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Plugins for avocado extending avocado-vt with automated vm state setup, inheritance, and traversal

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This file provides a brief overview of the core concepts behind the current plugin and hopefully a compact explanation of how tests are being run.


Let's say that we write an integration test about some web site that has to validate the system behaves as expected. Imagine we have a web page with a button that we want to click on and check that a dialog that appears once we click is exactly as it should be. So far it is not too hard to write a test about this - we validate the preconditions like the button that has to be present, operate on top, and validate the postconditions like the dialog appearing afterwards. What if there is also a checkbox on the dialog that the user would check to see some warning text appear? Still easy enough as we extend the original test to also make sure the checkbox is there, check it, then make sure the warning is there. Now let's complicate this a bit further - imagine there are instead two checkboxes on the dialog that we should also validate but separately. If we check the first checkbox some text will be displayed but if we check the second checkbox a different text will be displayed instead. How do we validate both use cases? Well, we write a test like the original one that expects a button, clicks on it, then expects the first checkbox and checks it to validate the first outcome and another one to do the same things but check the second checkbox and validate the second outcome. Ok, two integration tests for the two use cases. But what if they are a hundred and we have to check the first button and validate the dialog each time? Could we do better than this by reusing the first step in the process?

Let's see. We could try and complicate our initial test a bit by unchecking the first checkbox in order to check the second one and test for its outcome but there is a significant drawback here - unchecking the first checkbox is not a precondition for checking the second one and could affect its outcome in unforeseen ways. Furthermore, the test script could be come very complicated and convoluted over multiple such undo operations. There is a way around all of this though: what if we could click the button, validate the dialog has appeared, and then simply save the state of everything we are doing as a checkpoint that we can then branch into both use cases? Enter the Cartesian graph where the first step would be a separate simpler test and a setup node for two other simpler tests (leaf nodes) that would each simply start from the state the initial test left the environment in, check its respective checkbox and validate the text that would appear as result of that. None of the two tests would be in any way aware of the other one or affected by it. This is why we parse tests as graphs where tests could be requirements for other tests and it is up to us to consider all variants of our web site's use cases and use graph test nodes as means to reuse steps of their scenarios.


The two milestones and guiding principles for a test running process are:

  1. test thoroughness - how to test a maximum number of features with a minimal set of configuration parameters and code

  2. test reusability - how to be reuse a maximum number of overlapping steps which offers greater performance gain with the thoroughness

The first is the code/configuration reuse, while the second is the run/execution reuse. Combining optimally extensive testing of automatically generated variety of scenarios with minimum setup overhead (minimal duration) is the guiding principle for large scale testing. The first of these is well handled by Cartesian configuration - producing a large number of scenarios and configurations from a minimal, compact, and easy to read set of definitions, also allowing to reuse test code for multiple variants and thus use cases. The second guiding principle is the reason for the development of this plugin.

In classical test suites using the avocado-framework and the avocado-vt plugin, most of the setup is performed at the beginning or within tests regardless of what tests are to be performed. This has serious disadvantages since enormous time is spent preparing for all possibilities if only a small and simple test is desired. In order to save setup penalty, a lot of smaller actual tests are put into larger ones (e.g. test for feature B while testing for feature A because the setup of feature A is available and/or very similar to that of B). In this way the setup's benefits are available but are also artificially extended as the tests could be simpler and better isolated. Increasing isolation always has the cost of redundant setup. In this case, the setup that is automatically performed before a test is minimized only to the setup (and respectively cleanup) specific to the demands of each selected test. To achieve the better isolation, setup is now shared among tests so that it needs to be performed only once and then shared by all tests. The trick to do this while keeping the tests isolated and clean is the usage of states.

The granularity of states follows test objects which in our case represent virtual machines. All tests use one or more test objects and are able to retrieve or store states of these objects. Recalling the same previously saved state from multiple tests is then a way of saving time from all of them, essentially running another test only once to bring the object to this state and save it. This offers both better isolation and more reusable steps. The test creating the state is also a test since it tests the "more basic" steps of reaching this state. Tests using the same state are then dependent on the first test and can be aborted if the first test fails. Test unique setup steps should thus be integrated into the tests while setup steps that are used by more than one test should be turned into test nodes themselves. Since some tests use entire networks of virtual machines, they use multiple objects at different states. And as the states are also interdependent, reusing the right states at the right time is not a trivial task and uses a special structure and traversing algorithm.

