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File metadata and controls

102 lines (77 loc) · 4.58 KB

toch command

toch moves data from files and the web into ClickHouse.

Features of toch include:

  • Muliple data formats are supported:
    • tab delimited
    • CSV
    • Excel: XLS (linux only) and XLSX formats
  • Data sets can have headers or not
  • Field names can be user-supplied or changed from the data header
  • Field types can be imputed or supplied
  • The Excel sheet name and a cell range can be supplied

Required command line arguments:

-s          source of data. This is either a file or web address.
-type       type of data.  The options are:
    text    tab delimited
    csv     comma separated
    xls     Excel XLS
    xlsx    Excel XLSX
-table      destination ClickHouse table.

Optional command line arguments:

-host           IP of ClickHouse database.                Default:
-user           ClickHouse user.                          Default: "default"
-password       ClickHouse password.                      Default: "" (empty)
-agent          user agent for http requests (optional)
-c [Y/N]        convert field names to camel case.        Default N
-q <char>       character for delimiting text.            Default: " (double quote)
-h 'f1,f2,...'  the field names are comma separated and the entire list is enclosed in single quotes. 
                The default is to read these from the data.
-t 't1,t2,...'  the types are comma separated and the entire list is encludes in single quotes. 
                The default is to infer these from the data. 
                The types supported are:
                    f   Float64
                    i   Int64
                    d   Date
                    s   String

-dateFormat     format for dates using Jan 2, 2006 as the prototype, e.g. 1/2/2006 or 20060102

 -sheet          sheet name for Excel inputs.  Default: first sheet in the workbook.
 -rows <S:E>     start row:end row range from which to pull data from Excel inputs. 
                 If E=0, all rows after S are taken. Default: 0:0
 -cols <S:E>     start column:end column range from which to pull data from Excel inputs. 
                 If E=0, all columns after S are taken. Default 0:0


  • if -h is supplied, the list must include all fields.
  • if -t is supplied, the list must included all fields.
  • The options -h and -t are independent: one can be supplied without the other.
  • ctrl-R's in the data are ignored.
  • S and E are 0-based indices.
  • The -skip parameter works with spreadsheets, too. It is applied within (any possible) range supplied by -rows.

Values that are illegal for the field type are filled in as:

  • Float64: the maximum value for Float64 (~E308)
  • Int64: the maximum value for Int64 (9223372036854775807)
  • Date: 1970/1/1
  • String: "!"


The command

toch   -table laSeries -type text -s

loads the la.series table from the Bureau of Labor Statistics into ClickHouse table laSeries.

And this command

  toch  -table test -type text -s -h 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l' -skip 1

loads the same table as above, but overrides the field names in the table with 'a' through 'l'. The -skip 1 argument is used so that the header row will not be read as a part of the data.

The data in this csv from the FHFA has no header row.

  toch  -table msa -type csv -s -h 'name,msa,year, qtr, ind, delta' -t 's,s,i,i,f,s'

The -h option supplies the headers. The imputation wants to make the "msa" field an integer since all the values are digits. The -t option is used to override that to make the field a string.

Suppose we have a spreadsheet names test.xlsx that looks like this:


The command below will create the ClickHouse table xlTest and populate it with this sheet. The sheet (the first tab in the workbook) is read starting at row 4 (Excel calls this row 5) and column C (that is, column 2).

  toch -table xlTest -type XLSX -s test.xlsx -rows 4:0 -cols 2:0

The table created is below:


This command reads the same data, but specifies the field types to both be strings and the field names to be 'x' and 'y':

   toch -table XlTest -type XLSX -s test.xlsx -rows 5:0 -cols 2:0 -h 'x,y' -t 's,s'

Since the header row in the spreadsheet is not used, the starting row is one larger. We could have also kept "-rows 4:0" and added "-skip 1".