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Frontier Unbundling Design Details

Alex Osborne edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

Frontier Unbundling Design Details

Initial Analysis

Discovered URI chain?

Current things that happen to a discovered URI:

  • scope rules applied – some URIs rejected (LinksScoper)
  • URI passed to frontier for scheduling (FrontierScheduler)
    • URI canonicalized (inside frontier sync; bottleneck)
    • URI precedence value assigned (inside frontier sync; bottleneck)
  • used to choose queue key (inside frontier)

There may be other bits of processing/classification that can occur to discovered, not-yet-fetched URIs, so setting all these steps up in a new configurable chain makes sense from a flexibility standpoint, from and offloading complexity from frontier standpoint, and decreasing serialized bottlenecks.

Policies applied to URI being fetched

Can be moved to a late-in-processing-chain module:

  • disposition disposition decision (success, retry, failure) moves to a dispositiondecision module late in processor chain
  • politeness delay moves to politenesspolicy module in processing chain

Three Processing Chains

We can refactor crawl-configuration to feature three chains of Processors.

Two are together analogous to the existing ProcessorChain, and apply to URIs that come off the frontier. The first chain is the 'fetch chain', and includes all steps that may be freely aborted/repeated in the case of checkpoints. The second chain is the 'disposition chain', and any URI which begins this chain should finish it, with all the attendant mutation of frontier queues and total stats,before a checkpoint is attempted. In the disposition chain, the former CrawlStateUpdater has been renamed DispositionProcessor and in addition to its previous robots/stats updating, now updates the CrawlURI with info (like calculated politeness delays) for the frontier to consider.

The third chain takes the place of steps which now happen in LinksScoper and FrontierScheduler and the frontier, for URIs that have not yet been scheduled to a queue. This chain can be called 'candidate chain'. In addition to scoping, it also prepares the CrawlURI with precalculated info for all frontier decisions -- allowing these policies to be applied in parallel, outside the critical frontier locks/managerThread.

Candidate Chain

The CandidateChain will usually contain only two processors (though of course more can be added):

  • CandidateScoper: applies scoping to the one URI being processed, setting its fetchStatus negative if it should not be scheduled
  • FrontierPreparer:
    • calculates 'schedulingDirective' coarse prioritization
    • calculates canonicalized URI
    • calculates destination-queue key
    • calculates 'cost'
    • calculates URI precedence, if any

The candidate chain is applied to URIs:

  • discovered during the crawl

The FrontierPreparer, however, is also available directly to the Frontier for help prepping any URIs that do not (yet) go through the CandidateChain, such as seeds or other URIs added other ways mid-crawl.

The CandidateChain is applies to each candidate URI in turn by a new processor, CandidatesProcessor, that replaces the LinksScoper and FrontierScheduler.

Fetch Chain

The FetchChain is the same as the first part of the general processing chain from H1/H2. It includes processors which:

  • recheck scoping, if desired
  • check/enforce preconditions
  • try a fetch
  • do link-extraction
  • write ARC/WARC

Disposition Chain

The DispositionChain contains all steps which should be done atomically with regard to checkpointing. It will typically include just two processors:

  • CandidatesProcessor: replaces the old LinksScoper and FrontierScheduler, running the candidate chain on each discovered URI, then scheduling (or applying special discovered-seed handling) for any URIs not cancelled by that chain
  • DispositionProcessor: the renamed CrawlStateUpdater, updating stats, robots, and prefilling the CrawlURI with decisions/delays for the frontier to consult

(Some crawls may wish to move ARC/WARC writing to the disposition chain, if the risk of a small number of duplicate written-fetches after checkpoint-resumptions is a concern.)



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