Cartesian trees

The interconnected states of each test object represent a tree data structure with a single root state, the creation of the object. The basic setup thus includes creation of the minimum required virtual machines and taking snapshots of their respective states afterwards (non-root states). At every step to a deeper level, another snapshot has to be taken and at going back up it could either be removed or kept for future test runs. The latter option has many advantages as it allows for interrupted runs to keep previous progress and for splitting a test run into multiple shorter runs without significant performance penalty. However, the origin of tests starts from the Cartesian configuration.

  1. Parsing from a Cartesian configuration to create a test node

The testing performed in a test suite is much more extensive because of the Cartesian multiplication of the test variants. Defining just a few alternatives for two parameters leads to a large set of possible combinations of these alternatives and therefore tests. As a result, for a very extensive scenario where every step is combined in such a way, it would take far too long to perform setup such as installing a virtual machine every time for every different detail. This is the reason for defining the used objects and their state transitions as parameters directly in the Cartesian configuration. All tests as well as the objects they use and the states they require or create are then parsed straight from there.

  1. Connecting the test node to all test nodes it depends on and to all test nodes that depend on it

Once extracted, each required object state relates to a test that provides it. This rule is used to connect all tests based on the object trees or simply to interconnect the trees in a directed graph. Each test node contains a set of parents (inwards connections from other tests) and can only be run if all the parents were run using the setup definition (of course it can also abort or ignore the missing setup depending on a user defined policy). It then also contains a set of children (outwards connections to other tests) where a DFS traversal rule guarantees that the setup gain from running a child test will not be lost but used until possible. The connection to/from another test node might be based on one or multiple provided/required objects.

  1. Running all interconnected tests in a way that should minimize the precious time lost by repeating test setup

While the structure might seem not that complex in the end, the algorithm used to optimize the setup, i.e. traverse that structure so that the number of repetitions of each setup tests are minimized is way more fun. Unfortunately, it is not possible to guarantee that a setup should be performed only once because of the sheer complexity of the dependencies but practically it should be the case if you keep dependencies simple. A complication arises from the fact that some states might run out of memory to store the differences from the current object state and that some tests should play the role of setup tests but are rather short-lived, i.e. cannot be reused if they are not constantly retrieved. For the sake of keeping this text compact, we will avoid giving the details but strongly recommending checking the source code of the Cartesian graph data structure for anyone that want to have fun with forward and backward DFS, the symmetrical pruning, and the reversing traversal path.

Image, VM, and network states; normal and permanent vms

The sample test suite supports three types of stateful objects, i.e. test objects with reusable state setup: images, vms, and networks. The image states can be managed using different state backends like QCOW2, LVM, among others and esentially can store and retrieve previous states of one or more VM images. The VM states contain the image as well as RAM states and are thus states of an entire running VM and all its images managed by backends like QCOW2VT (Qemu monitor usage through Avocado VT) and Ramfile. Finally, the network states are currently only managed by the VMNet state backend relying on the general VMNet subpackage and all the networking management it provides.

For some comparison between VM and image states: the VM states are faster since they involve running VM-s without an extra boot or shutdown but image states are more granular and more appropriate for VMs using RAID1 or other multi-image setup. For comparison among state backends, QCOW2 snapshots are easier to manage and share since they involve simple transfer of QCOW2 files while LVM is more rigid and not perfectly isolated for containerization (this eventually harder to parallelize) but could be even faster if managed on top of RAM for maximum speedup. LVM could also have more difficult to debug errors on unclean process interruptions. QCOW2VT might not support some cases of states like ones using pflash drives while the Ramfile backend is generally unstable. In the end all state backends have different limitations with the major ones outlined so far.

A final additional concept to consider for test running is that of permanent vms. For a test requiring vms with highly sophisticated preparation sequences that sometimes might be only semi-automatable or requiring strictly human input it might be more preferable to add an external vm that could for instance only be manipulated via states derived from a single starting state (thus without interfering with the original setup) or a few manually created starting states. Such a permanent vm might just be brought from outside to participate in the test suite orchestration or it could be at least partially prepared in-house using the test suite toolset through an extra tool development. More information about it can be found in the test development documentation.

How to install

In terms of installation, you may proceed analogically to other avocado plugins. One quick way is using PyPI:

pip install avocado-framework-plugin-i2n

How to run

In order to list a test set from the sample test suite, do

avocado list --loaders cartesian_graph[ -- "K1=V1[ K2=V2[ ...]]"]
avocado list --loaders cartesian_graph -- "only=tutorial2 no=files"

In order to run a test set from the sample test suite, do

avocado run --auto --loaders cartesian_graph[ -- "K1=V1[ K2=V2[ ...]]"]
avocado run --auto --loaders cartesian_graph -- "only=tutorial1 file_contents=testing"

In order to run a manual step in the sample test suite, do

avocado manu[ "K1=V1[ K2=V2[ ...]]"]
avocado manu setup=update vms=vm1

where any further overwriting parameters can be provided on the command line. In order to initate dry runs for instance you can use dry_run=yes.

