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+# ODCD (OpenTelemetry Data Collector for Telemetry Data)
+**[Semantic Convention](docs/semconv)** |
+**[Support](docs/support/README.md)** |
+**[Changelog](CHANGELOG.md)** |
+**[Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md)** |
+ODCD (OpenTelemetry Data Collector for Telemetry Data) is a collection of stanalone OpenTelemetry receivers for databases, systems, and apps. All implementations are based on predefined OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions. A standard OTLP exporter is provided to forward the data from this "Data Collector" to a Telemetry backend or an OpenTelemetry Collector.
+# Data Collector for Relational Database
+## Requirements
+- Java 8+
+Ensure that Java SDK 11+ is installed.
+java -version
+## Run Data Collector with release (for end users)
+Download the latest [Release package](https://github.com/instana/otel-dc/releases/tag/Release) according to the operating system.
+1) Download the installation package:
+wget https://github.com/instana/otel-dc/releases/download/v1.0.1/otel-dc-rdb-0.5.4.tar
+2) Extract the package to the desired deployment location:
+tar vxf otel-dc-rdb-0.5.4.tar
+cd otel-dc-rdb-0.5.4
+3) Make sure following configuration files are correct for your environment:
+ - config/config.yaml
+ - config/logging.properties
+Refine configuration file (config/config.yaml) according to your own database. Right now we provide Data Collector for following databases:
+ - DaMeng database
+ - Oceanbase
+ - Informix
+*Note:* The default configuration file config/config.yaml is for Dameng DB. If you want to monitor an Informix DB, you can copy config/config-informix.yaml to config/config.yaml, or you can also use environment variable "DC_CONFIG" to specify the configuration file, for example:
+export DC_CONFIG=config/config-informix.yaml
+Notes for some parameters:
+- `otel.backend.url`:The OTel gRPC address of the OTel backends, for example Instana Agent (as OTel Backend): http://localhost:4317
+- `otel.service.name`:The Data Collector name, which can be any string you choose.
+4) Run Data Collector
+Run the Data Collector with the following command according to your current system:
+nohup ./bin/otel-dc-rdb
+## Build & Run (for develpers)
+1) Make sure Java SDK is installed.
+java -version
+2) Get the source code from `github.com`.
+git clone https://github.com/instana/otel-dc.git
+cd otel-dc/rdb
+3) Build with Gradle
+./gradlew clean build
+*Note: gradle 7.4 will be installed if you do not have it.*
+4) Make sure following configuration files are correct for your environment:
+ - config/config.yaml
+ - config/logging.properties
+Refine configuration file (config/config.yaml) according to your own database. Right now we provide Data Collector for following databases:
+ - DaMeng database
+ - Oceanbase
+ - Informix
+*Note:* The default configuration file config/config.yaml is for Dameng DB. If you want to monitor an Informix DB, you can copy config/config-informix.yaml to config/config.yaml, or you can also use environment variable "DC_CONFIG" to specify the configuration file, for example:
+export DC_CONFIG=config/config-informix.yaml
+5) Start up your OTLP backend which accept OTLP connections. Right now we support following protocols:
+- otlp/grpc
+- otlp/http
+./gradlew run
+6) *Appendix:* Run binary in "build/distributions"
+Find the deployment package (e.g.:otel-dc-rdb-*.tar/otel-dc-host-*.tar/otel-dc-host-*.tar) generated by gradle in the "build/distributions/" directory, extract deployment files:
+cd build/distributions/
+tar vxf otel-dc-rdb-*.tar
+rm -f *.tar *.zip
+cd otel-dc-rdb-*
+Modify the configuration files.
+Then, make sure following configuration files are correct for your environment.:
+ - config/config.yaml
+ - config/logging.properties
+Run the Data Collector with following command according to your current implentation:
+- **database**
+export DC_CONFIG=config/config.yaml
+export JAVA_OPTS=-Dconfig/logging.properties
+Or run Data Collector in background
+export DC_CONFIG=config/config.yaml
+export JAVA_OPTS=-Dconfig/logging.properties
+nohup bin/otel-dc-rdb > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+*Notes for useful commands:*
+1) Query DataCollector
+ps -ef | grep otel-dc | grep -v grep
+2) Stop DataCollector
+ps -ef | grep otel-dc | grep -v grep | awk '{printf " "$2" "}' | xargs kill -9
+3) Check logging file
+ls -l ~/*-dc*.log*