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215 lines (143 loc) · 5.99 KB

npm npm bundle size (version) npm GitHub last commit GitHub Built with Docusaurus v2

Outlined with Skelosaurus


Skeleton documentation generator for Docusaurus v2 and v1


Install the package globally:

npm i skelosaurus -g

The skelo command now available at the command prompt.


skelo -h

See commands and general options.


build is the default command, so you can provide its arguments and options without including the build command.

skelo help build

See arguments and options for build command.


skelo help load

See arguments and options for load command.


skelo help save

See arguments and options for save command.


Quick example

Step 1: Create documentation project

Create a working folder sample and a documentation outline file which contains documention outline as Markdown.

mkdir sample
cd sample
echo Documentation outline for Docusaurus >

In copy the following:


Install Docusaurus in your working folder.

npx @docusaurus/init@next init sample-doc classic

This will create the sample-doc documentation project as inside your working folder.

Step 2: Generate skeleton

Generate skeleton documentation with skelo:

skelo build sample -w ./sample-doc -d ./sample-doc/docs

The sample\sample-doc\docs folder contains .md topic source files for your documentation. The sample\sample-doc\sidebars.js contains the navigation description.


The sample\sample-doc\sidebars.js exports the sidebar navigation design.


The sample\sample-doc\docs\ has the front-matter Docusaurus expects, and is already filled with a lorem ipsum text.


Step 3: Use skeleton documentation in Docusaurus

Open the sample\sample-doc\docusaurus.config.js, and edit the themeConfig:

  themeConfig: {
    navbar: {
      title: 'My Site',
      logo: {
        alt: 'My Site Logo',
        src: 'img/logo.svg',
      items: [
          // to: 'docs/',
          to: 'docs/introduction',
          activeBasePath: 'docs',
          label: 'Docs',
          position: 'left',

Now, start Docusaurus local server.

cd sample-doc
npm run start

Docusaurus does its magic and finally opens up the local documentation site it created. Click Docs item in the top navigation menu to see the navigation bar and basic content for each topic.


Creating documentation folders

Creating folders automatically

To create folders automatically, use the -f or --autofolders switch.

skelo sample -f -w ./sample-folders-doc -d ./sample-folders-doc/docs

Because build is the default command, you can skip providing the command name explicityly, like in the example above. In the example above, sample is the outline filename. If the extension of the outline file is .md, you can skip writing it.

This will generate the documentation .md files and sidebars.js file as before, but it also creates a subfolder for each topic with items. Here is the folder structure in sample/sample-folders-doc:


The sample\sample-folders-doc\sidebars.js is also changed to include the file paths.


Creating folders selectively

When you want to indicate a topic as a folder in which subtopics will go:

  1. use the @f marker in your outline file
  2. do NOT include the -f (--autofolders) switch in command line.

Creating Overview pages automatically

Automatically insert an Overview documentation page as the first item in a navigation section or list of subtopics. This will save you time and make your documentation have a consistent look.

To create the Overview pages automatically, use the -i or --intro switch. By default, the title of the overview pages is set to Overview. You can specify a different title for the overview page with the --introTitle option.

skelo sample -i -f sample -w ./sample-folders-doc -d ./sample-folders-doc


See the official documentation at