Tool options

The auto plugin is a an instance of a manual run step from the manu plugin where the following statements are equivalent

avocado run --auto --loaders cartesian_graph -- "only=tutorial1 file_contents=testing"
avocado manu setup=run only=tutorial1 file_contents=testing
avocado manu only=tutorial1 file_contents=testing

but using the manu plugin is preferable because of its simpler syntax as well generalization to many other tools implemented as manual steps. Thus, from here on we will only look at the manu plugin with default option setup=run unless explicitly stated at the command line.

Note: Any call will use the default settings in objects.cfg for the available vms and sets.cfg for the tests which should be present in any test suite using the plugin (see sample test suite for details). The main parameters of interest there and on the command line are setup for manual test steps, only_vmX for vm/object restrictions, and only for test/node restrictions.


The setup parameter will be used in the case of tool mode (manu plugin) and the get/set/unset_mode parameter is mostly used in the case of test mode (auto plugin). The choice of types of setup (manual steps) is the following:

  • noop - Simply load all plugins and do nothing (good for probing)
  • create - Create any predefined image for each virtual machine
  • collect - Collect the vm root state from a pool if available
  • deploy - Simply deploy changes on top of current state (will be lost after reverting to snapshot)
  • boot - Simply boot the registered virtual machines and run selected controls if any
  • list - List selected tests
  • run - Run selected tests
  • download - Download a set of files from the vm to the test results folder
  • upload - Upload a set of files to the vm's temporary folder
  • unittest - Run all unit tests available for the test suite utilities
  • update - Rerun setup tests on a vm, removing all descending states
  • shutdown - Shutdown gracefully or kill living vms
  • clean - Remove the logical volumes of all installed vms
  • check - Check whether a given state (snapshot of saved setup) exists
  • get - Get a given state, i.e. revert to it keeping it for further reuse
  • set - Set a given state, keeping it for further reuse
  • unset - Unset a given state, making it unavailable for further reuse but freeing space
  • push - Same like setting a given state
  • pop - Pop a given state, i.e. revert to it but making it unavailable for further reuse
  • <tool> - Run any custom compatible tool, located in the tools test suite folder

You can define a chain of setup steps, e.g.

avocado manu setup=update,boot,deploy,run only=all

If you want to run tests at some point, you must include the run step somewhere in the chain. Each setup performed after the run plays the role of cleanup. You can run the tests multiple times with different setup steps in between by adding multiple run steps throughout the setup chain. As all other parameters, setup is not obligatory. If you don't use it on the command line a default value from your configs will be selected. The additional but rarely used get, set, or unset mode governs setup availability and defines the overall existing (first char position) and missing (second char position) setup policy. The value consists of two lowercase letters, each dot is one of 'f' (force), 'i' (ignore), 'r' (reuse), 'a' (abort) and carries a special meaning according to its position - the first position determines the action of choice if the setup is present and the second if the setup is missing. Here is a brief description of each possible policies and action combinations:

-            - existing - non-existing -
- get_mode   - ari      - ai           -
- set_mode   - arf      - af           -
- unset_mode - rf       - ai           -
  • get_mode:

    • a. - Abort if a setup is present (get_state)
    • r. - Reuse the present setup (get_state)
    • i. - Ignore all existing setup (run without the get_state)
    • .a - Abort if a setup is missing (get_state)
    • .i - Ignore all missing setup (run without any setup although it might be required)
  • set_mode:

    • a. - Abort if the set_state is already present (to avoid overwriting previous setup)
    • r. - Reuse the present set_state (ignore the results from the test that was run)
    • f. - Overwrite (recreate and save) all existing setup for children (set_state)
    • .a - Abort if the set_state is missing (if for example the purpose was overwriting)
    • .f - Create and save all missing setup for children (set_state)
  • unset_mode:

    • r. - Reuse the present unset_state for further test runs (don't cleanup the state here called "old")
    • f. - Remove the present unset_state (will be unavailable for children in the next runs)
    • .a - Abort if the state for cleanup is missing (cannot be removed since not there)
    • .i - Ignore if the state for cleanup is missing (cannot be removed since not there)

