the system and any system config files, creates datasources to access the system, and structures their attributes into the attribute database.
Runtime Configurator: A piece of configurator code that can run multiple times at runtime. Runtime configurators are written for each device that can be added or removed, or change state significantly at runtime. These configurators change the structure of the attribute database rather than just changing individual attribute values. This means that the presence or absence of an individual attribute or attribute group is just as significant as the value stored.
This section describes all of the adapters that may be used to access fields in the PHAL. For help writing new Adapters, see the PHAL development tutorial linked at the top of this file.
TODO({{USERNAME}}): Add a section here for any new adapters you write!
The Stratum PHAL provides an implementation of google3/platforms/networking/stratum/hal/lib/common/phal_interface.h. This implementation can be found at google3/platforms/networking/stratum/hal/lib/phal/google_phal.h. This interface is used to query information about transceivers, and to receive messages whenever transceivers are plugged or unplugged.