A combination of defaults for all three policies would reuse all setup left from previous runs determined by the set of tests you want to run. Automatic setup can only be performed if and where you have defined run for the manual setup. Since the default manual setup is run, simply omitting the setup parameter at the command line will suffice for performing the automatic setup for most cases. A scenario to appreciate automated setup steps is the following:

avocado manu setup=update vms=vm1,vm2
avocado manu only=tutorial2..files
avocado manu setup=clean vms=vm1
avocado manu only=tutorial2..files

Assuming that line one and two will create two vms and then simply reuse the first one which is a dependency for the given tutorial test. The third line will then eliminate the existing setup for vm1 (and vm1 entirely). The final line would then still require vm1 although only vm2 is available. The setup for this test will start by bringing vm1 to the state which is required for the tutorial test ignoring and not modifying in any way the setup of vm2. If for instance the dependency of tutorial2 is 'vm1_ready' (defined as the parameter 'get_state=vm1_ready' in the config for this subset), scanning for this state and its dependencies will detect that all dependencies are missing, i.e. the vm1 doesn't have the state and doesn't exist at all (also missing root state). The test traversal would then look for the tests based on the state names since simple setup is used. Since vm1 doesn't exist, it will create it and bring it to that state automatically, also determining the setup steps automatically.

In the end with all but the minimum necessary vms and setup steps, the tests will run. For this reason, it is important to point out that the list of vms defined on the command line is used mainly for manual setup steps but could also play the role of a restriction of the tests to include in run steps and is otherwise automatically determined during automatic setup and thus not needed if you don't want to restrict tests via vms they use. You can distinguish among manual and automated steps by looking at test prefixes. The first contain "m" in their identifiers while automated steps contain "a". Cleanup tests contain "c" and are also automated depending on the unset mode you use. Finally, "b" is used for additional test variants based on multiple variants of the vms they use and "d" is reserved for duplicate tests due to multiple variants of test vms' setup. If you include only one run the tests executed within the run step will not contain any letters but if you include multiple run steps, in order to guarantee we can distinguish among the tests, they will contain "n" (with "t" for the terminal test nodes for each test object vm's image). The typical approach to do this test tagging is compound and specifically in order of test discovery, i.e. 0m1n1a2 stands for the test which is the second automated setup of the test which is the first test in a run step m1 and first run n1. These prefixes are also used in all graphical descriptions of the Cartesian graph and for resolving all test dependencies.

Note: The order of regular (run/main) tests is not always guaranteed. Also, missing test numbers represent excluded tests due to guest variant restrictions (some tests run only on some OS, hardware, or vms in general).

More details regarding the configuration necessary for creating the graph is available in the test development documentation but the essential ones are the check, get, set, and unset routines with additional parameters like

  • *_state{_vms|_images} - A vm or image state to perform the routine on
  • *_mode - Behaviors in case of present/absent setup defined above
  • *_opts - Secondary options, important only within the implementation

An only argument can have any number of ".", "..", and "," in between variant names where the first stands for immediately followed by, the second for AND and the third for OR operations on test variants. Using multiple only arguments is equivalent to using AND among the different only values. In this sense,

avocado manu only=aaa only=bbb

is analogical to

avocado manu only=aaa..bbb

You can also use "no=aaa" to exclude variant "aaa" for which there is no shortcut alternative, but you can also stack multiple no arguments similarly to the multiple only arguments. The only and no arguments together with the inline symbols above help run only a selection of one or more tests. Most importantly

avocado manu [only=all|normal|minimal|...] only=TESTSUBVARIANT

is the same as using the only clause in the Cartesian configs. Ultimately, all only parameters have the same effect but the "all", "normal", "minimal" and other variants specified in the main_restrictions base config parameter are treated in a special way where they have an overridable default value. What this means is that compared to all standard variants, we will only end up with just one (default if not overrriden) variant (e.g. 'only=normal') and not a Cartesian product of all of them. The following are examples of test selections

avocado manu only=minimal only=quicktest
avocado manu only=normal only=tutorial1
avocado manu only=normal..tutorial2 only=names,files
avocado manu only=tutorial2..names,quicktest.tutorial2.files

For more details on the possible test subvariants once again check the groups.cfg or sets.cfg config files, the first one of which emphasizes on the current available test groups and the second on test sets, i.e. selections of these groups.

Similarly to the test restrictions, you can restrict the variants of vms that are defined in objects.cfg. The only difference is the way you specify this, namely by using only_vmX instead of only where vmX is the suffix of the vm that you want to restrict. The following are examples of vm selection

avocado manu only_vm2=Win10
avocado manu only_vm1=CentOS only=tutorial1
avocado manu only_vm2=

If we allow for multiple hardware or software variants of vm2, the third line would simply run all tests compatible with all vm2 variants.

Any other parameter used by the tests can also be given like an optional argument. For example the parameter vms can be used to perform setup only on a single virtual machine. Thus, if you want to perform a full vm cleanup but you want to affect only virtual machine with the name 'vm2' you can simply type

avocado manu setup=clean vms=vm2

Note: Be careful with the vm parameter generator, i.e. if you want to define some parameters for a single virtual machine which should not be generated make sure to do so. Making any parameter specific is easy - you only have to append a _vmname suffix to it, e.g. nic_vm2 identically to the vm restriction.

Test debugging

Whenever you run a single test and it fails, the vms will be left running afterwards and completely accessible for any type of debugging. The philosophy of this is that a vm state is cleaned up only when a new test is run and needs the particular test object (vm). As a result, all cleanups are removed and merged with all setups which is the only thing we have to worry about throughout any test run or development. An exception of this, i.e. a vm which is not left running could be either if the vm is an ephemeral client or if it was forced to shut down by a kill_vm parameter or when setting an image state (after automated clean shutdown) in the scope of the given test being run. If more than one test is being run and the error occurred at an early test, the vm's state can be saved as 'last_error' and can later on be accessed via

avocado manu setup=get get_state=last_error vms=vm1

for the vms that were involved in the test (e.g. vm1) but you have to use a special set_state_on_error=last_error parameter as by default we rather cancel saving the originally specified states via set_state_on_error=.

If more than one tests failed, in order to avoid running out of space, the state of the last error will be saved on top of the previous error. This means that you will only be able to quickly debug the last encountered error. A second limitation in the state debugging is that it doesn't support more complicated tests, i.e. tests with more complex network topologies, hence also our choice of default above.

Note: There is a large set of dumped data, including logs, files of importance for the particular tests, hardware info, etc. for every test in the test results. If the test involves work with the vm's GUI, some backends also provide additional image logging (see backend documentation for more info). You can make use of all these things in addition to any possible states at the time of the error. Graphical representation of the entire Cartesian graph of tests is also available for each step of the test running and parsing and can be optionally enabled for job-related debugging.

Unit testing

Even though a test suite usually has the sole purpose of testing software, many of the tests make heavy use of utilities. The fact that the code of such test utilities is reused so many times and for so many tests might be a good motivation for testing these utilities separately and developing their own unit tests. This is strongly advised for more complex utilities.

Therefore, to run all available unit tests (for all utilities) use the unit test tool or manual step

avocado manu setup=unittest

This will validate all utilities or at least the ones that are more complex.

To run only a subset of the unit tests (or even just one), you can make use of UNIX shell style pattern matching:

avocado manu setup=unittest ut_filter=*

This will run only the unit tests that end with ''.

If you are developing your own unit test for a utility, you only need to follow the guide about unit testing in python and put your own test module next to the utility with the name <my-utility> and it will be automatically discovered when you run the "unittest" manual step.

Single node running

If you want to run a test without automated setup from a complete graph, i.e. an internal (variant) test node, you can use the run tool or manual step as

avocado manu setup=run only=all..set_provider vms=vm1

This will run an internal test (used by the Cartesian graph for automated setup) completely manually, i.e. without performing any automated setup or requiring any present state as well as setting any state. This implies that you can escape any automated setup/cleanup steps but are responsible for any setup/cleanup that is required by the test you are running (the test node). Use with care as this is mostly used for manual and semi-manual tests. All variants in the configuration can be parsed from the command line and the ones that are inaccessible will not be traversed as described in:

What this means is that all nodes we typically parse with only leaves will usually represent actual use cases of the product under QA connected to a root traversal entry point through nonleaves and thus ultimately traversed. The most standard set only normal is an even smaller set of such nodes while the only all restriction will parse the complete graph but traverse only the part reachable from the shared root node skip the rest. Any internal tests that are not directly used remain disconnected and as such will not be run. They are then typically called only from ("all" restricted) runs. Reading the graph from the config is thus mostly WYSIWYG and does not require any extra knowledge of the code parsing it.

How to develop

While some users might only run a test suite for their own product QA, others are probably going to be writing tests to expand its coverage. This document concentrates only on the running part and the developing part is covered in multiple tutorials in the project wiki. Feel free to check it out.